姓名:黄一彦 导师:谢韬
论文题目(英文):An Extended Culture Divide: Exploring the Impact of Religious Orthodoxy on the Political Orientations of Ethnic Minority Groups, 1980-2012
论文关键词(中文):宗教 政治 政党倾向 少数族裔群体 两极分化
论文关键词(英文): Religion and politics, ethno-racial minority groups, partisanship, political ideology, moral issue, polarization
长久以来,少数族裔群体一直被认为是民主党的坚定支持者。有人认为,2012年奥巴马的成功再次当选也应归功于“少数”的支持。然而,并非其中的每一成员都拥护较为开明的民主党和它的文化问题上的政策立场。2004年,一名黑人浸礼会的牧师格列高里·丹尼尔(Gregory Daniels)公开表示,“如果3K党也反对同性婚姻,那我会与他们同行。”(注:美国历史上3K党素以针对黑人、移民的极端种族歧视和暴力手段而臭名昭著)尽管丹尼尔牧师的保守言论过于激进,但他对于同性婚姻的反感代表了许多少数族裔群体中保守人士的态度。到2012年为止,超过60%的黑人、一半左右的拉丁裔人、三分之一的亚洲人都属于宗教保守派,这为共和党提供了大量的政治资源储备。与此同时,共和党也正通过一系列向宗教机构提供资金支持的政策措施,积极寻求少数种族的投票。出于对民主党社会文化层面政策的失望,加之共和党积极拉拢少数族裔群体政策的吸引,在“推”力和“拉”力的共同作用下,宗教因素极可能使得一个少数群体内部出现分化,使虔诚的信徒转至共和党麾下,无神论者更加拥护民主党的纲领。与此同时,鉴于各种族群体的文化特质和历史经历差异,不同种族群体之间,宗教的政治影响会产生不同差异;换言之,种族仍在不同程度上影响着各个群体,并因此扩大群体之间的差异。
在验证该假设的过程中,本文选取了美国全国选举研究(ANES)1980年-2012年间的数据,通过运用有序多分回归模型(Ordered Logistic Regression Analysis),对宗教所带来的政治倾向影响进行量化的实证分析。本文遵循文化战争的理论范筹和乔弗里·雷曼(Geoffrey Layman)提出的量化宗教方法,将由圣经态度、礼拜频率、宗教重要性等一系列指标综合起来形成的“虔诚度”指标作为自变量,研究信仰是否及如何左右了少数种族群体在文化事件上的态度倾向、整体意识形态倾向和党派倾向。最后,本文还加入了种族与宗教的交互影响指标,来辨别各种族之间的差异,分析种族因素对宗教政治影响力带来了何种冲击。
数据结果发现,在亚裔和拉丁裔中,宗教保守度导致了组内政治态度的分化,虔诚的信徒较之于无神论者,更加倾向于共和党,显示出偏保守的政治意识形态。而在黑人中,宗教对于影响意识形态作用相对有限,且越虔诚的信徒反而越倾向于民主党。种族与宗教的交互项指数也显示出,较之于其他各组,黑人的种族意识在干涉宗教的政治影响上有着更为显著的影响。本文认为,黑人教会的独特性和强烈的“共同命运”(linked fate status)意识是解释这一现象的原因。
Alexis de Tocqueville observed in 1840, “Religion in America takes no direct part in the government of society, but it must be regarded as the first of their political institutions; for if it does not impart a taste for freedom, it facilitates the use of it.” (104). Despite the wall of separation established by the First Amendment, religion has always been entangled with people’s pursuit of freedom and modern politics in the U.S. In the current political circumstance where many pundits considered the electorate was split evenly, religion is among the core elements that have caused polarization in the mass. Albeit considerable studies were dedicated to the splitting force of religion in the white group, the linkage of religion and politics in ethno-racial minority groups remains a topic less investigated. In order to balance this imbalance a little, this thesis purports to examine whether a traditionalism-modernism divide along the line of Christianity orthodoxy has extended to the minority groups. It argues that presumably, religious orthodoxy has enhanced polarization by rupturing intra-group cohesion and enlarging inter-group disparity in ethno-racial minority groups with respect to political ideology and partisanship.
Ethno-racial minority groups have long been taken as the bedrock for Democratic Party. In the 2012 election, Barack Obama’s victory also gives credit to the overwhelming support from minority groups. Notwithstanding, not all members of minority groups side with the liberal party and its cultural platforms. In 2004, Rev. Gregory Daniels of a black Baptist church said in a news conference, “If the K.K.K. opposes gay marriage, I would ride with them.” Though the wording of Rev. Daniels is more like an exaggeration instead of accurate portrayal of his stand, he has demonstrated the aversion to gay marriage of many conservative blacks like him. According to the religious landscape research conducted by this thesis, the 2012 data highlight that over 60% of African Americans, around 50% Hispanics and a third of Asian Americans are religious traditionalists. Meanwhile, the Republican Party is proactively seeking minority votes and formulates initiatives that allocate grants to churches to court the pious minority communities. The large conservative base of ethno-racial minority groups stockpiles huge political capitals for the Grand Old Party. In the joint influence of “push” and “pull”, it is likely that committed church members would stand for conservative platforms and cast their votes in the GOP box. In this sense, religious belief could drop the apple of discord in the alliance solidified by race. Further, the impact of religion is deflected by variances of characteristics of various racial groups.
To testify the hypothesis above, this thesis pools data from American National Election Studies (ANES) between 1980 and 2012 to conduct a quantitative empirical study. Under the culture war thesis and measurement framework of religiosity proposed by Geoffrey Layman, this thesis attempts to concentrate on the influence of belief and behavior on the political orientations, respectively on the culture issue stand, political ideology and partisanship preference. To comprehensively and accurately testify this hypothesis, ordered logistic regression modeling is the analytic technique employed. It is expected to observe that in ethno-racial minority groups the higher religiosity that a voter possesses, the more conservative he or she is in political positions, and the more likely he or she is to be aligned with the Republican Party. Moreover, in the last part of this research, the interaction between religiosity and race is incorporated in the modeling to investigate variances of the linkage between religion and political orientations between each racial group.
After an empirical examination, this thesis finds that religiosity has caused a divide between the most pious and most secular members in political ideology and partisanship among Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans. The influence is growingly salient from 1980 to 2012. Among these two groups, the higher degree of piety to Christianity prepares believers with an penchant for political conservatism and Republican partisanship. For African Americans, however, the range of religiosity in influencing political ideology is limited; in terms of partisanship, devoutness appears to be a liberal force that helps Democrat to cement their electoral advantage. Through examining the interaction of religiosity and race, this thesis corroborates the finding above that the influence of race in affecting the nexus of religiosity and political attitudes is most prominent among African Americans. This thesis proposes that the singularity of black theology and linked fate consciousness in the African American experience help to explain this outcome.
In today’s high-pitched battle for the ticket to congress or White House, both parties are proactively seeking win-win strategies that can both solidify their traditional base while reaching out for fresh support from the opposite base. In this process, inevitably religion has become the convenient tool for the GOP to peel off minority voters. Hopefully, this empirical finding of this thesis could shed some light for future studies with regard to the influence of religion in the competition between two parties.
