姓名:樊府静 导师:孙有中
论文题目(英文):The Idealistic Spirit of Benjamin Franklin’s Pragmatic American Dream
论文关键词(中文):本杰明·富兰克林 实用主义 美国梦
论文关键词(英文):Benjamin Franklin, American dream, pragmatism
Benjamin Franklin (1709-1790), a writer, scientist, statesman, diplomat, inventor, is well recognized as one of the American Founding Fathers, American first self-made man and the man who invented the American dream. This paper is intended to interpret the idealistic spirit of Benjamin Franklin’s pragmatic American Dream through detailed textual analysis.
A detailed analysis of Benjamin Franklin’s pragmatism in the realm of politics, religion and morality leads to the conclusion that the idealistic spirit of Benjamin Franklin’s pragmatic American dream is based upon his pragmatic political, religious and moral beliefs which were often subjected to the test of experience. However, we should always bear in mind that the ultimate goal of his pragmatic approach, be in the realm of politics, religion and morality, lies in advancing the common good of political democracy, religious tolerance and social morality.
Admittedly, there are limits of Franklin’s pragmatic thoughts, thus a dialectical inheritance of Franklin’s pragmatism should better be adopted. Nonetheless, in general Franklin’s American dream does have remarkable current relevance. Franklin’s envision for a politically democratic, religiously tolerant, and morally public-minded-oriented America are still resonant with millions in and outside America.
姓名:孙晓轩 导师:孙有中
论文题目(英文):Spencerianism in the U.S. in 1860s’—1900s’: Dissemination and Reception among American Intellectuals
论文关键词(英文):Spencerianism; evolutionary thoughts; American intellectual history
In the late 19th Century, Spencerian philosophy on science, namely Spencerianism obtained popularity among American scholars. The study aims to detect the diffusion and reception of Spencerianism in the U.S., especially among American intellectuals in the 1860s’ to 1900s’ by utilizing the method of historical studies. It does not only study the ideological background of the U.S., but also foregrounds Spencerian philosophy within the socio-political development from the end of the Civil War through the late 19th Century. In order to make the research clear, the thesis will answer several questions: 1) Why could Spencerianism be widely diffused in the U.S. in that age? 2) How could Spencerianism be widely diffused in the U.S.? 3) How was its reception among Americans intellectuals? To probe into the research question, the study uses both primary and secondary sources which involve the interaction of Herbert Spencer and his contemporary intellectuals in the U.S. as well as the evaluation which Spencer received from American intellectuals.
Based on the analysis, the circumstances in the U.S., including the rapid development of capitalism, individualism, the Westward Expansion, and the mania for facts in the American society, created suitable soil for the diffusion of Spencerianism. In the diffusion process, Spencer’s self propagation and the publicity activities managed by American scholars for Spencerianism promoted its popularity in the U.S.; the popularization of Spencerianism also contributed a lot to its wide dissemination. However, due to social ills out of laissez-faire doctrine and learning of other scientific knowledge, Spencerianism was under fierce debates. American intellectuals always made research on a specific aspect of Spencerian philosophy; while they recognized Spencer’s pioneering functions in many subjects or domains, they criticized more on drawbacks of his social theories. The debates on Spencerianism among American intellectuals mainly rested on Spencer’s social theories. Firstly, Spencer applied biological evolutionary thoughts into human society directly, and neglected the psychic factors of humans; secondly, Spencer ideally believed each individual had spontaneous sympathy and altruistic acts and obeyed orders without any restrictions, especially in an industrial stage of a state; thirdly, Spencerian thoughts was claimed to be scientific while the language was vague and the theory was lack of verification and validation. Therefore, from the depth of reception, rejecting views overwhelmed acceptance of Spencerianism among American intellectuals.
姓名:邱琳光 导师:孙有中
论文题目(英文):Contemporary Communitarian Critique of Deontological Ethics
论文关键词(英文):Deontological liberalism, Communitarianism, Moral Subject, Right, Good
战后美国政治哲学中的一场大辩论在以罗尔斯为代表的自由主义与当代社群主义间展开,二者主要分歧在于权利与善的优先性。约翰·罗尔斯认为权利优先于善,个人权利不受任何传统、价值观和善观念影响。对道义自由主义者而言,权利是天赋、关乎道德、且不能为先定的善侵犯。然而, 迈克尔·桑德尔、阿拉斯代尔·麦金泰尔等社群主义者则认为,善应优先于权利,并强调个人及其合法权利中的道德责任。社群主义者所指的善可追溯至亚里士多德,他首先提出了“共同/公共善”的概念。这个思想包含物质与精神两层含义,即共同利益与共同美德。此外,社群主义者进一步指出个人权利依附于共同善。
One of the main divergences between Rawlsian liberalism and the contemporary communitarianism in post-war American political philosophy is about the priority of the right and the good. John Rawls argues for the priority of the right over the good, saying that individual rights are independent of all kinds of traditions, prevailing values, and social goods. To deontological liberalists, the right is natural-born, moral, and cannot be invaded by presupposed goods. Whereas communitarian thinkers like Michael Sandel, Alasdair MacIntyre argue that the good are prior to the right by emphasizing moral obligations of individuals and legal rights. The good referred to by communitarianists can be traced back to Aristotle, who brings forward the idea of “common good or public good” bearing both material and spiritual meanings, viz. common interests and virtue. Further, they point out that individual rights depend on the common good.
