
2) 课程共计22门,其中13门为16周课程,9门为8周课程。
3)课程分三个类别:A (历史文化)、B (政治外交)、C (经济贸易),美研硕士生可选其一为主攻方向;
1. 美国文化研究/American Studies: Theories, Perspectives and Approaches
本课程旨在引导学生进入美国研究学科,包括1) 了解什么是美国研究,美国研究在美的发展过程,中国与美国的美国研究的各自特点;2)介绍当代美国研究的主要理论派和主要代表学者;3)介绍当代美国研究的主要研究视角和研究方法;4) 了解文学历史、政治、社会、大众文化等不同学科的美国研究的主要特点。授课方式以教师讲授学生报告和讨论相结合。学生需要阅读学术著作和文章,参与课堂讨论和小组调研活动并撰写文献综述和期末论文等。其中课堂参与占20%,小组作业20%,期中论文占30%期末论文占40%。主要教材包括 Crèvecoeur, St. John de. Letters from an American Farmer And Sketches of Eighteenth-Century America. Penguin Books, 1986, 1782; Lin, Yutang. The Wisdom of America. Parker Press, 2007.
This seminar is designed to introduce students into the field of American Studies. Specifically, it will 1) inform what is American Studies and its historical development; 2) introduce major theoretical concepts, theories and scholars of the field; 3) discuss major perspectives and methods in American Studies research; and 4) to understand major features of research paradigm in literary, historical, political, social and mass cultural studies. The coursework consists of pre-class readings, class discussions, group projects, literature review and research paper. Grading is based on class participation (10%), group project (20%), mid-term paper (30%) and final paper (40%). The text books includeCrèvecoeur, St. John de. Letters from an American Farmer and Sketches of Eighteenth-Century America. Penguin Books, 1986, 1782; Lin, Yutang. The Wisdom of America. Parker Press, 2007.
本课程将涉及到学术研究的要素和主要步骤,其中包括选题、资料查询、文献综述,以及理论应用、数据分析和基于研究结果的全文写作。本课程的主要目标是使学生能够了解研究方法,并且有能力进行硕士毕业论文的设计与写作。课程将涵盖定量和定性研究方法,尤其是人类学、调查问卷和内容分析的研究方法。主要教材包括:Babbie, Earl. The Practice of Social Research. 11thed., Tsinghua University Press, 2007; Lofland, John and Lyn H. Lofland. Analyzing Social Settings: A Guide to Qualitative Observation and Analysis.
As an introduction to research methods, the course will cover the major components and steps of academic research, from topic selection, library research, literature review, and theoretical application/construction to data analysis and writing up research findings. The primary objective of this course is to enable students to know the basics of research methodology and design a workable research project for their M.A. theses in the field of American Studies. It will introduce both the basic approaches of quantitative and qualitative methods, especially ethnography, survey design, and content analysis. In sum, the course is made up of 3 sections: 1) introduction to research design, thesis writing, and assessment of sample theses; 2) introduction of quantitative methods and conduction of survey research and content analysis; 3) introduction of major qualitative methods of data collection and data analysis. The textbooks include Babbie, Earl. The Practice of Social Research. 11thed., Tsinghua University Press, 2007; Lofland, John and Lyn H. Lofland. Analyzing Social Settings: A Guide to Qualitative Observation and Analysis.
第二部分 选修课程
1. 美国思想史/American Intellectual History
本课程旨在通过对美国主要历史人物及事件的讨论来分析影响美国整个历史进程的思维方式及各种理论观点,重点放在宗教思想,特别是清教思想,以及政治思想方面。分析会涉及启蒙主义,共和主义,经济自由主义,种族主义, 社会达尔文主义,实用主义等。授课形式以教师讲授为主,辅以阅读和讨论。全学期写两篇三千字的论文。教材包括Grob, Gerald N. and Robert N. Beck, American Ideas. The Free Press, 1963; Degler, Carl N.. Out of the Past. 3rd ed., Harper Collins, 1983.