姓名:孙宜好 导师:谢韬
论文题目(英文):Divided We Defend: Congressional Activism in Defense Policy Making, 2001-11
论文关键词(英文):Congress, Defense, Divided Government, Budget, Oversight Hearings
首先,本文提出两个假设:1. 从2001到2011年,随着时间的推移国会会在国防支出方面做更大的改变,会举行更多的听证会;2. 在2001到2011年间,分立政府相比较一致政府会见证国会在国防支出预算上的更大改变和更多相关听证会。通过分析相关数据,本文得出结论:虽然随着时间的推移,国会在国防政策上表现得更为主动和强势,但分立政府并没有对其行动有明显影响。这一结论与Mayhew的著名论断基本一致。尽管Mayhew的研究对象为国内立法,但作为本文的灵感之源和理论框架,他对这一结果的解释仍然对本文有极大的启发。对于分立政府这一自变量的表现,本文认为以下几点原因可以做以解释:首先,从2001到2011这十年作为危机年份,两党合作的氛围浓厚,在许多问题上国会倾向于服从总统的决策;其次,相比较分立政府这一因素,战事本身对于国会的行为影响更大;最后,本文选取的研究时间较短,数据样本小,因此数据本身的局限性比较大,表现在数据波动大,不利于分立政府这一自变量的显现,削弱了研究意义。
The founding fathers of America designed the Constitution in a way that the executive branch and the legislative branch would wrestle over the prerogatives of directing foreign policy. However, Congress suffers the institutional disadvantage vis-à-vis the president in that the latter is not only commander in chief, but also enjoys the preponderant personnel, expertise and information advantage. Congressional disadvantage becomes only more conspicuous and fatal when it comes to defense policy making. For one thing, in times of crisis, people would look up to their president for certain action. The effect of rallying around the flag could always induce Congress to fall in line with the administration. For another, composed of two chambers and 545 members, Congress, representing sometimes overlapping and often contradictory interests, is not in a position for swift response. Therefore, Congress has long been in the shadow when the government is engineering defense policy.
Institutional and inherent disadvantages notwithstanding, the long-time (mis)portrayal of Congress has obscured the fact that it has multiple channels, both formal and informal, through which to influence defense policy making. Formally, Congress has been constitutionally designated to raise army, authorize and declare wars, to ratify any treaties and nominations brought up by the executive and above all to control the purse. The power of the purse is the ultimate leverage Congress has to balance against the president. By determining where and for how long the money flows, it determines the direction and scope of a military engagement. Informally, Congress can hold hearings, and pursue investigations into alleged executive misconduct and malfeasance that could generate front-page stories and prime-time broadcasts. Meanwhile, Congress can also require executive reports concerning specific defense issues to counter the effects of information asymmetry. It may also engineer campaigns to mobilize public opinion and to cultivate public support.
What’s more, developments both endogenous and exogenous to Congress have given it more leverage in defense policy making. Over the years, Congress has been increasingly more informed and better staffed in defense sphere. Former support mechanisms, like the Congressional Research Services (CRS) and the General Accounting Office (GAO), have been upgraded. Also, such new institutions as the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) have been designed to make Congress further independent of the executive in information gathering and assessing. Procedural changes in the budget process also provided another channel for Congress to check the president. Relevant developments exogenous to Congress include firstly, more organized interest with a stake in defense policy are willing to put their weight behind Congress; secondly, a fragile domestic economy, coupled with an increasingly insecure status in the international arena, has presented more incentives for Congress to be more active and assertive.
This paper specifically focuses on Congress and defense policy making in the context of divided government, which is arguably another factor that prompts Congressional activism. Since the end of the Second World War, divided government has become a norm. Facing a president from the opposite party, it is only reasonable to speculate that Congress should have more incentives to challenge the executive in defense policy. Scholarly attention has been devoted to assessing the relationship between divided government and legislative productivity. Considerable literature has been generated with overlapping findings as well as contradictory arguments. However, the relationship between divided government and defense policy making has been left inadequately explored. In an effort to put Congressional defense policy behavior into perspective, the paper examines how Congressional activism changes over time and with different types of party control. It asks firstly, given the reasons stated above, is Congress becoming more active in defense policy making over time? Secondly, does divided government make a difference in Congressional defense policy behavior? Or to be more specific, is divided government associated with more Congressional defense policy activism? Congressional activism is measured by two indicators: Congressional changes in presidential defense budget requests and oversight hearings on defense policy. The time period it investigates is from 2001 to 2011. This particular period is chosen because, firstly, it saw the disastrous 9/11 attack and the ensuing two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq respectively, which have ever since transformed the landscape of American defense policy and made defense policy making a focal point on Congressional agenda; secondly, this period experienced both divided and unified government, which makes comparative study possible; last but not least, it has received relatively less scholarly attention.
In order to answer these two questions, this paper proposes two hypotheses: From 2001 to 2011, the passage of time sees larger Congressional changes in presidential defense spending requests and oversight hearings; from 2001 to 2011, divided government is associated with larger Congressional changes in presidential defense spending requests and more oversight hearings than unified government. Drawing on the data from the Congressional Quarterly Almanac and the United States Governmental Printing Office, this paper tests the two hypotheses respectively and comes to the conclusion that while for the period of interest, Congress did become more active over time, divided government did not make a difference in influencing Congressional defense policy behavior. Concurring with Mayhew’s finding, this paper, inspired by Mayhew’s explanations, also make some speculations on the non-pattern specific to this period: bipartisanship still prevailed at times of crisis; the event versus non-event pattern cut across the divided versus unified government pattern and figures more prominently in explaining Congressional defense policy behavior; the fact that the sample is too small and thus ridden with irregular values prevents the divided and unified government pattern from making a difference.
This study claims originality and significance in that it tries to fill the vacancies in existing literature by venturing into the less explored field and the less visited years.
姓名:李强 导师:梅仁毅
论文题目(英文):American Policy towards Vietnam and Vietnam’s Response since Normalization: Change and Continuity
论文关键词(英文):U.S.-Vietnam Relations, Strategy Considerations, China Factor, South China Sea Issue
Nearly two decades after the announcement of normalization, U.S.-Vietnam relations is drawing increasing regional and international attentions and is becoming significant in both governments’ diplomatic considerations. Extricating from the specter of Vietnam War, the two nations are hesitating and calculating in every step on the road to the establishment and development of this relationship. In the background of a U.S. Pivot to Asia-Pacific and a rising China, as well as the incremental complication of the South China Sea issue, any adjustment in U.S.-Vietnam relations will trigger feedback from China and affect U.S.-China and China-Vietnam relations in one way or another. Lately established but fast burgeoning, U.S.-Vietnam relation is less touched upon in the studies of U.S.-China-Vietnam Triangle. In this paper, I attempt to delve into those significant aspects of U.S.-Vietnam relations, analyze the considerations of the U.S. and Vietnam, silhouette the changing trajectory of this relationship over the years and reflect on the U.S.-Vietnam-China dynamics. I argue that after finishing the transition from the POW/MIA-oriented and economic-oriented interaction in the first decade after normalization, U.S.-Vietnam relationship is converging on security and defense cooperation for the mutual end of balancing a rising China in the Asia-Pacific, most specifically in the South China Sea. However, given the regional and international preponderance of China, both the U.S. and Vietnam are following a “two-Pronged” approach, beefing up their bilateral ties with China as well as striking a dynamic balance in the triangle.