What underlies the debate above is the disagreement about the foundations of morals, the moral subject, between deontological liberalism and communitarianism. The starting point of Rawlsian liberalism is individual or the self, who has a natural tendency to pursue and reshape its own life-plans and is the basis of all social and political issues. In his famous proposition “the original position”, Rawls hypothesizes that individuals detaching from various social and communal attachments would choose justice as the primary principle. The point is heavily attacked by communitarianists who think that our identities are unavoidably influenced by our surroundings, like the family, religion, and traditions. The “unencumbered self” does not exist in reality. In Sandel’s words, rather than antecedent and full, any subject is open to change in accordance with environments and experiences.
The paper is first to examine in detail the fundamental debates over the right and the good, and the foundations of morals, the moral subject between deontological liberalism and communitarianism (it will not only limited to contemporary thinkers like Rawls and Sandel, but also refer to Kant and Aristotle), then to analyze the fair and failing points in commnitarianists’ criticism of deontological liberalism. Finally, it will suggest that communitarianism originates from but develops deontological liberalism, which is the footstone of modern democracy, and the two systems of ideas are both somewhat idealizing but set two vital extremums, between which different societies and communities demonstrate and develop different forms of democracy while beyond which lies the danger of emerging anarchy, moral chaos, and authoritarianism.
姓名:陈滢 导师:李今朝
论文题目(英文):How Middle-Class Women Social Workers Shape the Value of Working-Class Women in Immigration Communities from 19-20 Century: the Hull House, Chinatown and Cambodian Community
论文关键词(英文):Immigrant Communities; Social Work; Belief and Values; Women
America is a country built by immigrants. Since the arrival of May Flower, many immigrants settled on this land. As the country developed, many immigrants became citizens. They distinguished themselves from later settlers, such as those came for gold rush and railway construction after the mid 19th century and Cambodian refugees in the late 20th century. They also utilized social services, welfare policies to instill the mainstream values in the newly arrived immigrants.
Since the mid 19th century, social workers set up welfare institutions, social groups or immigrant communities and offered assistance. These social workers were from middle-class, white or other ethnicities that accumulated wealth as early immigrants. They not only cared about the immigrants, but carried out social welfare policies.
This thesis believed that in social practices, the middle-class offered humanitarian help by providing immigrant women with shelters, child care, language trainings, while they also used the social service and social welfare system to influence immigrant communities. By changing immigrant women, they transformed the immigrant communities, which played key role in assimilating immigrants into American mainstream value system.
The current thesis aims to study how middle-class social workers imposed their idea upon immigrant women and how they utilized social work to achieve this purpose, and the thesis also attemps to reveal the nature and the effect of these social services.
The current thesis will study cases of three influential communities between the 19thcentury and the 20th century, namely the Hull House of European immigrants in Chicago, Chinatown in San Francisco, and Cambodian community in San Francisco Bay Area.
The study focused on the reading and interpretation of the primary and secondary materials. Chapter Three analyzed the background and characteristics of the social work and social welfare between the mid-19th century and the late 20th century. Based on analysis of historical materials, Chapter Four will adopt the social work classification proposed by Kristi Anderson and categorize social work in three communities into human service, capacity building, probono consulting and political advocacy. Chapter Five will reveal the major finding of this thesis, to be specific, how the middle class impose their value system upon working-class immigrant. While the thesis acknowledges the contribution of some humanitarian help, it will also point out some negative impact of some social work and social service.
The thesis concluded that the middle-class women’s contribution in providing humanitarian help like shelters, food, opportunities to find a job and make a living could not be overlooked; however it was inappropriate for them to utilize the help as a condition and force immigrant women to accept American middle-class value and beliefs, such as the rules, independence, norms in family life and social life, Christianity, etc.
The thesis referred to the “problematization” theory from Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World and pointed out that in the process of providing social service, American middle-class discovered and created “problems” and utilized the social welfare system to force immigrant women to become the needed group in social service and programs. In this process, they imposed middle-class value and beliefs upon immigrants, which from the lens of class and culture, was one-way and hegemonic.
On the one hand, the middle-class treated the working-class unequally. They used their own class agenda to shape the value and beliefs of immigrant women. They helped these immigrants and influenced their self-awareness, family role and social position. On the other hand, the imposition of values reflected the superiority of American culture over that of other nations. They “problematized” the immigrants’ difficulties of integrating into American society, “shaped” them rather than respected their culture, which reflected the hegemony of American culture over other countries in this “internal colonization”.
Besides, while providing humanitarian help, these social workers did not respect the liberty of immigrant women and regarded them as a tool to further influence the whole immigrant community. Thus, it was impossible for immigrant women to achieve real identity and pride of working-class, happy family life, community development and culture diversity.
Based on the summary of the social service towards American immigrant women from the middle 19th century to late 20th century, the current study attempted to provide a new perspective for understanding American immigrant community, and analyze American immigrants from the angle of social work.
