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姓名:王亚梅 导师: 梅仁毅

论文题目(中文): 努力重获失去的领导权:奥巴马气候变化政策解析

论文题目(英文): Attempt to Regain the Lost Leadership:Obama’s Climate Change Policy

论文关键词(中文):美国, 奥巴马政府, 气候变化政策, 领导权, 新能源经济

论文关键词(英文):The United States, The Obama administration, Climate Change, Policy Leadership, Clean Energy, economy








Global warming has become a major challenge faced by all mankind, and countries around the globe have increasingly attached unprecedented importance to this issue. To solve this problem requires concerted efforts from all countries on the earth. However, many have adopted a negative and short-sighted attitude toward it due to economic, political, and many other factors concerned. As the world’s largest economy, America’s climate change policy has played a decisive role in solving this problem. Though some progress has been achieved, previous U.S. governments’ climate change policy put U.S. national interests as its starting point and on the whole they adopted a negative attitude toward it. Under international pressure and out of practical considerations, the Obama administration has adjusted U.S. position on climate change, and gained certain progress in specific measures and legislative process. This paper applies leadership theory to analyze Obama’s climate change policy both at home and abroad with an aim to gain a comprehensive and proper understanding of it.

Based on previous scholars’ researches on U.S. climate change policy, this paper conducts a detailed analysis of the Bush administration’s retreat from the Kyoto Protocol regardless of the international community’s efforts which caused the loss of U.S. leadership in global governance of climate change, and the Obama administration’s commitment to rebuild U.S. image as a responsible country through its active attitude toward climate change in the international community with an ultimate goal to regain that lost leadership.

This article attempts to explore the reasons for a shift in climate change policy by a comparison of different performances between the Bush administration and the Obama administration within international framework to address climate change. In 2001 George W. Bush announced U.S. withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol which stalled the pace of international efforts to combat climate change. The main reason was that the Bush administration firmly believed that the development of science and technology would eventually help people to address the problem of climate change, and to limit emissions would hamper U.S. economic development and thus have an impact on the U.S. hegemony. That withdrawal caused great damage to the U.S. image and its soft power in the international community. After taking office, Barack Obama tried to regain U.S. leadership in global governance of climate change and reshape U.S. international image through bilateral, multilateral, and various other actions within UN framework.

The Obama administration has embarked on a series of actions domestically to address climate change and strongly advocated new energy economy at home to strengthen U.S. leadership both in energy and economy and further consolidate U.S. hegemony in the world. However, U.S. local governments and interest groups have taken starkly different actions to climate change out of their considerations of natural resources and economic interests, which restricted the implementation of U.S. climate change policy on the domestic front and impeded the process of climate legislation. Moreover, obstructions from Congress have additionally made Obama’s climate legislation difficult. Though the Obama administration attempts to regain the leadership in international climate change policy, it continues to reject any form of mandatory emission commitments out of economic as well as other considerations.

All in all, the Obama administration has made certain efforts and achieved some progress in response to climate change, but the prospect is not that optimistic. After 2010 mid-term election the Republicans controlled the House of Representatives. It would bring much greater pressure for the Obama administration to pass climate change legislation. Besides, upon the upcoming of 2012 election year, in order to seek re-election, President Obama is likely to do nothing substantial in the next two years. Hence his attempt to regain U.S. leadership in international governance of climate change will remain unattainable in the foreseeable future, and there will be no constructive breakthrough in global climate change efforts in that the United States refuses to accept any binding emission target.

姓名:杨馨 导师: 梅仁毅

论文题目(中文): 变化与延续: 从美国大战略角度看奥巴马任内美国对朝政策的演变

论文题目(英文): Changes and Continuities of US-North Korean Policy under Obama Presidency—From US Strategic Perspective

论文关键词(中文):美国对朝政策 奥巴马政府 大战略 变化 延续

论文关键词(英文):US-North Korean Policy, The Obama Administration, Grand Strategy, Changes continuities