姓名:杜文站 导师:闫循华 专业方向:中美经济、中美外交
论文题目(英文): The Impact of Economic Interdependence On US Policy Toward China– The Case Of The George W. Bush Administration
论文关键词(英文):Economic Interdependence, Sensitivity, Vulnerability, US-China Political Relations
After the establishment of diplomatic relations of the United States and China, economic interaction has been more and more constant, and playing a more important role than ever in influencing bilateral relationship. Theoretical analysis on Sino-US relations helps to better understand the nature of their relationship, and provides theoretical support when judging the current situation and when decision-makers making policies.
China is rising rapidly, and the gap between US and China is narrowing; it is important for the United States to make clear of the current situation and make policies accordingly. This thesis selects neo-liberalists’ (Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye) theory to analyze the current Sino-US relations. Through this theoretical analysis, this thesis helps to clarify the changing interactive mode of US and China, as well as the dynamics behind such change.
Among those theories analyzing Sino-US economic political relations, this thesis adopts Keohane and Nye’s power and interdependence theory, which explains the correlation of economy and international political power with the concept of “asymmetrical interdependence”. Sensitivity and vulnerability are the measurements of asymmetrical interdependence, and this thesis uses a lot of data collected from both US and China to illustrate the changing degree of both variables, in order to testify the changing degree of economic interdependence of US and China, concluding that America’s economic interdependence on China is growing, despite the fact that China is still more dependent on US than US is on China.
This thesis analyzes respectively Sino-US economic interdependence and their political relations during George W. Bush’s tenure, explains how they interact, and especially analyzes how economic interdependence influences politics. The growing dependence of America on China facilitates China with more power in bargaining processes with the United States, and leads the US to be milder, instead of offensive, when making policies to China.
姓名:宋婷婷 导师:付美榕
论文题目(英文): Cultural Re-adaptation of the Chinese Returnees of American Boxer Indemnity Scholarship Program: The Case of Academia Sinica Members of 1948 in Humanities and Social Sciences
论文关键词(中文):美国庚款留学项目 归国留学生 跨文化适应 共融性
论文关键词(英文):American Boxer Indemnity Scholarship Program, American-educated Chinese returnees, intercultural adjustment, hybridity
In recent years, increasing attention has been paid to those “Scholarly Giants” during Republican era of China and they were praised as role models among Chinese intellectuals because of their achievements in academic research and character as men of integrity. Quite a number of them such as Hu Shi, Mei Yiqi, Feng Youlan, Zhao Yuanren and Liang Sicheng were all beneficiaries of American Boxer Indemnity Scholarship Program (ABISP). ABISP was an international educational program designed by American government for the benefit of future national interest; but the effectiveness of ABISP in promoting American interest is debatable. This thesis, by examining the cultural re-adaptation of the sample ABISP beneficiaries focusing on their career development, expects to offer a new point of view for evaluating the effectiveness of ABISP.
Qualitative approach is applied by this thesis choosing 13 academicians in Humanities and Social Sciences division of the Academia Sinica of 1948 as sample cases. Autobiographies, biographies, and oral historical records of the sample intellectuals are thematically analyzed under the theoretical framework of intercultural adjustment and hybridity with the purpose of revealing their re-adaptation in career life as scholars, educational administrators and government advisors. As the sample intellectuals were the top talents of China, their experiences are worth noticing and are of referential value to future Sino-U.S. educational exchange.
This research finds that the sample ABISP returnees showed a hybrid identity in the process of cultural re-adaptation in China during which they experienced an “initial smoothness-later conflict” pattern of functional fitness. Their hybrid character is reflected in how they acted in their roles in career life. As scholars, they were influenced by American way of doing research and way of thinking; but they were critical and creative thinkers at the same time trying to localize American methods in China and finding a balanced point between the imported new knowledge and the legacy left by ancestors. As educational administrators, they selectively borrowed methods and ideas from America such as their course selection system, interdisciplinary and general education mechanism but with the purpose of realizing the independence of Chinese education. As government advisors, they showed an integrated character of traditional Chinese literati and western intellectuals. This is because on one hand they held a position in government as traditional educated elites; but on the other hand they refused to build an intimate relationship with politics, determined to preserve the professionalism as an intellectual.
This thesis also discovers that three factors, including early education experience, host country experience and home country’s acceptance to the returnees, are relevant to the formation of hybrid identity among the sample returnees.
Last but not least, this thesis believes that the sample returnees’ identity of hybridity challenges the effectiveness of ABISP as a cultural means to achieve political ends and invalids U.S. government’s confidence in the viscousness, attractiveness and superiority of their culture. This is because firstly the returnees’ cultural identity as hybridity fails U.S. government’s goal of assimilating the foreign students through study-in-America experience. Home country’s supportive attitude towards the returnees enables them to transform what they had acquired in America to benefit the development of China. Therefore America’s goal of winning a group of pro-America students was not realized. Secondly, the returnees’ cultural identity as hybridity becomes a negative capital if the attitude of home country towards them turned to be unfavorable. These returned intellectuals, as being self-consciously detached from political power, would become maladapted and show psychological tension or conflict if they underwent great changes in a broad spectrum of external environment. In such a situation, powerless and stressful returnees were not able to influence the development of China as expected by the U.S. government.
姓名:廖舒程 导师:付美榕
论文题目(英文): The Usefulness of the U.S. Presidential Brain Trust: Case Studies on the Council of Economic Advisors of the Reagan and Clinton Administrations
论文关键词(英文):Council of Economic Advisors; Presidential Brain Trust; the Reagan Administration; the Clinton Administration; American Economic Policy
自建国以来,经济学家对美国经济的影响一直都不容忽视,甚至许多时候经济学家们被称为“独裁者”,主导着重大经济决策的发布和实施。1946年美国颁布《就业法》后,美国政府成立了经济顾问委员会(The Council of Economic Advisors),正式聘用资深经济学家作为总统经济政策顾问。此举不仅将此特殊职位推上了新台阶,也开启了经济智囊团辅佐总统经济决策的先河。在二十世纪六、七十年代,经济顾问委员会对美国经济政策的影响达到巅峰:许多重大经济决策的推行都与经济顾问委员密不可分。而随着八、九十年代的到来,经济复苏及快速发展带来了翻天覆地的变化,经济顾问委员会在新时期经济决策中的作用是否能够一如既往?本文主要探究总统经济智囊团在上世纪八十、九十年代对决策的作用,以经济顾问委员会为案例,比较二十世纪八十年代和九十年代,不同党派背景下(民主党、共和党),经济顾问委员会的历史沿革及变化,并分析变化的深层次原因。
Presidential brain trustplayed important role in American economic history,so much so that they are called “czar” by many scholars because, on numerous occasions, they constitute a leading force in economic policy formations.With the promulgation of The Full Employment Act of 1946, the American government started to appoint official economic advisors to the president by establishing the Council of Economic Advisors (CEA). The establishment of such an advisory Council was unprecedented; it played a trail-blazing role in presidential decision making by the brain trusts. During the 1960s and the 1970s, the CEA was at the peak of its influence: it participated actively in many of the major policy formations. However, as the 1980s and the 1990s witnessed fundamental economic changes, whether CEA sustained its influence was left to be question.