姓名:戴念 导师:闫循华
论文题目(英文):The Redefinition and Continuous Strengthening of the U.S.-Japan Alliance after the Cold War–Analyzing from A Perspective of Identity
论文关键词(英文):The U.S.-Japan Alliance; Redefinition and Continuous Strengthening; Collective Identity and “We”; China and North Korea as “they”; Shared Interests
The demise of common enemy and mutual dissatisfaction stood to undermine solidarity and invalidate purpose of the U.S.-Japan alliance shortly after the Cold War. Domestic opinion of the U.S. enthusiastically advocated “Japan passing” and “Japan bashing”, treating its Asian ally as competitor that called for abandonment and containment. Japan, while also doubting the meaning of continuing the alliance, grew increasingly critical of domineering and overbearing manner of the U.S. in dealing with economic frictions. However, against conventional wisdom, the drifting period concluded with alliance reaffirmation and redefinition from1996 to 1997 and the Asia Pacific region has witnessed continuous strengthening of it since then, which is characterized by emphasis on equal responsibility sharing, transformed MRC (mission, role, capability), increased interoperability, institutionalized mechanism for security cooperation etc.
Realism would predict Japan’s effort to guard against or even balance influence of the United States when the Cold War ended, which proves to be wrong given that it chose to coordinate closer and deeper with big brother. And liberalism lacks explanatory potency when it comes to examining why the alliance strengthened almost every time in response to regional security challenges, mostly by China and North Korea.
Therefore, the thesis tries to navigate a third way: analyzing redefinition and continuous strengthening of the U.S-Japan alliance via constructive approach. I intend to draw upon Tajfel’s social identity theory that demonstrates human nature for in-group affinity and inter-group discrimination. By extending this theory to the realm of international relations, I try to explore how the U.S. and Japan categorize themselves as in-group members and China and North Korea as out-group members. Similarities in terms of political form, economic arrangement, and diplomatic manner lay solid foundation for the alliance collective identity construction as “we”. And the same dimensions are employed to help us understand construction of China and North Korea as “other”. States, like individual human beings, aspires to maintain collective identity and advance collective interests for possible addition to members’ welfare. The very existence of or pursuit of interests of out-group might constitute threat, justifying efforts of in-group members to step up coordination and contain the rising influence of outsiders. Besides, collective identity strengthening accompanied by alliance redefinition renders members more aware of and attentive to shared interests. That China and North Korea pose threat to shared interests of the alliance motivates the U.S and Japan to redefine and continuously consolidate their transpacific security partnership in post Cold War era.
姓名:李钊 导师:王镇平
论文题目(英文):The Increase of Kung Fu Expression in Hollywood Production from 1960s till Now
论文关键词(英文):Orientalism, contact zone of Orientalism, virtual Orientalism, Hollywood Kung Fu production
在后殖民主义时代,东方主义是西方为巩固其文化霸权而统治东方的一种工具,它主要被用来显示西方文化的优越性。西方通过建构起一个不同于且落后于自己的东方,来获取自身的存在感和优越感。爱德华·萨义德引领了西方学术界对东方主义的思考和讨论,其中学者德里克根据Mary Louie Pratt的接触区理论,发展了东方主义理论,提出了东方主义的接触区理论,指出东西方在接触区内通过交流共同影响了西方对东方形象的建构,而学者Iwamura将东方主义融入美国媒体,提出了虚拟东方主义理论,指出了媒体对东方形象的强大建构力量。
In post-colonial era, Orientalism is used to consolidate Western cultural hegemony and to the Western dominance and superiority over the East. By constructing a different and backward Orient as a contrast, the West confirms its existence and superiority. Edward Said stirred up the thought and discussion of the Western academic circles on Orientalism. Scholar Arif Dirlik, based on Mary Louie Pratt’s theory of Contact Zone, put forward contact zone of Orientalism, pointing out that communications between the West and the East in contact zones jointly influence the Western construction of the Orient. Jane Iwamura, after combining Orientalism with the media, raised the theory of virtual Orientalism, stating the strong constructive power of the media on the Oriental image.
In this paper, Hollywood Kung Fu production is defined as Hollywood productions with Chinese martial arts features. Since 1960s, Chinese martial arts began to appear in Hollywood productions and Bruce Lee largely accelerated this trend. However, Hollywood Kung Fu production is made by the Western filmmakers for the Western audience, there must exist some errors or even distortions in its expression of Chinese martial arts like what has happened to the Hollywood Chinese images. This is a reflection of Hollywood using Orientalism to sustain Western cultural hegemony.
By making use of the theories of contact zone of Orientalism and virtual Orientalism, this paper devotes to studying the state of evolvement of Hollywood Kung Fu production under the influence of Orientalism. The evolvement of Hollywood Kung Fu production is divided into three phases, with each phase having its own distinctive and different features from other phases. This paper studies the change of contact zones of martial arts between China and America, and of stereotypes of Chinese martial arts depicted by Hollywood, finding that through the three phases, the contact zones in Hollywood Kung Fu productions have been increasing in number and deepening in depth, while the Chinese martial arts stereotypes have an opposite trend. This means more and more understanding and knowledge held by Hollywood of Chinese martial arts. Based on the change of the two aspects, the paper concludes that the expression of Chinese martial arts in Hollywood Kung Fu production is approaching the authentic Chinese martial arts images.
