硕士生 |
论文题目 |
导师 |
熊舟 |
U.S.-North Korea Relations in the Bush Administration: Changes and Continuities 变化与延续:布什任期内的美国与朝鲜关系 |
梅仁毅 |
夏亭 |
The Bush Administration’s Taiwan Policy: Changes and Continuities 布什政府的台湾政策:变化与延续 |
梅仁毅 |
徐萧垠 |
George W. Bush and China: Changes and Continuities 乔治•W•布什政府的对华政策:变化与延续 |
梅仁毅 |
陈维 |
Interpretation of the Passage of the Henry Hyde Act 亨利·海德法案获得通过原因探析 |
梅仁毅 |
刘翠 |
US-Mongolia Relationship And Its Implication for China and Russia 美蒙关系及其对中俄两国的影响 |
李期铿 |
李文聪 |
Managing the New Security Environment: Continuities and Changes in the U.S.-Japan Alliance After the September 11 Attacks 9/11事件后美日同盟的变与不变 |
李期铿 |
刘晨晨 |
U.S.-South Korea Alliance after 911: Testing U.S. Policy Effectiveness in South Korea 9.11后的美韩联盟:试析美是否成功实现对韩政策目标 |
李期铿 |
董晓苏 |
Obama’s China Policy—More Continuity than Change: A Comparative Analysis of China Policy under the Bush Administration and the Obama Administration 奥巴马对华政策与布什对华政策之比较分析——继承多于变革 |
李期铿 |
黄珊 |
Hu Shih’s Reception of John Dewey’s Experimentalism 胡适对杜威实验主义的接受研究 |
孙有中 |
高晴 |
1984 and 2008: Continuities and Discontinuities in the Gender Politics of the U.S. Vice-president Candidacy 美国副总统候选人参选过程中性别政治的变化与延续:以1984年费拉罗参选和2008年佩琳参选为例 |
李今朝 |
赵妍 |
US Antidumping Policy During 1979-2009: The Case Of China 美国反倾销政策1979-2009:中国案例分析 |
李莉文 |
陈肖旭 |
Chinese Government’s Changing Response To Robert B. Zoellick’ Speech in September 2005 — A Study of Two Chinese Newspapers 中国政府对佐利克2005年演讲的反应—-对两份中国报纸的研究 |
谢韬 |
胡双格 |
Reporting of Presidential Visits by Two Major US Newspapers—The Washington Post and The Washington Times’ Coverage of Summit Conferences between American and Chinese Presidents ( 1997-2006) 《纽约时报》中印报道的比较研究 |
谢韬 |
刘飞 |
Framing a Communist China: A Comparative Study on the New York Times’ Coverage of China and India |
谢韬 |