The course aims at introducing the history of American ideas by tracing the major schools of ideas and the influential thinkers in American history. It will mainly focus on American political thoughts, which include the development of the puritan origin, the enlightenment spirit, the republicanism, liberalism, conservatism, transcendentalism, pragmatism, social Darwinism, etc. The main form of teaching is lecturing, supplemented with pre-class readings and classroom discussions. Students are expected to hand in two papers (each of about three-thousand words) within the semester. The textbooks include Grob, Gerald N. and Robert N. Beck, American Ideas. The Free Press, 1963; Degler, Carl N.. Out of the Past. 3rd ed., Harper Collins, 1983.
2. 美国汉学与中国文化/American Sinology and Chinese Culture
本课程追溯美国传教士汉学到专业汉学的演变,以美国本土历史变迁为大背景,透视中国传统文化在美国的理解与接受。课程的目的是借助中国这个他者,更好地了解美国历史及国民心理,同时更好了解中国,培养学生的跨文化意识,拓宽知识领域。课程考核包括阅读原文、讨论、口头报告和论文写作。讨论占20%,口头报告占30%,期末论文占50%。教材包括Spence, Jonathan D. Emperor of China: self-portrait of Kan -hsi. Reissue ed., Vintage Books, 1988; Lin, Yutang. The wisdom of America. John Day Co., 1950.
This course aims at tracing the changes from American missionary sinology to scholarly sinology, and examining the comprehension and acceptance of traditional Chinese culture in the larger context of American history. The course is designed to help students gain insights into American history and national psyche with Chinese culture as the Other. In the meantime, students will develop their intercultural awareness and expand their expertise. The course requirements include text reading, discussion, presentation, and essay writing. Discussion takes 20%, presentation 30%, and essay writing 50%. The textbooks include Spence, Jonathan D. Emperor of China: self-portrait of Kan -hsi. Reissue ed., Vintage Books, 1988; Lin, Yutang. The wisdom of America. John Day Co., 1950.
3. 美国存在主义艺术家及其作品/American Existential Artists and Their Works of Art
This course is an attempt to understand and analyze American existential artists and their works based on the understanding of French existentialists and their influence in America during the years of 1940s to 1960s. The artists include novelist Walker Percy, Saul Bellow, painter Edward Hopper, Jackson Pollock, photographer Robert Frank, and movie director Mike Nichols and others. The course is designed to cultivate the philosophical thinking and aesthetic taste by way of close reading of novels, detailed observation and examination of paintings, photographs, and movies, and at the same time to train students’ abstract thinking ability and analytical capacity. Students are required to do pre-class work—read original novels and essays, study paintings, photographs and movies; to give presentations and engage in class discussion; and to write an academic paper of 2500-3000 words in length. Grading is based on attendance and class participation (15%), presentationand discussion (25%), and academic paper (60%).
4. 文化社会学/Cultural Sociology
文化社会学是美国社会学界新兴的跨学科领域,研究的核心对象是意义的产生。本课将带领学生认识并探讨这一新兴领域的核心议题,讨论它们为社会学所带来的新的理论视角和方法。其中包括:文化与社会的关系,文化与体制的关系,文化在社会支配与群体形成之中起到何种作用,文化与社会体制之间的关系是否改变以及如何改变,等等。除了要求学生阅读经典理论文本,本课还会提供相关领域最具代表性和最新的实证研究。学生们可以通过在本课中所进行的讨论、分析和思考初步掌握文化社会学领域的中心议题,基本理论框架和研究路径,并初步展开相关研究。学生以阅读原著,讨论,口头报告,论文写作为主,出勤与参与讨论占15%,口头报告占25%,读书评论占20%,最后论文占40%。教材包括Alexander, Jeffrey. The Meanings of Social Life: A Cultural Sociology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003; Alexander, Jeffrey C., Bernhard Giesen and Jason L. Mast. Social Performance: Symbolic Action, Cultural Pragmatics, and Ritual. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Cultural sociology represents one of the most vigorously thriving fields in American as well as European sociology. It focuses on the process of meaning-making in society and attempts to answer questions like: what kind of roles does meaning play in our social life? Does it reflect society or give rise to different forms of social institutions? What part does culture play in consensus formation, domination and resistance? How has the relation between culture and social institutions changed? We will explore some of the central issues in this exciting and robust field and their more general implications for social analysis and understanding. Classic statements will be reviewed and more recent exemplary theoretical as well as empirical studies will be introduced. The coursework consists of pre-class readings, class discussions, presentation and a research paper. Grading is based on attendance and class participation (15%), presentation (25%), reading response papers (20%) and term paper (40%). The text books include Alexander, Jeffrey. The Meanings of Social Life: A Cultural Sociology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003; Alexander, Jeffrey C., Bernhard Giesen and Jason L. Mast. Social Performance: Symbolic Action, Cultural Pragmatics, and Ritual. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
5.亚裔美国经历Asian American Experiences
本课程为亚裔研究入门课程。首先介绍亚裔、亚裔研究等概念、梳理该学科的发展以及不同阶段的重要议题。之后主要讨论亚裔跨国主义的理论和实证研究。学生在学期末接触跨国主义华人社会和文化的实证研究。阅读原著、教师讲评、学生宣讲(20%) 和课堂讨论 (15%)为主要课堂活动;期中提交一篇文献综述(25%),期末提交一篇研究性论文(40%)。教材包括Chan, Suchen. Chinese American Transnationalism:Flow of People, Resources, and Ideas between China and America during the Exclusion Era. Temple University Press, 2006; Ong, Aihwa. Flexible Citizenship: The Cultural Logics of Transnationality. Duke University Press, 1999.