姓名:任勃 导师:王心扬
论文题目(英文):The Response of Japanese American Citizens League to the Internment of Japanese Americans during World War II
论文关键词(英文): Pearl Harbor incident; wartime internment; Issei; Nisei; Japanese American Citizens League; Nisei identity.
The Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) was established in 1929 and was the only national organization of second generation Japanese Americans (Nisei). The JACL aimed to secure and maintain citizen rights for the Nisei through assimilation. After the Pearl Harbor incident, Japanese American community leadership fell from the first generation leaders into the hands of the JACL. In coping with the crisis, the JACL adopted the strategy of full compliance and active cooperation with the government. The league has ever since been criticized for its active cooperation during the Japanese Americans evacuation. However, apart from overwhelming criticisms, there has been few in-depth analysis of the JACL’s war-time response.
This thesis attempts to analyze the JACL’s response to the U.S. wartime internment of Japanese Americans from the perspective of the Nisei identity. Applying historical and textual research methods, this thesis relies on Japanese American biographical literatures, personal letters of the JACL leaders, Pacific Citizen reports, the JACL leaders’ public statements and the league’s internal files as primary resources; and has tapped into secondary resources such as monographs on U.S. wartime internment and Japanese American history for inspirations on depicting the Nisei group character and the JACL experience.
The thesis consists of four parts following the time sequence: the first chapter analyzes the Nisei pre-war experience and their group character; the second chapter introduces the JACL experience before the war; the third chapter is a depiction of the JACL’s focus in the period from after the Pearl Harbor to the evacuation order; and the fourth chapter deals with shift of the JACL’s strategic focus after the announcement of the evacuation order. Finally, the thesis concludes that the JACL chose to cooperate with the government on Japanese American internment because it established the Nisei identity as loyal American citizens. The JACL marked the beginning of the Nisei growth and saved the Japanese Americans for future redress.
姓名:赵欣 导师:付美榕
论文题目(英文):Effects of the Fulbright Program on the Professional Qualities and Achievements of Chinese Participants (2001-2011): Evidence from the Fulbright Alumni in Beijing and Tianjin
论文关键词(英文):international educational and cultural exchange; Fulbright program; Fulbright participant; professional qualities
美国长期致力于旨在增强其国际影响力的公共外交实践,一个最直接的方式是实施政府主导的国际教育交流计划。 其中,创建于1946年的“富布莱特计划”作为声誉最高、规模最大的“旗舰”计划,以增进美国与其他国家公民之间的文化、教育交流为目标,迄今已资助了155个国家的46.8万名具有学术才能和领导潜力的人文社科领域的专业人士。“富布莱特中国项目”自1979年恢复以来,已资助了1200多名中国学者赴美从事研修、教学及其他活动。1999年,富布莱特中国项目改由美国国务院与中国教育部共同出资管理,并逐步扩大资助规模;2012-2013年度获得资助的中国学者与学生接近100人,较2004年翻了一番,这反映了中美两国政府对该项目的重视和期待。在21世纪的国际局势下,富布莱特计划中国项目的实施效果如何?其既定目标是否得以实现?本文的研究背景与选题意义便在于此。
中外学者对美国国际教育交流计划的研究大都从公共外交与国家战略的角度展开,且普遍认为美国政府主导国际教育交流计划的实质是推行美国的文化理念和价值观,即“把他人转化为按美国人的思维方式进行思维的人”,促成全世界对美国的认同。就富布莱特计划而言,其目标与影响是多重的、远非局限于政治外交层面。中美富布莱特项目旨在通过民间文化交流互动深化参与者对美国的了解,自主形成对美国的认知。同时,通过跨文化的学术交流经历与经验提升富布莱特学者的职业素养,使参加者在各自专业领域积极进取、尽显才能。回国后,项目还期待富布莱特学者通过自己的专业和个人活动,推动供职院校教学改革,并为两国的交流发挥桥梁与纽带作用。但现有文献并未评估上述目标是否得以实现,因而本文填补了研究空白,并从“接受国” 项目参与者的视角探究了富布莱特项目的实施效果。
The United States has attached great importance to public diplomacy, seeking to increase its influence on the international stage. As a key pillar of public diplomacy, the international educational exchange program has received more attention from the government. Since its inception, the Fulbright program, as an internationally acclaimed flagship academic exchange, aims at increasing mutual understanding between people of different cultures. Till now, the grants have been awarded to about 468,000 professionals from 155 countries. Since the renewal of the Fulbright program in China in 1979, over 1,200 Chinese scholars went to the U.S. to conduct research projects, teach, and pursue higher education. In 2004, the U.S. Department of State and the Chinese Ministry of Education agreed to expand the program and share the cost of funding individual U.S.-China Fulbright grants. Currently the Fulbright program grants awarded to the Chinese scholars has increased to nearly 100 each year, nearly doubled than the number in 2004. It indicates that both the Chinese and the U.S. government have shown increasing interest in expansion of the flagship Fulbright program. Against the backdrop of educational cooperation in the 21st century, this study is designed to measure the outcome of the Fulbright program in China and assessing how its goals are reached.