This thesis study the role played by the CEA— the chief presidential brain trust in the policy making of the 1980s and the 1990s. Citing the Reagan and the Clinton Administrations as examples, this thesis compares and contrasts the role played by the CEA under the two Administrations and studies the deep-rooted reasons for changes of the role.
Qualitative study is employed to interpret the official documents (Annual Report of the CEA and Economic Report of the President), biographies and memoirs of the CEA members and historical records concerning the trajectories of the CEA’s role.
A close review of the role of the CEA in the Reagan and the ClintonAdministrations reveals the following findings. First,compared with the CEA of the Reagan Administration, the CEA of Clinton Administrationachieved great improvement in the 1980s and the 1990s in policy influencing device: it became more tactful in applying interagency cooperation and politics in advising the president. Second, despite the improvement, the CEA in both Administrations shared common concerns: the role played by the CEA in Reagan and Clinton Administration proved less effective than its predecessors and failed the expectation of the Full Employment Act of 1946.The role of the CEA in both Administrations was restricted to review and education of new policies. This attenuated role was caused by the complicated policy making process,deteriorate relations with the presidents and involvement of more advisory entities.
This study concludes that the policy influence of the presidential brain trust such as CEA was weakened. The effort of the American government to combine professionalism with politics has failed due to complexity and evolvement of policy formation system.This thesis has thus enriched the scholarly work on professional utilization in policy making and invites second thoughts on the role of presidential brain trust.
姓名:郑佳 导师:李莉文 专业方向:美国贸易
论文题目(英文): Trans-Pacific Partnership: A US Tool to Contain China’s Economic Development?–An Analysis of TPP and its Influence on China’s Foreign Trade and Sino-US Bilateral Trade
论文关键词(英文):Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP); US motivations, China, Foreign Trade
因此,本文首先研究美国推动TPP的动因;接着研究TPP对美国和中国对外贸易的影响,TPP对中美贸易以及美国与TPP其他国家贸易的影响, 以及其中的因果联系。在分析美国推动TPP的动因时,本文应用了吉尔平的国际政治经济学理论;在分析TPP在经济方面影响时,本文应用了维纳的贸易效应理论,并且引入了GTAP模型进行数据模拟,并用贸易密集度指数计算中美贸易依存度和美国与TPP国家贸易依存度,并用相关性分析两种依存度变化之间的关系。
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), formerly known as “Trans-Pacific Strategic Partnership”, is a regional free trade agreement founded by Chile, Brunei, Singapore and New Zealand in 2005. TPP had little impact in the world before the Obama Administration announced to join TPP negotiation in 2009. As the US praised TPP as “a new kind of trade agreement for the 21st century” and “a high-standard, board-based regional pact”, TPP attracted worldwide attention. Up to date, 12 member countries of TPP have carried out 20 rounds of negotiations. The topics not only cover trade area, but also expand to environment protection, labor conditions, government procurement, financial policies and other social and legal issues. Asia-Pacific, the fastest-growing region in the world, accounts for 40% of global population and 50% GDP. As TPP involves so many major countries in such a promising region, it is likely to generate significant impact on the economic development of Asia-Pacific. Though TPP negotiation came to a deadlock at the moment, TPP still enjoys several beneficial factors and member countries hope to reach an agreement to boost domestic economies.
China has not been invited to join, nor is it up to the high standards of TPP. However, once TPP is in effect, TPP member countries reduce tariffs, promote higher standards and strengthen cooperation in various fields, the trade patterns in Asia-Pacific will certainly be changed. As China has close relationships with most of TPP member countries, so will the trade patterns between China and TPP member countries. China cannot be exempt from the influence of TPP. Therefore, it is important to analyze the impact of TPP on China’s foreign trade.
Foreign and domestic scholars have abundant research into TPP. Most of foreign scholars focus on topics such as the political and economic implications of TPP on their own countries, the influence of domestic politics on TPP-related policy-making, etc. Chinese scholars focus on more topics, such as how will TPP influence the US, Japan, China and other major countries in Asia Pacific and ASEAN, APEC and other regional mechanisms. Yet most of Chinese scholars are more concerned with China and TPP, including whether China will join TPP, how TPP will impact China politically and economically. It has to be pointed out that, there is a common point of view among Chinese scholars that the US promotes TPP in order to contain China’s economic development and weaken China’s influence in Asia-Pacific. However, this paper thinks that such an ideological assumption is not correct. As China has a close trade relationship with the US, Sino-US bilateral trade is not a zero-sum game. A loss on China’s side does not equal gain on US side. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the motivations for the US to promote TPP; whether TPP will generate negative impact on China’s economy and if such result is the purpose of US’s TPP-related policies.
Therefore,this paper studies the motivations for the US to promote TPP,the influence of TPP on US’s and China’s economies, Sino-US trade and US-TPP trade, and the causal relationship among these changes. It applies Robert Gilpin’s international political economy theory to analyze US motivations. It also uses GTAP model, trade intensity index and correlation to stimulate and calculate the statistics.
This paper finds out that there are abundant reasons for the US to promote TPP. In terms of domestic economy, the US hopes to gain access to Asia-Pacific market, boost domestic economy and stabilize the society. In terms of global politics, as the integration of Asia-Pacific paces up, China and ASEAN begin to play a leading role. The relative decline of the US forces it to change its foreign policy to “strategic rebalancing”, with the focus on the rising Asia-Pacific. Among all these motivations, China is only an element, definitely not the decisive one. Meanwhile, statistics show that TPP will generate negative, yet not significant, impact on China’s foreign trade and economy. The point of view to contain China’s economic development via TPP does not stand. On the contrast, TPP can significantly boost the US economy and foreign trade. Besides, the US dependency on TPP countries continually increase and that on China falls, TPP countries members become important trade partners of the US. Since TPP is beneficial to US economy and helps to strengthen US trade relationships with other TPP countries, it is reasonable for the US to promote TPP. This paper concludes that the ideological opinion that the US promotes TPP in order to contain China’s economic development is biased.
Though TPP has limited negative impact on China’s economy, it is a good opportunity for China to promote domestic economic reform. This paper suggests that China should accelerate industrial upgrading, enhance competitiveness and policy transparency, strengthen communication and cooperation with TPP countries and continue to play an active role in regional mechanism.
姓名:谈佳慧 导师:李莉文
论文题目(中文):中美贸易知识产权争端——美国对华 337调查的量化分析
论文题目(英文): Intellectual Property Rights Disputes in China-U.S. Trade: An Empirical Analysis of ITC 337 Investigations Against Chinese Companies
论文关键词(英文):IPR disputes; ITC 337 investigations; China-U.S. trade relations
Since China’s entry into the WTO in 2001, the China-U.S. trade relation has experienced an unprecedented phase in which a strong bilateral and cooperative trade partnership has been established and reinforced. However, trade conflicts and clashes, particularly Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) disputes are booming with the flourishing China-U.S. trade. United States claims that China’s negligence in the protection of IPR has caused American firms’ significant economic losses, and it takes tough steps to address the IPR disputes with China, as 337 investigations conducted by the Untied States International Trade Commission targeting at Chinese companies are on the rise. Particularly after China joining the WTO, the number of investigations against Chinese firms steadily rises to an unprecedented level, and China has since then remained as one of the major targets of 337 investigations.