This course serves as an introduction to Asian American Studies, with a focus on Chinese American experiences. This first part of the course explores such basic questions as who are Asian Americans, why Asian American Studies matters, and what are the key issues in the history of Asian American Studies. The second part focuses more closely on the concept of transnationalism, with a focus on transnational Chinese American experiences. Students will conduct first-hand research on the transnational experiences of Chinese Americans in history as well as in the twenty-first century. Class activities include lecture, class discussion (15%), student-led discussion (20%), literature review (25%), and research project (40%). The text books include Chan, Suchen. Chinese American Transnationalism:Flow of People, Resources, and Ideas between China and America during the Exclusion Era. Temple University Press, 2006; Ong, Aihwa. Flexible Citizenship: The Cultural Logics of Transnationality. Duke University Press, 1999.
6. 美国电影:理论与分析/American Film: Theory and analysis
本课程旨在通过对电影理论六个组成部分的深入探讨来认识电影分析基本角度,并通过这些角度分析美国经典影片的文化内涵及思想传播。组成部 分为叙事结构与电影语言、好莱坞与电影类型、作者电影、电影与文化、明星体系与观众、电影与技术。目的是让学生了解电影理论并通过理论视角分析影片所包含的文化及思想。本课程以讲授为主,辅以阅读和影片分析。全学期写两篇三千字论文。教材包括Bordwell, David and Kristin Thompson. Film Art: An Introduction. 7th ed., New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004; Giannetti, Louis. Understanding Movies. 11th ed., Prentice-Hall, 2008.
This course will attempt to outline and explore different ways we can approach films and then through which we will analyze American films possibly in depth in order to reveal its cultural phenomenon and thought. Topics covered in course include narrative structure and film language, Hollywood and film genre, auteur theory, film and culture, the star system and spectatorship, the influence of digitalization and globalization on film. The goal is to provide an opportunity for students to learn about film theory through which films are analyzed and discussed in depth in aspects of culture and thought. Lecture by the teacher and supplement it with pre-class readings and in-class film analyses. There will be two written assignments, 3000 words each. The textbooks include Bordwell, David and Kristin Thompson. Film Art: An Introduction. 7th ed., New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004; Giannetti, Louis. Understanding Movies. 11th ed., Prentice-Hall, 2008.
7. 中西文明比较/Western Civilization with Chinese Comparisons
这是一门文化比较类课程,通过专题讨论的形式对中西文明中的一些基本特征和异同进行比较,旨在加深学生对中西文明中一些核心精神和核心概念的理解,以跨文化的宽广视角重新审视中西文明。学生以阅读材料、课上讨论、小组报告为主,出勤与参与讨论占10%,小组报告占30%,期末论文占60%。教材包括Blair, John G., and Jerusha Hull McCormack.Western civilization with Chinese comparisons. Fudan University Press, 2010; Theodore, De Bary Wm.Sources of Chinese tradition. Columbia University Press, 2000..