从奥巴马上任至中期选举的22个月里,美朝关系发生了新的变化。本文通过探讨这段时期美国对朝鲜政策的动向,从美国整个东亚大战略的角度整体上回顾并分析了美国对朝的变化与延续、分析了变化成因以及得以延续保持的动因。为考察朝鲜问题在美国对外政策中的地位,文章首先利用美国《国家安全战略》等文本分析了冷战后克林顿政府、小布什政府以及奥巴马政府的大战略。从克林顿政府提出的“参与与扩展”为基本思想的国家安全战略、9•11以后小布什政府提出的“先发制人”战略到奥巴马政府的新国家安全战略都是以追求美国的国家安全利益和推行美国的民主价值观念、追求绝对军事优势、建立以美国为主导的世界格局为最终目标的。文章接着回顾并评析了克林顿政府至小布什政府对朝鲜实施的具体政策,两者在两个任期里都实现了对朝政策从强硬到接触的快速转变,并且在各自任期末期双方达成了1994 年的日内瓦《框架协议》、2005年的《9 •19共同声明》和2007年的《2•13落实共同声明起步行动》。在布什后期,尽管布什政府通过六方会谈的多边形式加强与朝鲜的接触与对话,但由于双方的互不信任和误解,朝核问题的顺利解决仍然无望然而。总体来看,冷战后克林顿政府和布什政府一直以来缺乏一套对朝的明晰一致的战略,这也导致美朝关系的波动较大。奥巴马政府上任后,面对着美国经济实力和整体形象的下降而提出了“重振美国,领导全球”的大战略。面对朝鲜退出六方会谈、开展第三次核试验等一系列挑衅行为,奥巴马政府试图运用“巧实力”打破朝鲜用制造危机的手段获得奖励的怪圈。它一方面加大了与国际社会反核扩散的力度以孤立、制裁朝鲜,另一方面灵活运用穿梭外交、军事会谈等方式与朝鲜接触。此外,奥巴马政府还利用“天安号事件”为契机在朝中附近的海域举行大规模军事演习,展示了“巧实力”的强硬面。在奥巴马任期的短短22个月里,美国利用朝核问题稳固了美日韩军事同盟,并企图遏制中国在该地区的影响,从而巩固它在东亚地区的整体战略布局。


This thesis analyzes and evaluates US policies towards North Korea in addressing the North Korean nuclear problem in the first twenty-two months under the Obama administration. Using historical and comparative analysis, it examines the changes and continuities of US-North Korean policy in the Post-Cold War era conducted by the Clinton administration, the George W. Bush administration and the current Obama administration from the perspective of the US grand strategy. Recognizing the limits of American power and its diminished world stature, the Obama administration adjusts its national security strategy to a prudent grand strategy that emphasizes “engagement”. It developed a pragmatic approach towards North Korea that moves to change the decades-long dynamics of chasing after Pyongyang. In the interim period of North Korean leadership transition and Six-Party Talks inactivity, the Obama administration redoubled efforts to stop North Korean proliferation activities by building a more expansive agenda of nonproliferation and strengthening alliance and partnership with regional powers in Northeast Asia. It seized the chance of the Cheonan incident to pressurize Beijing to use its leverage on Pyongyang and realized the rearrangement of military deployment in the region. These developments revealed the underlying strategic thinking behind the US-North Korean policy since the end of Cold War which underscores Washington’s steadfast pursuit of predominance in Northeast Asia.