This research studies 337 investigations in an attempt to determine to what degree both economic and political factors affect IPR disputes between China and the United States. Using detailed 337 case information, import and export statistics, political pressure data and other figures, this study conducts a coefficient correlation model to assess the impact of exogenous variables to the degree of IPR disputes. Drawing on previous researches, economic and political factors that are chosen based on the frequency of being examined by previous relevant literatures concerning exogenous constraints theory are incorporated into the correlation coefficient model.
With economic and political exogenous factors as control variables, this research finds that among all the variables that were considered by previous literature to be influential in IPR disputes, only U.S. trade deficit with China as well as the percentage of union membership in the American IP-intensive industry have a significant influence on the number of 337 investigations against China. Specifically, U.S. trade deficit with China particularly in IP-intensive industry has the most significant correlation with the degree of China-U.S. IPR disputes. Additionally, the percentage of union membership in the American IP-intensive industry shows a strong negative correlation with the dependent variable, suggesting that less union membership brings higher efficiency in political group activities when addressing IPR disputes in 337 investigations with China.
This study contributes to the general topic of IPR disputes since it complements and extends the previous studies on the IPR disputes between China and the U.S.. Firstly, unlike the previous researches that only focus on the general picture of political-economic factors in IPR and trade disputes, this study takes the China-U.S. bilateral trade relationship into consideration, linking certain variables to the determination of U.S. trade relations with China at a specific level. Moreover, this study deals with 337 investigations particularly targeted against China to generate an in-depth empirical analysis by collecting and analyzing sufficient details of 337 investigations involving a total of 168 cases filed against Chinese companies.
姓名:李思园 导师:李莉文
论文题目(英文): The Myth of A Divided Court – Party Alignment, Vote Split in the U.S. Supreme Court and Justices’ Senate Confirmation Votes Revisited
论文关键词(英文):the U.S. Supreme Court, Party Politics, Attitudinal Model, Unanimous Vot
This paper explores the issue of the U.S. Supreme Court’s politicization. There is a prevailing perceptions among the mass media, general public and scholars that the Supreme Court has been “increasingly politicized” in recent years, which do damage to the Court’s impartiality and independency. This opinion largely comes from two observations: first, political ideology and party affliation tend are significant factors in the procedures of Supreme Court Justices’ selection, nomination and confirmation. Presidents are inclined to nominate candidates who share his ideology, and Senators casting votes to confirm or reject a nomination with similar considerations. Second, Supreme Court Justices are divided as the “conservative” and the “liberal” bloc, casting their votes in accordance with their party alignment. Decisions made by five-to-four vote split are commonly seen in political salient cases.
This paper intends to refute such point of view. Although previous scholars have devoted much energy to attempting to explain the “political court”, they have largely followed the Attitudinal Approach and ignored the unanimous decisions. Contrary to the prevalent impressions and previous research literature suggest, this paper finds that political ideology is not the most significant factor in Supreme Court decision makings and Justice candidates confirmations, and such characteristic largely remained unchanged during the past two decades. Therefore, it is highly questionable to claim that the Court has been increasingly politicized.
姓名:杨迎润 导师:孙有中
论文题目(中文):双重标准:试析约翰•温斯罗普清教思想的内在矛盾 (1630-1649)
论文题目(英文): A Double Standard: A Study of Self-Contradictions in John Winthrop’s Puritan Thought (1630- 1649)
论文关键词(中文):美国思想史 约翰·温斯罗普 清教思想 内在矛盾
论文关键词(英文):American intellectual history, John Winthrop, Puritan thought, self-contradictions
As the first official governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony and a distinguished religious leader in establishing the early Puritan commonwealth in colonial New England, John Winthrop’s puritan thought has had an ever-lasting impact on the forming of the American mind and in the development of American intellectual history. Given his historical significance both as a political figure and a religious leader, historians and scholars have done voluminous research on his political thought. However, John Winthrop’s role as a Puritan leader has received much less attention than his role as a political leader.
One of the neglected but significant aspects of Winthrop’s religious thought is, as this paper argues, the self-contradictions in Winthrop’s Puritan thought, which could be revealed by a comparison of his merciful and loving image as expressed in his lay sermon “A Modell of Christian Charity” and his hostile and cruel attitudes toward Puritan New England women and American Indians as reflected in his journal. The underlying causes of such self-contradictions, as this paper finds out, were deeply rooted in the cultural and social conditions in Puritan New England.
This thesis is intended to reveal the changes in John Winthrop’s Puritan thought from 1630 to 1649 as well as explore the underlying causes of the self-contradictions in his Puritan thought. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach typical of intellectual history research, this study tries to integrate textual analysis with historical contextualization. Primary sources used in this paper include John Winthrop’s lay sermon “A Modell of Christian Charity”, The Journal of John Winthrop, 1630-1649 and Winthrop Papers Vol. III. Large amounts of reliable secondary sources are also used in the study.
11.硕士生:丁敏 导师:郭亚玲
论文题目(中文): 伊丽莎白•凯蒂•斯坦顿的宗教思想研究—《妇女圣经》中的宗教思想
论文题目(英文): The Religious Thoughts of Elizabeth Cady Stanton through an analysis of The Woman’s Bible
论文关键词(英文):Elizabeth Cady Stanton; TheWoman’s Bible; Christian theology; Feminist Theology;Free Religionist
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a leader of feminist movement, scholar of Christian theology and prolific writer, was born in 1815 and died in 1912. Her religious views, though seldom researched into,are in fact significant in the history of Christian theology and the later development of feminist theology. This paper aims to conduct a study on Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s religious viewpoints byperforming a textual analysis of her work,The Woman’s Bible.
This thesis will analyze The Woman’s Bible along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s autobiography, reminiscences, speeches and other historical records to study her religious views.A textual analysis of The Woman’s Bible revealed the following findings. First, Stanton found that many creeds of the Bible and Christian church would marginalize women. Woman’s freedom and equality couldn’t be achieved without a battle against the oppressive teachings of the Bible. Second, Elizabeth Cady Stanton believed that the Bible shouldn’t be rejected completely: it could work as a moral guide for people and teach its believers love, charity, justice and equality. Therefore, Stanton was a free religionist who believed in the Bible and wanted to practice religion in her own way.
This study enriches the scholarly work on Elizabeth Cady Stanton and American Christian religious history.
姓名:陈新 导师:申昌英
论文题目(英文): The Identity Reconstruction of Women of Color: A Study of Toni Morrison’s A Mercy from the Perspective of Black Feminist Criticism
论文关键词(英文):Toni Morrison; identity; women of color; post-racial
Toni Morrison, as one of the most highly-regarded African American female writers, devotes herself to exploring the experiences and sufferings of African Americans, especially that of African American women, for they have suffered from multiple and intersectional oppressions of racism, sexism and classism.
A Mercy is her ninth novel, in which she breaks through her former concerns about racial problem in her previous works by paying attention to both black females and females of other races and colors (including Native Americans and mulattos). On account of this, this thesis is constructed under the theoretical framework of black feminist criticism to excavate the identity issue of women of color from the lens of race and gender by applying the method of close textual analysis. In contemporary, especially when A Mercy was published, the notion of “post-racialism” was heatedly discussed. Under such circumstances, in a way, this topic shares a lot more realistic significance.