This course is one in comparative cultural studies. Its primary goals are to help students understand the central characteristics of two major civilizations, identified in the course as Western and Chinese, arouse the students’ interests in comparative culture studies and put them in a better position to contribute to intercultural communication and understanding. It covers major areas of the two civilizations and examines their core spirits by analyzing some basic philosophical themes. The coursework consists of pre-class readings, class discussions, group presentations and a research paper. Grading is based on attendance and class participation (10%), group presentation (30%), and term paper (60%). The textbooks include Blair, John G., and Jerusha Hull McCormack.Western civilization with Chinese comparisons. Fudan University Press, 2010; Theodore, De Bary Wm.Sources of Chinese tradition. Columbia University Press, 2000.
8.美国历史研究/Issues in American History
本课程通过对美国早期史的研读,使学生对早期殖民,独立战争,新国家的建立与扩展,内战与重建,以及工业化过程有一个基本了解,培养学生的历史眼光和分析能力。课程形式以教师讲授为主,辅以阅读和讨论。考核方式包括:出勤与参与讨论占20%,发言占10%,读书评论占20%,最后论文占50%。教材包括 Faragher, John M.et.al. Out Of Many: A History of the American People. 4th ed., Pearson Education Inc., 2003; Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty: An American History. Norton & Company, 2005.
This seminar covers readings on the bulk of U.S. history starting from colonization and settlement to revolution, the new nation, expansion, the Civil War and reconstruction, and the development of an industrial nation. Historical and critical thinking are the key abilities this course seeks to promote through reading, presentations, class discussions, review essays, and a research paper. The coursework consists of pre-class readings, class discussions, and a research paper. Grading is based on attendance and class participation (20%), presentation (10%), reading response papers (20%) and term paper (50%). The textbooks include Faragher, John M.et.al. Out Of Many: A History of the American People. 4th ed., Pearson Education Inc., 2003; Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty: An American History. Norton & Company, 2005.
9. 中美关系史/History of Sino-US Diplomatic Relations
本课程通过阅读与讨论使学生对二百年来的中美关系有一整体的了解,对1949年以来的中美关系的发展有较深入的了解,对中美关系起伏的原因有一定的了解并能对出现的问题做出有根据的分析。授课方式以阅读原著及学生报告,讨论为主,辅以教师评论及小结。要求学生写两篇论文,每篇约三千字。教材包括 Cohen, Warren I.. America’s Response to China. 4th ed., Columbia University Press, 2000; Lampton, David M.. Same Bed, Different Dreams. University of California Press, 2001.
Through reading and discussion, the course aims at acquainting the students with the overall development of Sino-US relations in the past two centuries, with a deeper understanding of Sino-US relations after 1949. The focus will be to let students have better understanding of the causes of ups and downs in Sino-US relations so that they can analyze issues that arise with better theoretical and historical ground. The course will be conducted on the basis of students' reading and presentation. The teacher will contribute in the course of discussion through comments and summing-ups. The students are expected to hand in two papers, each not exceeding 3,000 words. The textbooks include Cohen, Warren I.. America’s Response to China. 4th ed., Columbia University Press, 2000; Lampton, David M.. Same Bed, Different Dreams. University of California Press, 2001.
10. 美国霸权与国际政治/American Primacy and World Politics
当今世界美国独大的格局正在发生变化,从而引发一系列的重要问题。如何理解世界格局?美国相应的大战略是什么?美国霸权能否持续,其影响力能否受到大国制衡、国际组织、国际规范等因素的限制?在美国霸权衰落及中国崛起的形势下,中美关系走向如何?本课程旨在运用国际政治的主流理论,深入探究美国霸权对国际政治的影响,同时培养学生的批判性思维能力、理论创新能力以及中国视野。课堂主要采取讨论与学生发言的形式。书面作业则包括一个分析报告和一个期末论文。课程成绩:出勤10%,课堂讨论40%,课堂陈述10%,书面报告15%,期末论文25%。教材包括Bell and Garrett. Approaches to Media Discourse. Blackwell, 1998; Barker, Paul and Sibonile Ellege. Key Terms in Discourse Analysis. London and New York: Continnum, 2011.