姓名:孙天 导师: 梅仁毅

论文题目(中文): 冷战后美国对非政策:变化与延续

论文题目(英文): 变化与延续: 从美国大战略角度看奥巴马任内美国对朝政策的演变

US Africa Policy in the Post-Cold War Era: Changes and Continuity

论文关键词(中文):冷战后 美国对非政策 变化与延续 中国

论文关键词(英文):post-Cold War Era, US Africa Policy, Changes And Continuity, China


本文就冷战结束至今美国三届政府对非洲政策的变化与延续和这些变化与延续所体现的美国的战略考虑进行了研究。在冷战时代,非洲大陆是欧亚大陆之外美苏争夺的另一个重要舞台。20世纪80年代末至90年代初,随着冷战结束,非洲的战略地位急剧下降。然而,进入21世纪后,全球范围内的能源危机日益显现。在这个背景下,拥有丰富石油、天然气和矿产资源的非洲成为新一轮大国争夺的对象。作为当今世界唯一的超级大国,美国自然是这场争夺的主要参与者之一。而在中国方面,2006年中国组织召开中非论坛,无疑体现了中国对非洲的重视。因此,对美国对非洲政策的研究将对中国在非洲政策的发展具有重要的现实意义。目前,中美学术界对冷战后美国对非政策有一些研究,但大多局限在某一时期,缺乏全局的视野和系统的分析。本文认为对冷战后美国对非政策进行系统梳理和分析是十分必要的,这将有助于更好地理解、预测美国对非政策,从而对中国的非洲政策产生更好的指导作用。 本文将研究两个问题:冷战结束后美国三届政府对非洲政策有哪些变化和延续?这些变化和延续体现了美国怎样的战略考虑?为了回答这两个问题,本文分析了克林顿政府、小布什政府和奥巴马政府在政治、经济和军事三个方面对非洲的主要政策,并进行了对比研究。研究表明,在对非洲的态度和政策重点两个方面,这一时期的美国对非政策既有变化也有延续。对非态度方面,从克林顿政府到小布什政府,美国逐渐重视非洲,体现了态度上的转变; 而从小布什政府到奥巴马政府,后者延续了前任对非洲重视的基调,而且重视程度不断加深。在政策重点上,克林顿政府的对非政策把经济作为重点,而小布什和奥巴马政府均把控制能源和反恐斗争作为重点。另外,虽然小布什和奥巴马政府的政策重点基本相同,其实现方式则体现了一个重大变化。前者受新保守主义影响,强调经济、军事等硬实力因素,而后者则强调依靠合作、对话等相对温和的方式来推动其政策目标的实现。至于这些变化和延续所体现的美国的战略考虑,本文研究发现,纵观美国冷战后三届政府,其对非政策不管是变化还是延续,首先都与美国的全球战略紧紧相连。其次,国内政治因素,包括党派影响、国会和利益集团等,也都对美国对非政策的变化和延续有一定影响。本文最后认为奥巴马政府在非洲对石油的重视无疑对中国造成了挑战,但是,同时,奥巴马政府所倡导的合作、对话等方式也给中国在非洲的发展及中美关系带来了机遇。


This thesis is dedicated to the changes and continuity in US Africa policy under three different administrations in the post-Cold War era and the implications of such changes and continuity to the United States. In the Cold War period, Africa was an important battlefield for the United States and the Soviet Union. In the late 1980s and the early 1990s, as the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the strategic significance of Africa to the United States declined sharply. However, since the turn of the 21st century, owing to its rich resources of oil and minerals, the African continent has become the target for a new scramble of the great powers. As the only super power on the world stage, the United States is undoubtedly one of the major players. As for China, Sino-African Summit 2006 signaled China’s emphasis on Africa. Therefore, a detailed analysis on US Africa policy is sure to have some practical significance for China’s Africa policy. At present, there exists some studies on US Africa policy in the post-Cold War era in the academia both in China and the United States. Nevertheless, most of them are confined to a particular period, thus unable to provide a whole picture of the issue. This thesis believes that it is necessary to have such a whole picture of US Africa policy in the post-Cold War era, as it can help us better understand the evolution of US policy as well as predict US future policy and thus provide better guidance for China. As a result, this thesis addresses two questions: what are the changes and continuity of US Africa policy under three different administrations in the post-Cold War era? What are the implications of such changes and continuity for the United States? In particular, this thesis analyzes US political, economic and military policies in Africa under the three administrations since the end of the Cold War and discovers that changes and continuity can be found in two aspects, i.e. US attitude toward Africa and US policy focus in Africa. In terms of US attitude toward Africa, from the Clinton administration to the Bush Jr. administration, more and more emphasis has been attached to Africa; while for the Obama administration, US emphasis on Africa has been maintained. In terms of US policy focus in Africa, from the Clinton administration to the Bush Jr. administration, the focus was shifted from economic ties to oil and anti-terrorism; while for the Obama administration, the focuses on oil and anti-terrorism are both maintained. The major difference between the Bush Jr. administration and the Obama administration is that while the former stressed the use of military power, the latter relies more on a liberal approach to achieve the policy goal. As for the question of the implications, this thesis finds that above all, the changes and continuity in US Africa policy in the post-Cold War era are closely connected with those in US national strategy. In addition, domestic politics, including party ideology, Congress and the interest groups, also play a role. As for the implication for China, this thesis believes that the Obama administration’s focus on oil in Africa inevitably poses a challenge for China, but at the same time, its emphasis on a liberal approach in carrying out its Africa policy also offers an opportunity for China’s Africa policy as well as US-China relations.