Scholars mostly view American exchange programs as an instrument of American public diplomacy. They believe these exchanges are designed to expose foreign publics to American ideals and cultures and to foster their sympathy with the United States. As it is, the Fulbright program is devised to serve more than the American political interests. It aims at furthering the participants’ understanding of the U.S. through social and cultural interactions with Americans. It also plays a pivotal role in enhancing participants’ professional capabilities and thus enabling them to transmit disciplinary insights, research and teaching techniques in their home institutions upon return. In addition, it encourages the Fulbright participants to foster an internationalist orientation and serve as a catalyst for creation of long-term scholarly relationships and establishment of institutional linkages between the institutions of the U.S. and of other countries. It is a pity that the existing literature on exchanges contains a small number of studies that have adequately assessed the effectiveness of exchange program in achieving the objectives illustrated above. Thus, this study fills the gap of existing literature by offering the perspectives of the Fulbright scholars from the “recipient country” on the outcome of the program.
The study draws on data mainly from in-depth interviews with 27 Chinese Fulbright grantees in Beijing and Tianjin. These participants have been awarded the Fulbright grants between 2001 and 2011. In the interviews, the Chinese Fulbright alumni share their perspectives on a range of factors essential for assessment: participants’ motivation to apply for the Fulbright grant; the experience and perception of the U.S.; benefits these exchangees have gained from the program during the sojourn; utilization of the professional gains from the Fulbright experience upon return; subsequent involvement in post-grant activities; and evaluation of the program mechanism. Based on the interviews, the study provides eight areas of qualitative findings concerning the professional qualities, namely (1) overall satisfaction with the Fulbright program; (2) changes in perception about the U.S. and in personal traits; (3) new knowledge and skills acquired from the Fulbright experience; (4) application of new knowledge and skills; (5) ripple effects of the Fulbright experience; (6) involvement in exchange-related activities after the Fulbright program; (7) subsequent international collaboration and contacts; (8) evaluation of the program mechanism/administration.
The findings revealed that the program is effective in enabling the Chinese participants to make profound professional advances during the grant. However, the Fulbright grantees are unable to sustain these developments or facilitate internationalization of their home institutions. The Cognitive Evaluation Theory (Deci and Ryan) indicates that the social contextual factors cause variability in intrinsic motivation. The environment can foster the people’s intrinsic motivation if the three innate psychological needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness are satisfied. Otherwise, it can undermine the people’s intrinsic motivation. Employing this theory, the study reveals that institutional and cultural factors determine the effectiveness of the Fulbright program. The Fulbright exhangees are unable to sustain the professional developments or facilitate educational reform in their home institutions, because they are restrained by Chinese institutional and cultural factors, including “tightened administrative control”, “excessive workload”, “irrational evaluation criteria”, and “value of official rank standard”. Thus, the study implies that the present unfavorable cultural and institutional factors in China undermine the effectiveness of the Fulbright program in reaching its goals.
This research is significant because it provides the perspectives of the Fulbright participants when examining the effectiveness of the Fulbright program. These perspectives offer some insights into the impact of the Fulbright program and shed some light on policies aiming to tap the full potential of the Fulbright experience for the benefits of China, the United States, and beyond. Meanwhile, it provides valuable experience for China’s rising educational and cultural exchanges.
姓名:齐盼盼 导师:付美榕
论文题目(英文):The Role of the Boxer Indemnity Program Beneficiaries in China’s Social Development: the Case of the 1948 Academia Sinica Members in Natural Sciences
论文关键词(英文):Natural Scientists; Boxer Indemnity Beneficiaries; Academia Sinica Members
Generations of Chinese students embark on the road to study in the United States. During the first half of the 20th century, American government remits the excessive amounts of Boxer Indemnities to sponsor the Chinese students, envisioning the program as an educational investment to cultivate a generation of Chinese leaders who would reshape China’s future and export American values. The destinies of returned scientists are closely related to the social progress of China. Increasing academic attention is paid to the intellectuals during Republican era these years. This thesis aims to investigate the role of the Boxer Indemnity Program beneficiaries in China’s social development and evaluate whether American government achieved the goal of Boxer Indemnity Program.
This thesis will examine the first batch of Academia Sinica members in 1948. Among the 53 academicians in natural sciences, 25 were sponsored by Boxer Indemnity Program. An exception is Mei Yiqi who serves as the president of Tsinghua University and gets elected into the Academia Sinica in 1962. The 26 natural scientists are the sample cases of this thesis. Qualitative approach is employed to interpret the autobiographies, memoirs and historical records concerning the professional trajectories of the sample scientists.
The 26 natural scientists were deeply and widely involved in the endeavor of science and education modernization in China. The research finds out that the scientists failed to instill industrialization in an agrarian society of China. The scientific achievements are not driven by social needs and they are not effectively translated into productivity. Moreover, the Chinese scientists generally demonstrate nationalistic outlook in promoting local sciences and advancing independent undergraduate education. The commitment to American scientific values was overshadowed by a strong sense of patriotism. Generally speaking, the Chinese scientists failed to meet the expectations of American architects of Boxer Indemnity Program. The underlying reasons are multifold. The turbulent political situation, the rise of nationalism and China’s reality as an agrarian society determine that long-term investment in intercultural education is highly risky. From the American perspective, the factors accounting for the failed cause are unpredictable and incontrollable.