The contemporary world in which the United States is still the preeminent power is seeing some dramatic changes that have given rise to a series of important questions. How can the world structure be accurately described and understood? What grand strategy has the US pursued as a result? Can US primacy last, and has it been constrained by factors such as great power balancing, international institutions, and international norms? What is the likely direction of US-China relations given China's sustained rise in the context of declining US primacy? This course helps to understand these issues through major international relations theories, with a particular view to cultivating students' critical thinking, capacity for theoretical innovation, and hopefully an informed Chinese perspective on international politics. The in-class sessions will be conducted primarily through discussions and presentations, while the written requirements include a review essay on selected literature and a final paper. Final grade is based on attendance (10%), class participation (40%), class presentation (10%), review essay (15%), and final paper (25%). The textbooks include Bell and Garrett. Approaches to Media Discourse. Blackwell, 1998; Barker, Paul and Sibonile Ellege. Key Terms in Discourse Analysis. London and New York: Continnum, 2011.
11.美国政治/American Politics
本课程的目的之一是介绍有关国会、总统、媒体和民意的学术研究成果。选择这四个方向,是因为它们受到美国和中国学者的高度关注。每一个方向用时2-3周,讨论一些具有代表的理论性和实证性的研究成果。第二个目的是让学生了解并掌握学术写作和论文发表的一些基本要求,从而帮助他们发表一篇中文文章。理解别人的研究成果只不过是研究生学习的第一步。更重要的学生要学会如何独立从事研究。 本课程为讨课程,要求学生提前认真准备,在课堂上积极参与讨论,并且要对阅读材料提出批判性意见。考核方式包括阅读原著、课堂讨论、教师评论,论文写作。教材包括Mayhew, David. Congress: The Electoral Connection. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1974; Stewart, Charles. Analyzing Congress. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2001.
This course has two purposes. First, it introduces the students to scholarly research on Congress, the presidency, mass media, and public opinion. The four topics are chosen because they have attracted considerable attention from American and Chinese scholars. For each topic, we will spend 2-3 weeks discussing a highly selective sample of theoretical and empirical literature. The second purpose is to guide the students through the academic writing and publication process, with a view toward helping the students publish a Chinese article. Understanding research by others is merely the first step for a graduate student; the students are also expected to conduct seminal research on your own and to publish it. This is a seminar course, not a lecture. As such, it requires active, critical, and informed discussions. The instructor will serve as a moderator that facilitates discussions. The course grade is based on original sources reading, presentations and class discussions, and a term paper. The text books include Mayhew, David. Congress: The Electoral Connection. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1974; Stewart, Charles. Analyzing Congress. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2001.
12. 美国宪法/American Constitution
本课程旨在通过阅读和讨论,使学生能从历史和法律两方面,对美国宪法产生的背景,争论的问题,宪法的内容、特点、妥协、缺陷,宪法的发展与变化,宪法的作用,宪法在美国发展壮大过程中起的积极和消极作用等有一个基本了解和正确认识。教学方式以讲授,阅读和讨论为主,要求学生写两篇论文,每篇约三千字。教材包括Mason, Alpheus Thomas and Donald Grier Stephenson, Jr.. American Constitutional Law. 12th ed., Prentice Hall, 1999; Kutler, Stanley I.. The Supreme Court and the Constitution. 3rd ed., Norton and Company, 1984.
This course seeks to provide a survey of American constitutional law. It is to help students develop an understanding of how governmental power is structured by the American Constitution, as interpreted by the federal judiciary and mainly the United States Supreme Court. It will also help students learn about civil liberties and civil rights covering the relationship between the individual and government, freedom of speech, racial discrimination, affirmative action and other civil rights issues. Students will learn the sources that judges might rely upon to guide their constitutional interpretation (text of Constitution, intentions of framers, case precedent, and policy consequences of alternative interpretations). They will also learn how judges are likely to weigh these various guides in various contexts. Course grade is based on attendance, reading and presentation, and two essays (about 3000 words/each). The textbooks include Mason, Alpheus Thomas and Donald Grier Stephenson, Jr.. American Constitutional Law. 12th ed., Prentice Hall, 1999; Kutler, Stanley I.. The Supreme Court and the Constitution. 3rd ed., Norton and Company, 1984.