In short, this thesis explores the following questions in the Body part: how the four colored female characters in fiction (Florens, Florens’s mother, Lina, Sorrow) lost their subjectivity and identity in a white-dominated patriarchal society; what strategies they have deployed when attempting to quest for, as well as later reconstructing their identities; what “post-racialism” means and what its essence is; in such discourse, what Morrison intends to convey through A Mercy and what her political ideals of the nation of the United States looks like.
In this fiction, all four colored women were exploited and oppressed in a white-male dominated society due to their race and gender. They are objectified as the Other, purchased as commodity, forced to lose home, etc., which eventually results in their failure to claim selfhood or achieve their subjectivity and identity. Then, they employ disparate strategies respectively to reconstruct their identity: Florens’s mother by “speaking out,” Florens by “writing down,” Lina by possessing both communal bonds and her own individuality, Sorrow by claiming her motherhood. In the end, they all succeed in reconstructing their identity to different extents. Beyond the text, the context of this fiction’s publication cannot be isolated from the heatedly discussed notion of “post-racialism,” which in effect was defined, used and distorted by mass media. It is not the end of racism, but a myth that hides the society’s continuing racial discrimination. In this context, by producing A Mercy, Morrison brings women of color—the marginalized and subordinated group—into the spotlight, inspiring people to reconsider colored women’s current identities and the myth of “post-racialism,” and thus further reflecting her rethinking of nation-building: each form of binary separations would limit the potential of an ideal home.
姓名:王元元 导师:申昌英
论文题目(英文): The Masculinities of Black Men in Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day
论文关键词(英文):Gloria Naylor; Mama Day; Masculinity; Black masculinity
Gloria Naylor is one of the most significant women writers in the history of African American literature. She has published another five novels since the first publication of The Women of Brewster Place, which helped her win National Book Award in 1983 and also earns her reputation, making her a rising star after famous African American women writers such as Zora Neale Hurston, Alice Walker, and Toni Morrison. Mama Day is Naylor’s third novel. Set in New York and the isolated black community of Willow Springs, this novel explores and questions the concept of reality and at the same time celebrates the romantic yet problematic love through the multi-perspective narrative.
The study on masculinity in China is relatively rare compared to flourishing studies on feminism, making the study of gender more like the synonym of women’s study. In view of this situation, I attempt to approach Mama Day from the perspective of black masculinity, trying to analyze different masculinities the black male characters in this novel manifest and to assess Naylor’s reflection towards the construction of masculinity.
Firstly, with the analysis of the male-female relationship in the novel, it is argued that the three male characters manifest their various masculinities through different ways and their wives have played an important role in the construction of their masculinities. Gloria Naylor absorbs the positive elements in the traditional masculinity in the context of patriarchy and dissolves the negative elements such as hegemony, violence and overemphasis on sexuality.
Secondly, through analyzing the absence of the father’s role and the male protagonist’s alienation from the black cultural traditions in Mama Day, I intend to explore their negative influences on the construction of a black male’s masculinity. Through the novel, Naylor calls for the return of the father’s role and points out that the black traditional culture plays an important role in the reconstruction of black masculinity.
In summary, the construction of masculinities of black men needs the joint efforts of men and women and calls for the return of the father’s role and traditional culture. It is hoped that this study will enrich the current research on black masculinity.
姓名:王颖 导师:刘葵兰
论文题目(英文): Self-Discovery—Identity Compromise in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake and Unaccustomed Earth
论文关键词(英文):Jhumpa Lahiri; identity frustration; assimilation; hybridity; compromise
身份之谜总是困扰着包括亚裔在内的移民和少数族裔。印裔美国人,即在美国出生长大并且父母是移民美国的印度人,他们的成长过程通常也是自我认识和自我身份探寻的过程。裘帕·拉希莉虽然在出生于英国,但在美国长大,她对于出生在印度移民家庭的印裔美国人所处的身份困境有着深刻的理解,她将自己生活经历融入到其作品中,使这种身份认同的困境跃然纸上,不仅赢得了少数族裔读者的认同,也深得主流社会各种形式的肯定。她的第一部长篇小说《同名人》,讲述了一个印度移民家庭在美国的生活,特别描述了这个家庭中二代印裔美国人,果戈里·甘古利对于自己围绕自己名字的混乱引发的身份认同的疑惑;这部小说自问世以来再度引发了对身份认同的讨论。在2008年她出版了中篇小说合集《不适之地》, 本书包括了八个故事,讲述了印度移民和印裔在美国这块不适之地的遭遇以及他们夹在美国文化和印度文化之间的尴尬境地。
Identity mystery always haunts people with immigrant and ethnic heritage, including Asian Americans. Typical Indian-Americans are American citizens with Indian immigrant parents. Their growing-up process is full of self-discovery and exploration of self identity. Though born in Britain, Jhumpa Lahiri has been raised up in America and has a deepest understanding on Indian-American identity dilemma. Therefore, as an Indian-American writer, she enlivens her works with her life experiences, making her sympathetic identification dilemma recognized by many ethnic readers as well as the mainstream society in one way or another. Her first full-length work of fiction, The Namesake, which narrates an Indian immigrant family’s adaptation in the United States and specifies a second-generation Indian American Gogol Ganguli’s frustration about naming dislocation, which causes his identity frustration, sparks a lot of discussion and re-examination of identity as soon as it came out. In 2008, Lahiri brought readers Unaccustomed Earth, which describes eight stories about immigrants experiences and Indian Americans’ dilemma between the unaccustomed earth and Indian cultural heritage. Her first full-length work of fiction, The Namesake, which narrates an Indian immigrant family’s adaptation in the United States and specifies a second-generation Indian American Gogol Ganguli’s frustration about naming dislocation, which intertwines with his identity frustration, sparks a lot of discussion and re-examination of identity as soon as its publication. In 2008, Lahiri brought readers Unaccustomed Earth, which describes several immigrants and Indian Americans’ dilemma between the unaccustomed earth and Indian cultural heritage.
This thesis tends to explore three stories, namely The Namesake, “Unaccustomed Earth” and the trio “Hema and Kaushik”, from the perspective of identification process. Identity is fluid and can never be prescribed; identification reveals the subjectivity in identifying oneself with a certain social entity. It shows the relationship between identification and psychological as well as acquisitive transformation, and explores that how the second-generation Indian Americans fumble to locate their identity niche through analyzing their personal experiences with the assistance of assimilation theory and hybridity.
This thesis is divided into five chapters. After a brief introduction of Jhumpa Lahiri and related historical background, the first chapter focuses on the literature reviews of studies on Jhumpa Lahiri’s works, and the theoretical framework applied in the paper, including assimilation theory and hybridity. The body part consists of three chapters. The second chapter exhibits three characters’ personal frustrations between two cultures. The third then discusses their apparent assimilation to American culture through cultural assimilation, structural assimilation and marital assimilation. The fourth chapter is about the characters’ psychological recognition of Indian culture and behavioral transformation. Through a detailed interpretation of their attitude and behaviors in The Namesake and Unaccustomed Earth, their identification process and identity compromises experienced by Indian Americans as ethnic group will be exposed. Moreover, hopefully the analysis of such process would reveal some favorable factors, which in turn would bring more inspiration for ethnic readers confronted with identity dilemma.