姓名:张雨苓 导师:李莉文
论文题目(英文):The Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Environmental Policy: An Empirical Re-visitation of the Tradeoff in Three United States Manufacturing Industries
论文关键词(中文):外商直接投资 环境政策 美国制造业 阶层回归
论文关键词(英文):FDI Environmental regulation Manufacturing industries Hierarchical regression
The debate on the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) activities and environmental regulation has lasted for several decades without consistent conclusion. The alleged tradeoff between environmental policy and FDI has raised alarm for many parties. It is the interest of this thesis to answer the question that does environmental protection policy deter FDI, if so, to what extent would the changes of FDI in the U.S. be attributed to regulatory stringency?
To estimate the magnitude of the influence of environmental policy on U.S. domestic manufacturing industries, the thesis focuses on three subsectors: petroleum, chemical, and primary metal, coded as 324, 325 and 331 by the four-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Variables in the model are categorized into traditional economic and new noneconomic (policy) factors, the latter of which reflex geographic or demographic characteristics and policy features that are found to have increasing importance for foreign investment. They are further divided into inter-regional and intra-regional attributes based on the site-selection process of foreign investors. Hierarchical regression is adopted to estimate the relationship among independent and explanatory variables.
With traditional economic factors and other policy factors as control variables, the regression results indicate that environmental policy stringency does affect location choice, but not as stipulated by the pollution haven hypothesis, which argues that stringent environmental policy drives away industries to less developed countries where environment degrades and “pollution haven” emerges. However, it is not a strong determinants compared to other variables as transportation, labor, and agglomeration force. It has explained 58% variance in employment changes of foreign establishments, while obtaining no statistically significant effect on numbers of establishments. This fact suggests that firms respond to environmental policy changes by adjusting production structures or streamlining labor force instead of simply opening new plants or closing existing ones. The influence of policy is highly context-specific, which cautions arbitrary conclusion on its effect and relative countermeasure without comprehensive investigation of other unobserved determinants.
This study contributes to the general topic on environmental policy and FDI in two ways: 1) theoretically, an integrated framework of this relationship is introduced to restore the interaction among traditional market factors, emerging elements from globalization, and variables influencing the changes of environmental policy; 2) methodologically, the combination of hierarchical regression and stepwise variable selection technique enable the entrance into the model of the most significant explanatory variables, meanwhile, control the multicollinearity problem. This contrasts with previous literature, which either used reduced-form models which cannot control for many unobserved differences across regions, or omitted any possible factors that may impact the quantified environmental policy stringency.
姓名:李志杰 导师:梅仁毅
论文题目(英文):U.S. and China Images in Each Other’s National Polls
论文关键词(英文):National Image; Public Attitudes; National Polls; Foreign Policy; U.S.-China Relations
National image is the international community’s relatively stable overall assessment of a country. To certain extent, one country’s image judgment of another country decides the formulation and implementation of its foreign policy toward another country, while one country’s public attitudes toward another country influence its image judgment of another country, thus, it is necessary to understand and analyze one country’s public attitude toward another country.
Among the various bilateral relations in the world, U.S.-China relations is probably “the single most important one”, both for themselves and for the world. However, U.S.-China relationship is not a stable one, even after the U.S.-China rapprochement and the end of the cold war there have been ups and downs in U.S.-China relations. Thus, it is of great significance to understand and analyze U.S.-China public attitudes toward each other, study U.S.-China mutual images, the source of such images, and analyze the relationship between public attitudes and U.S.-China mutual images.
This thesis, based on the survey reports of BBC World Service Country Rating Poll, Pew Global Attitudes Project, Committee of 100 (C-100), Global Times, and the Institute of American Studies (IAS) at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) from 2005 to 2013, by analyzing and comparing the original survey data conducted in both countries, the filed dates, the survey questions, and the objectivity of the questionnaires, tries to understand and analyze U.S.-China public attitudes toward each other, find out U.S.-China mutual images in each other’s national polls, the sources of such images, and the relationship between public attitudes and the foreign policies of the two countries. The thesis also tries to see the reason why different national polls have different survey results.
In this thesis, both quantitative and qualitative analysis will be used. Quantitative analysis mainly focuses on the survey data, while qualitative analysis mainly focuses on the survey questions and the wording of the survey questions.
Through quantitative analysis, the author finds that U.S.-China mutual images are basically stable. On average, China’s positive views of the U.S. and U.S. positive views of China is around 40% to 50%, increase or decrease sharply only in response to certain events. But, in general, China’s view of the U.S. is more inclined to be event-driven, and more negative.
Through the study, the author also finds that contrary to many scholars’ expectations that Chinese images of U.S. government and the American people are different, China’s image of the American people is remarkably consistent with that of the country. Besides, there is a contradiction in each other’s views of the other country.
The thesis also discusses about the most favorable and the most unfavorable images of the two countries, and the sources of such positive and negative views.
At the end of the thesis, suggestions will be provided for the policymakers.