13. 二战前美国外交史/American Foreign Policy from Independence to WWII
本课程主要讨论美国从独立到第二次世界大战的外交史。一方面,讨论这段时期美国外交战略决策的历程和演变,以及美国迅速崛起过程中战略政策的特点及其作用,另一方面,通过分析这期间美国主要外交事件及决策,总结美国外交决策思想传统、及其形成背景和影响,进而对美国外交战略选择的逻辑做出基本判断。通过阅读、讨论、教师评论及学生反馈,夯实学生研究美国外交的史实和理论基础,并运用相关结论分析当前的美国外交政策,为学习战后美国外交史打下更好的基础。教学要求包括阅读原著(美国外交文献及主要人物作品),课堂讨论,教师点评和论文写作。教材包括McDougall, Walter A.. Promised Land, Crusader State: The American Encounter with the World since 1776. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2009; Kagan, Robert. Dangerous Nation: America's Place in the World, from It's Earliest Days to the Dawn of the 20th Century. New York: Alfred A Knopf, 2006.
This course provides an overview of American foreign policy from independence to WWII. This course introduces the trajectory of American foreign policy during this period and inspires students to case study America’s major strategic foreign policy decisions and read relevant historical documents so as to analyze American diplomatic traditions and their origin and impacts. Through pre-class reading, class discussion, teacher’s comments and student feedbacks, this course aims to enrich students’ stock of knowledge of American diplomatic history and traditions, enable students to analyze America’s current foreign policy from a historical perspective and better prepare them to study Post-WWII American Diplomatic History. The course grade is based on original sources reading, presentations and class discussions, and a term two paper of around 3,000 words. The textbooks include McDougall, Walter A.. Promised Land, Crusader State: The American Encounter with the World since 1776. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2009; Kagan, Robert. Dangerous Nation: America's Place in the World, from It's Earliest Days to the Dawn of the 20th Century. New York: Alfred A Knopf, 2006.
14. 二战后美国外交史/Post-WWII American Diplomatic History
本课程主要讨论冷战的起源,冷战的发展,美苏三次缓和的成败,美国从进攻到防守,古巴导弹危机,越南战争对美国外交的影响,里根时期美国从防守转向进攻,苏联的垮台与冷战的结束,后冷战时期美国外交的战略,布什主义及单边外交,以及美国对拉美及中东的政策。通过阅读,讨论,教师评论及小结等使学生对史实有一定得的了解,对美国外交的实质有较深的理解,能对当前的国际问题进行根据的分析。教学要求包括阅读原著,课堂讨论,教师评论,论文写作,两篇论文,每篇约3000 字。教材包括Spanier, John. American Foreign Policy since WWII. 17th ed., CQ Press, 2006; Dumbrell, John. American Foreign Policy: Carter to Clinton. Palgrave MacMillan, 2003.
This course provides an overview of American foreign policy from 1945 to the present, with attention paid to the Cold War and post-Cold War periods, including the post-September 11 period. Acquaint students with major events, concepts, institutions and major turning points in post-WWII policy. Provide an introduction to the political processes and dynamics at work in the foreign policy arena, with an emphasis on the interplay of political culture and ideology. Provide the students with some analytical tools in the study of world politics in general and American foreign policy in particular. Prepare the students for the study of other courses of the American studies program, such as international relations theory and practice, international political economy, etc. Prepare the students for academic study in this field. Raise substantive questions about the values, goals and tactics of American foreign policy, past and present. The course grade is based on original sources reading, presentations and class discussions, and two papers of around 3,000 words each. The textbooks include Spanier, John. American Foreign Policy since WWII. 17th ed., CQ Press, 2006; Dumbrell, John. American Foreign Policy: Carter to Clinton. Palgrave MacMillan, 2003.
15. 美国政治传播/American Political Communications
本课程旨在通过阅读、讲授及讨论,使学生对美国媒体、以及这些媒体机构如何影响美国公民对政治的理解有基本的了解和正确的认识,同时培养学生批判性的眼光和分析能力。课程将采用美国时事政治中的热点事件为分析案例。学生以阅读原著,讨论,口头报告,论文写作为主,出勤与参与讨论占20%,口头报告占20%,读书评论占20%,最后论文占40%。教材包括Graber, Doris A.. Mass Media and American Politics. CQ Press, 2010; Graber, Doris A.. Media Power in Politics. 5th ed., CQ Press, 2006.