姓名:刘静 导师:滕继萌 专业方向:美国文化、美国电影
论文题目(英文): (Mis-)Representing the History of Slavery on the Screen: Contemporary Hollywood Films and the United States’ (Post-)Racial Politics
论文关键词(英文):race, racism, post-racial politics, Hollywood, representation
In 2008, Democratic nominee Barack Obama won the U.S. presidential election and became the first non-white president in the nation’s history. His election, hence, marks a huge watershed in contemporary American racial politics. Particularly, in the realm of mass media, it has inspired a lot of discussions about race and racism, and has ignited a kind of “black” phenomenon. Hollywood, in recent years, has produced numerous films concerning black people and black history. African-American filmmakers, actors and actresses have also been increasingly involved in Hollywood’s commercial cinema, and have enjoyed more opportunities than ever before. It seems that Hollywood has get rid of its overt racism in the past, and has turned into a brand-new “post-racial” institution—where every African American, either on or off the screen, can go beyond race and achieve self-determination and self-fulfillment.
Whereas the mainstream holds an optimistic view of this “Obama effect” on Hollywood, I suspect that, underneath this “black” phenomenon, there might be complex racial ideologies at work. Therefore, to examine the nature of contemporary Hollywood films about the blacks, this dissertation raises the following questions: (1) Is it a truthful representation of the African-American people and their history? (2) Is it truly an empowerment of the black community? (3) How to interpret and evaluate the relationship between Hollywood films and the U.S. post-racial politics? Focusing upon these questions, this dissertation has chosen two films—black director Steve McQueen’s 12 Years a Slave and white director Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained—as case studies. This research applies the image-critique approach, combining with the criticism of contemporary socio-political context, and analyzes the black heroes—both in relation to other black characters and to white characters—in the two films respectively, so as to scrutinize how post-racial Hollywood produces and re-produces the images of slaves and the relations of slavery on the screen.
Theoretically, this dissertation employs the framework of black public intellect bell hooks, whose workshave synthesized the interaction between mass media and African-American racial politics. On one hand, she sees filmic representation as a means of political power. According to her, filmic representation is a carrier of racist ideologies. It maintains the hegemony of white supremacy, and thus oppresses the African Americans and other racial minorities. On the other hand, hooks is also aware of the new changes of racial representation in the new era. She suggests that, after the sixties’ Civil Rights movement, with the emergence of inter-racial integration and intra-racial segregation, as well as the prevalence of liberalism in American culture, there is a new type of racism—i.e., the combination of racism and classism. As hooks argues, this new kind of post-racial racism is precisely the ideological superstructure behind contemporary Hollywood films about the blacks.
Based upon this theoretical conceptualization, this dissertation proposes the following arguments. First, contemporary Hollywood films’ representation of African-American images and the history of slavery is a failure. To a large extent, history is rewritten to comply with the post-racial taste of contemporary consumer audience. These films tend to tell the success stories of black elites who endorse the visions and values of middle-class politics, while denouncing—and even depreciating—the interest of the black masses who are under the dual oppression of racial and economic discrimination. In these films, the images of the black heroes are “whitened,” and thus become the beneficiaries of the post-racial ideology.Second, contemporary Hollywood also fails to empower the African-American community. In these films, white supremacy is still the predominant political force; only it is less blatant and less straightforward. Fundamentally, these films do not shake institutional and structural racism, but have internalized what bell hooks calls the new racism. Third, contemporary Hollywood’s failure in its treatment of race is deeply rooted in its mode of production and consumption. The idea of post-racial politics, as a kind of hegemonic code, is imbedded in the structure of the Hollywood system, and thus is hard to be challenged. To conclude, contemporary Hollywood films are significantly influenced by the U.S. post-racial politics—although on the surface, it appears that Hollywood has entered into a new era of racial transcendence, in essence, Hollywood is still an ideological institution that submits itself to racism and racialism.
姓名:王璐 导师:王镇平
论文题目(中文): 《与狼共舞》,《最后一个莫西干人》和《被偷走的新娘》中的文化杂交现象
论文题目(英文): Cultural Hybridities in Dances with Wolves, The Last of the Mohicans, and Stolen Women: Captured Hearts
论文关键词(英文):Colonizer’s Culture and Colonized Culture, Homi K. Bhabha, Hybridity, U.S. Films
The communications and interactions are happening more and more frequently than before as the earth are becoming more and more globalised in contemporary world. People from different countries and regions keep deepening the economic, political and cultural exchanges in this process. Therefore a lot of scholars pay close attention to the results of cultural encounters. As a melting pot and a immigrants’ country, the U.S. has a complicated history and population composition. It is a place where cultural encounters happen almost every day. While as a cultural phenomenon, films can reflect the encounters of and exchanges between different cultural groups. Films can generate direct influences on audiences because of its visual, audio and psychological stimulations. Therefore, U.S. films can serve as the most effective study objects.
Post-colonialism is a heatedly debated and widely applied cultural theory system by scholars in the field of cultural studies. Therefore there are also many existing studies in the field of post-colonial film studies. Many of them had used the theories of Edward Wadie Said, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Homi K. Bhabha. They criticized the cultural imperialism, cultural colonization, cultural appropriation, Orientalism and the image of the “other” which was showed in U.S. films and made great academic contributions. They mainly focused on the influences of the strong cultures on the weak ones, with the former outmatched the latter. While according to Homi K. Bhabha’s theory on Hybridity, cultural encounters would generate results under interactions and mutual influences.
As post-colonial film studies became a hot issue in 1980s and prospered in globalized post-colonial criticism wave after that, films screened in 1990s became more worthy of study as they were produced in that historical background (He, “Film Theory” 49). The three chosen films Dances with Wolves, The Last of the Mohicans, and Stolen Women: Captured Hearts are all about the relationship between the Indians and the colonizers. Traditionally, the white colonizers’ culture is considered as the strong culture, while the Indians’ is considered as the weak one. Therefore the three chosen films are representative for the author’s study.
Textual analyses are applied in this thesis, in combination with Homi K. Bhabha’s theory on Hybridity, to study the three films, to find evidences of the interactions between the two cultures, to prove that the influences are mutual and to explain that the power of the weak culture are demonstrated in these films. For instance, the hero Dunbar in Dances with Wolves defeat his prejudices on Indians after several contacts with them, go through a process of ambivalence and mimicry, and finally become a cultural hybridity at the end of the film; in The Last of the Mohicans, the white heroine Cora fall in love with Hawkeye-the white foster son of Chingachgook, a Mohican-who was born as a white and growing up as a Mohican, and his become a hybridity under Indian culture’s influences; in Stolen Women: Captured Hearts, Anna fall in love with Tokalah, a Indian warrior, after she lived in the Indian tribe for one year as she was kidnapped by him and she become a hybridity as she “betray” white civilization and her white husband.
The common trait of these films is the hybrid identities of heroes and heroines. The storyline and identity evolution process are different, but they are all more influenced by Indian culture than white culture at the end of the film. The charm of the weak culture is demonstrated in these films. In combination with Homi K. Bhabha’s theory about mimicry, ambivalence, hibridity and third space, the author reaches a conclusion that Indian culture and white culture influences each other in encounters; people who are influenced by both cultures go through a process of ambivalence, struggle between attraction and repulsion, and become a cultural hybridity at last through actions of mimicry.