姓名:詹雨亭 导师:闫循华
论文题目(英文):Vote-Type and Presidential Influence: Explaining Party Unity Variation in the House of Representatives, 1953-2004
论文关键词(英文):unity, cross-voting behavior, procedural cartel theory, presidential influence, multivariate linear regression
本文旨在探讨众议院党派凝聚力的影响因素,解释党派凝聚力在单次记名投票中的变化规律并比较分析该规律作用于不同政党时的效力差异。在以往的学术研究中,党派凝聚力多以“党派凝聚力指数”(Party Unity Scores)来衡量。本文认为,该衡量方法忽略了跨界投票比例的浮动以及单次记名投票的独特背景和影响因素,因而具有较大的局限性。因此,本文采用著名学者莱斯提出的莱斯指数(Rice index)来探讨记名投票层面的凝聚力变化影响因素。
本文第二条理论旨在分析总统在记名投票上的立场对党派凝聚力的影响。通过公开表明在特定投票上的立场,总统可以对各党成员的投票方向施加压力,并导致两党凝聚力的变化。本理论认为,当总统与一党立场相左,该党将有更多成员跨界投票,进而削弱该党的凝聚力。同样,需要指出的是,由于总统能给同党议员提供更多有价值的回报,其对同党议员的影响力高于对反对党议员的影响力。 此外,由于多数党和本党成员的合作关系更为紧密,多数党总统比少数党总统更容易吸引本党跨界投票的支持。
This paper attempts to explain party unity variation at roll call level, as well as to analyze the asymmetries of voting patterns between different party groups. While conventional measures like party unity scores are effective at aggregate level, they fail to capture the variation in voting defection and the unique context of each roll call that contribute to the shaping of voting coalitions on the floor. Thus, the author chooses to adopt the Rice index that overcomes these limitations to estimate party unity.
Drawing upon the findings of the previous studies on congressional organization and executive-legislative relations, this research employs a framework of the game between collective and individual preferences and falls back on two major theories: conditional procedural-unity-oriented voting theory and conditional presidential-position-oriented cross-voting theory. According to the former, party unity is strongest in procedural votes and least so in amendment votes, because different vote-types denote different inherent controversy, salience and party pressures. This association between vote-type and party unity is conditional in that it is only operative for partisan occasions (party unity votes) where party unity is essential to win the vote. Also, the theory is more likely to hold for the majority party than for the minority party, since the former has a bigger stake in and a greater power over the procedural proceedings, whereas the latter’s right to challenge is mainly invested in the amendment process. Based on these deductions, we point out three subordinate claims to complement the theory, defining its premises (partisan conflict, majority status) and shedding light on cross-party asymmetry in voting—unity in procedural and final passage votes is greater for the majority, whereas that in amendment votes is greater for the minority.
The second theory addresses the influence of presidential public position taking on party unity—when the president disagrees with the party, the party’s unity decreases, because more legislators are willing to defect out of electoral incentives and other personal preferences. This theory is also conditional in that it works better for co-party presidents but less so for opposition-party presidents, since presidential reward for loyalty is exclusive to fellow partisans and the MCs have more incentives to follow their own party’s presidents. Additionally, the majority-party presidents are more influential than minority-party presidents, because the former work more closely with their co-partisans whereas the latter’s reliance on bipartisan support reduces their leverage to some extent.
Based on the results of our multivariate regression models, when controlling for system-level influences like party polarization in the postreform era and congressional election years, our theories fare well in explaining variation in party unity from vote to vote. When the conditions are met, both vote-type and presidential position are significant determinants of party unity, and there is a clear cross-party asymmetry as to in what way and to what extent these factors influence party unity.As predicted, the above factors appear to exert an unbalanced influence over the majority party and the minority party.
Through cross-party comparisons, this study contributes to the literature by offering valuable insight into how asymmetries in power shape asymmetries in unity. Also, it sheds light on the voting strategy of each party by delving into the interaction between collective preferences and individual preferences. Additionally, through the investigation of how presidential positions divide parties internally, this thesis analyzes the difference between co-party and opposition-party presidents, as well as that between majority and minority presidents. Such discussions contribute a congressional-centric perspective to the studies on executive and legislative relations, and provide a plausible explanation for the different legislative performance of different party presidents.
姓名:王鼎 导师:陈崛斌
论文题目(中文):A Tango between Elite and Mass Politics: Exploring the Electoral-institutional Dynamics of Party Polarization in the Post-reform House,1973-2012
论文关键词(中文):政治极化 众议院 选区因素 制度因素
论文关键词(英文):party polarization; post-reform House; electoral dynamics; institutional dynamics
Party polarization, the ideological homogeneity within and the heterogeneity between the two parties in Congress has been the academic focus of American political science studies for decades. Nonetheless, explanations of its emergence remain incomplete. While extant literature have leveraged different party theories and time series studies to measure the impact of various electoral and institutional factors on congressional polarization, few studies have offer an integrated analysis of both dynamics and how the two mechanisms interact with each other to produce the synergetic effect on political polarization.
To fill up this lacuna, we need to explore the electoral-institutional dynamics from a holistic perspective. The study focuses on polarization in the post-reform house from 1973 to 2012. Throughout this time period, the House has undergone profound institutional reforms that alter the nature of party leadership and the agendas, rules and procedures of party members’ voting behavior. And at the same time, the electoral bases of House members have also experienced a series of demographic changes that restructure party competition at the grass roots.