This course will help students examine the nature of the U.S. news media, and how media institutions shape the way citizens understand politics. At the same time, the critical thinking and analytical ability of students will be cultivated. Events prominent in current affairs will be used as examples for analysis. The coursework consists of pre-class readings, class discussions, presentation and a research paper. Grading is based on attendance and class participation (20%), presentation (20%), reading response papers (20%) and term paper (40%). The textbooks include Graber, Doris A.. Mass Media and American Politics. CQ Press, 2010; Graber, Doris A.. Media Power in Politics. 5th ed., CQ Press, 2006.
16.媒体话语分析/Media Discourse Analysis
本课程将媒体传播视为话语建构过程,旨在通过阅读经典文献及点评期刊文章,使学生对媒体话语分析的几种代表性研究框架及涉及的主要研究方法有所了解,课程讨论涉及的案例以中美两国多种媒体承载下的新闻传播为主。课堂教学采取讲授与讨论相结合的方式,学生的核心任务包括阅读课程材料,点评期刊文章以及期末完成一份案例分析报告。期末评议中,出勤占10%,课堂讨论占20%,期刊文章评议占30%,期末案例分析报告占40%。教材包括Bell, Allan, and Peter Garrett. Approaches to media discourse. Blackwell, 1998; Baker, Paul and Sibonile Ellege, Key Terms in Discourse Analysis. Continnum, 2011.
This course takes media contents, formats and productions as a discursive mediation of social world and it has three major objectives: (1) To clarify the definition of media discourse by defining media language, media text and media context; to understand major theoretical approaches developed by some most eminent scholars in the field of media discourse analysis. (2) During the course, the students will be introduced to a group of empirical studies on media discourses which help review a variety of research methods applicable to media discourse analysis, including textual analysis, conversation analysis, semiotic and visual analysis. (3) During the 8 weeks, students will learn by practice to apply the theory and method introduced in the course to the analysis of news discourses mainly. Application of the research approaches to other media genres will be briefed in the class discussions as well. The coursework consists of pre-class readings, class discussions, journal article reviews and a sample-analysis report. Grading is based on attendance (10%) and class participation (20%), reviews (30%) and the final report (40%). The textbooks include Bell, Allan, and Peter Garrett. Approaches to media discourse. Blackwell, 1998; Baker, Paul and Sibonile Ellege, Key Terms in Discourse Analysis. Continnum, 2011.
17.美国经济史/American Economic History
美国经济史是关于美国从殖民地时期至今经济发展历程的历史类课程。该课程围绕经济增长、劳动力(人力资源)、货币与政府作用四个主题进行课上讨论、讲解与课外阅读。课程目的在于引导学生从经济学的视角探讨美国历史,即运用宏观经济学与微观经济学的概念与理论对美国经济制度、市场与各个行业的发展演化以及美国独立战争、奴隶制、西进运动、强盗大王、能源危机等史实进行考察与阐释,从而更深刻地理解美国经济发展历程。教学方式以阅读和讨论为主,辅以评论和讲授。课程成绩包括课堂讨论(40%)期中考试(30%)与论文提纲(30%)。教材包括Walton, Gary M., and Hugh Rockoff. History of the American economy. 10th ed., Thomson, 2005.; Hughes, Jonathan and Louis P. Cain. American Economic History. 6th ed., South-Western College Pub., 2009.
This course surveys the economic history of the United States from colonial times to the present. The course contents are organized by topic, with special focus on growth, labor, money and government. The methods of economics are used to analyze historical issues, and historical examples are used to examine the process of economic development. The primary objective of the course is to cultivate students’ analytical skills on a great variety of issues in American economic development. Classes take the form of seminar, supplemented with pre-class readings. The final grade consists of class discussion (40%), mid-term exam (30%), and thesis proposal (30%). The textbooks include Walton, Gary M., and Hugh Rockoff. History of the American economy. 10th ed., Thomson, 2005.; Hughes, Jonathan and Louis P. Cain. American Economic History. 6th ed., South-Western College Pub., 2009.