姓名:刘思远 导师:王镇平
论文题目(英文): Cultural Discount between Sino-US Film Trade ——A Case Study of American and Chinese Films
论文关键词(英文):Cultural Discount, Film Trade, Value Dimensions, Universal Values, Context, Cultural Proximity.
In the international film trade, the US films occupies a dominant position and American blockbusters overwhelm other nations. In the Sino-US bilateral film trade, the problem of an ever increasing imbalance is also salient.
Why is the United States alone in reaping the benefit from a large domestic market, while other similarly populated countries have failed to do so? The notion of “Cultural Discount”, namely films exported to another nation will suffer from value losses due to diminishing appeals to foreign audiences who are unlikely to identify with “the style, values, beliefs, institutions and behavioral patterns of the materials in question” (Hoskins and Mirus 500), to a large extent, explains the US dominance in the film trade. It then follows that domestic cultural characteristics affect the exportability of cultural products of one country, yet why the United States enjoys a much lower cultural discount compared with other nations. Thus analyzing the US successful experiences in exporting films allows us to pinpoint how to negotiate the gap between the global and domestic market, so as to lower the cultural discount rate.
This paper is situated within the parameters of Sino-US film trade. Essentially, it discusses and evaluates the phenomenon of cultural discount by analyzing two American films and two Chinese ones with theories such as Hofstede’s Model of Cultural Dimensions Theory, Schwartz’s Universal Values, Edward Hall’s High Context undefinedamp; Low Context Theory, and Joseph Straubhaar’s Cultural Proximity, in order to figure out the factors for a higher cultural discount of China in the Sino-US bilateral film trade.
姓名:王玉 导师:李今朝
论文题目(英文): Love at First Sight—A Study of Sino-US Cross-cultural Encounter In A Global Study Tour Program
论文关键词(英文):Cross Cultural Encounter, Short-term Global Study Tour, Culture Shock, Culture Learning
In recent years there is a global study-tour fever in China which deserves academic attention. For instance each year, tens of thousands of domestic students participated in the global study-tour program to various foreign countries, among which the United States is one of the most popular destination country. Since a few decades ago foreign scholars began to do research on this topic . By contrast related studies by Chinese researchers are quite rare. Against such background, this essay was based on the real experiences of a study-tour group to America. I, as one of the leaders of the group observed students’ reactions to the new environment, talked with them, read their social network information and conducted interview with them after arrival in China. Through observation and analysis I found that different from previous studies that emphasize the effects of culture shock, the children in my group could actually cope with shock pretty well through proactively engaging in the life of local people. My conclusion is based on four reasons, that is, the program itself served as a mitigator to ease culture shock; the cross-cultural encounter at home paved the way for the students to better integrate in and adapt to the American culture; the students’ psychological resilience and openness are greater than we expected; middle class background and previous travelling experiences equipped them with the ability to face new environment. My major contribution in this essay is that through a case study I collected abundant real first-hand stories and information, which is helpful to future studies in this subject.
姓名: 李璐瑶
论文题目(英文): Chinese American Political Participation in US Election: A Study on the Interactive Relationship between the Chinese American Politicians and Organizations
论文关键词(中文):美国华裔 政治参与 选举 侨团
论文关键词(英文):Chinese Americans, Political Participation, Election, Chinese American Organizations
Chinese Americans are a marginalized ethnic minority group that has experienced long and extensive racial discrimination in the US history. But since the third wave of immigration beginning in 1965, Chinese Americans have been the fastest growing ethnic population and have been increasingly active in pursuing their citizen rights through mainstream participatory politics. Contrary to the stereotype that Chinese are generally insensitive to American politics, a valuable amount of Chinese Americans have been winning the US elections. The existing literature by Chinese scholars on the Chinese American participation in the U.S. electoral process is still very limited. The only few works are mainly devoted to the politicians’ achievements and the political behavior such as voter registration, turnout, campaign contribution and strategies. American scholars, from a different way to perceive the ethnic political participation, mainly focus on issues of pan-ethnicity and cross-racial alliance that incorporate Chinese Americans as part of the larger Asian American group. Among the literature home and abroad that is available for viewing, there is a general lack of attention to how Chinese Americans organized themselves to successfully elect their political representatives, especially a lack of attention to the dynamic interaction between the Chinese elected officials and the politically organized groups. This thesis tries to fill the gap by exploring how various kinds of the Chinese American organizations act and form alliances to help Chinese candidates to win elections.
The thesis adopts a method of case study. It selects California, the state with the most Chinese residents and the longest immigration history in the US, as a place of focus. Two cases that are selected and examined in the thesis are the second-generation Chinese American woman Judy Chu in her 2009 initial bid for the seat of House of Representative of the US Congress and the also second-generation Chinese American man Edwin Lee in his 2011 election for the mayor of San Francisco, California. The two are both history-making elections because no Chinese Americans in California had succeeded either on a national Congressional level or on a major-city level election, where Chinese do not have a majority or plurality population for winning ethnicity-based electoral votes.
The two cases represent two major types of current Chinese American politics that are based on two residential patterns: one is the new immigrants’ ethnoburbs and the other is the traditional gateway metropolis of immigration. In these two types of geopolitics, I explore the role of the Chinese American (or Chinese-dominated Asian American) party organizations, social service agencies, traditional Chinatown associations, labor organizations political action committees, etc. in the two candidates’ elections. For first-hand sources, I drew from news reports in both Chinese and English language media in relation to the elections and the organizations, as well as the campaign websites and publications of related organizations.
By analyzing and comparing elections in the two residential patterns, some major similarities and disparities of the relationships between the organized Chinese and their elected leaders are found. Similarities include that both Chu and Lee have a deep-rooted experience in local community service, both with more than twenty years of community experience. They are both connected through Asian American organizations to constantly interact with their ethnic communities. So when a position is open for grab, they can appear as the popular, for-the-people type that appeals to the public opinion of both the mainstream and the Asian American community. But among their supporters, there exist different voices that represent divisional interests within community in terms of generation, class, cross-ethnic/racial coalition or gender. But these interests have been negotiated and compromised for the greater agenda of increasing Chinese American political representation.
Analysis and comparison of the two cases also show major disparities due to the residential patterns and the constituency’s political context. The first disparity is that in Chu’s constituency, working-class Latinos make up the majority population and so she relies on labor organizations to forge cross-racial coalition. In comparison, Lee relies more on the traditional Chinatown organizations to his 1/3 Asian or 1/4 Chinese in his constituency. Another major disparity is that Chu’s new immigrants’ transformed suburban constituency is quite distinctive in socio-political perspective from the San Francisco? downtown traditional Chinese community. The more progressive social agencies in ethnoburbs play a more important role in Chu’s election. In contrast, Lee’s base is in the populated San Francisco Chinatown and is more responsive to the traditional Chinatown associations to rally the community. In San Francisco’s traditional immigrant gateway metropolis where other races have already established strong political power, Lee relies heavily on the senior “political power broker” to negotiate among the city’s top leaders. This may explain why Chinese Americans are less likely to succeed an election in metropolis like San Francisco, Los Angeles City, and New York City.
The two cases represent the current trend of the Chinese American electoral participation in two major types of residential patterns. The suburban politicians are facing more opportunities and those in the traditional gateway metropolis are having more hurdles to overcome in order to succeed.