In order to gauge the impact of these electoral and institutional changes in the last four decades on party polarization in the House, I leverage the spatial theories and dimensional analyses by dividing the measurement of polarization into two subsets: intraparty cohesiveness and interparty distance, quantifying both with first-dimension DW-NOMINATE scores. I then measure how much influence do electoral and institutional factors exert upon these two indicators with regression models. I find, generally speaking, the electoral factors provide much of the dynamics for the growing interparty distance, while institutional factors largely account for the rising intraparty cohesiveness. Taken together, these two dynamics work as complementary pieces for explaining party polarization in the post-reform House.
Moreover, I argue that to understand how these two dynamics interact with each other, we must assess the transmission of political messages between mass and elite polarization from both bottom-up and top-down perspectives. Only when the changes within the constituency interact with institutional changes in Congress through party institutions does the complete picture of party polarization come into clearer focus.
姓名:石小璐 导师:李莉文
论文题目(英文):U.S. Hostile towards Chinese Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions (Mundefinedamp;As)?
论文关键词(英文):Chinese Investment in the U.S.; Mergers and Acquisitions (Mundefinedamp;As); CFIUS.
自从中国政府在1997年宣布“走出去”战略到今天,中国的企业已经几乎遍布世界各个角落。但随着中国产业的提升和转型,特别是2008年金融海啸后,中国企业已经逐渐改变了早期单一的能源和基础设施投资,进入到了技术金融服务等高端领域。美国作为世界最为发达和先进的经济体,也成为了中国企业最受欢迎的投资目的地之一。中国对美国投资起步晚但增幅快。在2013年已高达17亿美金,而这一趋势还在继续。但是在过去十年里中国企业在美国的投资可不是一番风顺,在中国国内引起巨大争议的几个海外投资案件均发生在美国(例如:中海油兼并尤先科,华为收购3Leaf, 三一风电被总统叫停等)。这些具有争议和失败的案例在中国国内产生了非常负面的影响,中国政府和大多数学者媒体均认为中国企业收购和兼并(mergers and acquisitions)在美国受到了不公正的待遇,遭受到美国国内政治的阻挠和投资安全检查机构的歧视性对待。但是面对中国的质疑,美国政府和学界却认为他们的投资市场对中国企业和其它国家同样自由开放。
From the year of 1997 in which Chinese government ushered in the “Going Out Strategy” to today, Chinese companies have mushroomed in every corner of the world. As the Chinese industry is developing, along with the growing pressure of upgrading, Chinese enterprises have gradually changed from the single, conventional investment mode, such as natural resource procurement and infrastructure at the outset, to the present investment focusing on high value-added industries, such as technology, service and finance. The 2008 financial crisis further accelerated this momentum. The United States, the biggest economy as well as the most advanced industrialized countries in the world, turns into one of the most popular destinations for Chinese investment. Although Chinese investment has been in the U.S. not for a long time, it has already become the one with the fastest growing pace. In 2013, the total value of Chinese investment in the U.S. climbed to $1.7 billion. This trend is still carrying on. However, the Chinese companies’ road to investment in the U.S. was not smooth, and several controversial Chinese outbound investment cases all occurred in the U.S., such as the CNOOC’s takeover of Unocal, Huawei’s merger of 3Leaf and Sany’s takeover blocked by U.S. President. These failed or controversial deals left very negative impression on Chinese companies. Chinese government, most of scholars and media claim that Chinese mergers and acquisitions (Mundefinedamp;As) were unfairly treated, and subjected to the discriminatory security scanning of the U.S. national security agencies including the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United Sates (CFIUS). Nevertheless, faced with the Chinese suspicions, the U.S. government and scholars say that the U.S. investment market is as open to Chinese companies as to any other countries’.
Through analyzing the contents of Chinese government’s press briefings, speeches and reports, scholars’ researches and the media coverage by way of the discourse analysis, this paper ascertains the Chinese attitudes towards U.S. investment environment. In the similar fashion, it studies how the U.S. views the Chinese companies’ attempts to do Mundefinedamp;As in the U.S. as well as what the U.S. concerns and interests are respectively. After that, the paper looks for the reasons why there exists a huge recognition gap between the U.S. and China in terms of the U.S. environment for the Chinese Mundefinedamp;As, and studies whether the U.S. really discriminates the Chinese companies. What’s more, When studying the CFIUS, this paper employs the data analysis approach to collect and analyze the official and unofficial data in order to see whether the Chinese Mundefinedamp;As are unfairly treated in the U.S.
After the analysis and study, the paper reaches the conclusion that the U.S. investment market is open to Chinese companies as well, and Chinese companies have already made huge accomplishments quietly in the U.S. However, the controversies and failures of some Mundefinedamp;A deals attribute to that Chinese companies’ unfamiliarity with the U.S. concerns, the U.S. domestic political systems and the function of U.S. investment security regulation agencies. In addition, the U.S. attitudes vary according to the change of industries and fields, and even, some industries are not subject to any security review at all. Therefore, the single term to describe the holistic U.S. attitudes towards Chinese Mundefinedamp;As is inappropriate. Moreover, with the accumulation of Chinese companies’ experience and more thorough understanding of the U.S. market, the problems that led to the Chinese companies’ failure in the past occur less nowadays. And some companies that failed in the past succeeded recently. Therefore, Chinese companies ought to get rid of the mental burden, actively prepare, and bravely stride in the U.S. Mundefinedamp;A market. Only in this way can the Chinese companies publicize their global images, improve technology and management capability, and increase market share.