18. 定量研究方法/Statistics
本课程将帮助学生掌握社会科学和行为科学研究中常见的统计学基本概念、理论与方法,着重培养学生收集、整理和分析数据的能力。课程将介绍描述性统计分析和推断性统计分析的方法,其中包括方差分析、回归等双变量与多变量的统计方法。本课程是统计学的入门课程。主要教材包括:Salkind, Neil J.. Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics. 5th ed., L. A.: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2014; Frankfort-Nachmias, Chava and Anna Leon-Guerrero. Social statistics for a diverse society. 7th ed., Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2015.
In this course, we will cover the basic concepts of statistics and the statistical methods most commonly used in the social, psychological and behavioral sciences with an emphasis on application of methods to real data. The first half of the course introduces descriptive statistics and the inferential statistical methods of confidence intervals and significance tests, applied to means and proportions. The second half introduces bivariate and multivariate methods, emphasizing regression, and analysis of variance. The field of statistics is the science of learning from data. After the study of this course, the students will be able to use data to learn how the world works, and to assess the quality of other studies and the validity of their conclusions. This is designed to be a first course in Statistics, so no previous knowledge of the subject is expected. There are no prerequisites. The textbooks include Salkind, Neil J.. Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics. 5th ed., L. A.: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2014; Frankfort-Nachmias, Chava and Anna Leon-Guerrero. Social statistics for a diverse society. 7th ed., Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2015.
19.美国贸易政策/American Trade Policy
本课程旨在研究探讨美国自1934以来的贸易政策,包括美国贸易形式,及其对美国经济的影响,重要的贸易机构,各种贸易政策等。课程将提高学生的学术写作和批判思维能力。教学方式以小组讨论、课堂展示为主,每周一篇总结,另有期末论文一篇。教材包括Cohen, Stephen D., Robert A. Blecker and Peter D. Whitney. Fundamentals of US Foreign Trade Policy: Economics, Politics, Laws, and Issues. 2nd ed., Westview, 2003; Destler, M. American Trade Politics. 4th ed., Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2005.
This course will examine US trade policy since 1934.Topics include the patterns of US trade, the effect of trade on the American economy, critical trade policy institutions, and the trade policy choices facing the United States. The course will help improve students’ academic writing and critical thinking. The final grade is based on attendance, reading and preparation, weekly reports and one essay (about 3000 words). The textbooks include Cohen, Stephen D., Robert A. Blecker and Peter D. Whitney. Fundamentals of US Foreign Trade Policy: Economics, Politics, Laws, and Issues. 2nd ed., Westview, 2003; Destler, M. American Trade Politics. 4th ed., Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2005.
20.美国社会不平等/Social Stratification in America
本课程介绍美国社会差异和社会不平等的主要发展阶段、关于阶级与阶层的主要概念、理论、和代表学者,以及阶级关系和阶级矛盾在当前美国社会中的主要表现特征;从而使学生发展阶级分析的视角,了解阶级分析在美国研究中的重要性并初步掌握相关的社会学、政治学、经济学和历史研究方法。阅读原著、教师讲评、学生宣讲报告(15%)和课堂讨论(15%)为主要教学内容。期中提交一篇文献综述(25%),期末提交一篇研究性论文写作(45%)。主要教材包括Grusky, David B. and SzonjaSzelenyi, eds.. The Inequality Reader: Contemporary and Foundational Readings in Race, Class, and Gender. Westview Press, 2007; Hooks, Bell. Where We Stand: Class Matters. Routledge, 2000.
This course provides a survey of social stratification, class, and inequality in the United States as well as its relation to world inequality in the age of globalization. The goal is to have students realize the importance of class analysis in understanding American society, economy, and politics and develop analytical tools and research methods for their own study. It will cover basic theories and concepts on social stratification, with a focus on Weberian, functionalist, Marxist, and neo-classical Economic views on the causes and consequences of inequality. Then it will focus on a discussion about whether America is a class or classless society, and in what specific and unique ways. It will also provide a survey of recent research and topics, especially topics in relation to the world financial and economic crises in the 21st century and the “occupy” movements all over the world. The textbooks include Grusky, David B. and Szonja Szelenyi, eds.. The Inequality Reader: Contemporary and Foundational Readings in Race, Class, and Gender. Westview Press, 2007; Hooks, Bell. Where We Stand: Class Matters. Routledge, 2000.