姓名:张春晓 导师: 孙有中

论文题目(中文): 思想的继承与发展—约翰•柯顿和本杰明•富兰克林道德观的比较研究

论文题目(英文): Intellectual Inheritance and Modification:A Comparative Study on the Moral Thoughts of John Cotton and Benjamin Franklin”

论文关键词(中文):道德 三因素模型 上帝 行为 教会

论文关键词(英文):Morality, Three-factor Model, God, Conduct, Church








Intellectual development of the human race takes place amid the unremitting efforts that every generation makes to reevaluate the notions and values passed down from the predecessors. In the course of reevaluation, some are preserved, some eliminated and others modified in one way or another. The United States, unexceptionally, has born witness to such intellectual inheritance and evolution ever since its colonial memory. Take for instance the Puritans and Enlightenment thinkers, two groups successively in control of the country’s intellectual life. Convergence and divergence of their ideologies are hardly unusual. Puritanism and the Enlightenment share the same concern for man’s moral impeccability, yet not the same interpretation of morality. Having selected John Cotton and Benjamin Franklin as the spokesmen of these two ideologies, this thesis aims to approach intellectual inheritance and modification by examining how Franklin reshaped Puritan Cotton’s moral outlook in the context of prevailing Enlightenment.

Influential as Cotton and Franklin were in the American intellectual history, both have been understated within the academia in terms of their moral philosophies. Cotton’s dispute with Roger Williams, along with his scriptural explication, has taken up too much academic attention to spare some for a comprehensive and systematic analysis of his moral views. Similarly, scholars tend to present Franklin’s moral outlook in an incomplete and unsystematic manner. Under such a circumstance, an elaborate comparative study that puts in perspective the two thinkers’ outlooks on morality is nowhere to be found. Resting upon a textual analysis of Cotton’s and Franklin’s major writings, this thesis is intended as a tentative attempt to fill this gap.

Cotton’s moral outlook took shape when he tried to clarify a couple of key concepts, including the covenant of grace, the covenant of works, and the church covenant. A three-factor model was in the process formulated, specifying that God, conduct and the church were the three factors jointly deciding whether, how and when man could acquire moral perfection. Having internalized Puritanism, Cotton venerated the supreme authority vested in God. The grace of God is the only way to spiritual enhancement. Only by having faith in God will man be justified by God, gradually sanctified and finally glorified. Good conduct alone is far from sufficient to deliver man from their original sins. Cotton did not dismiss good conduct as insignificant, though. As the derivative and demonstration of man’s faith in God, good works add to man’s sanctity, and thus facilitate their quest for spiritualization. In addition to God and conduct, Cotton highlighted, in particular, the role of the church in communicating to man God’s ordinances and in assisting man’s pursuit of morality by wielding its liberties and prerogatives.

Franklin embraced the basic framework of Cotton’s model, acknowledging the interaction of God, conduct and the church in man’s moral progress. However, the world by then was different from the one where Cotton lived. Enlightened thinkers began to shift their focus from divinity to humanity. Man’s rationality, experience and capability of self-fulfillment became increasingly valued. Franklin, with humanism underlying his thought, decided to reposition every factor in the model, and reallocate their functions. Rather than preach salvation by God’s grace, Franklin encouraged man’s perpetual commitment to virtuous conduct, indicating that morality was in essence habituation, or, habitual behavior. Franklin also reassessed the importance of God and the church, in terms of their utility in promoting behavioral change. God, as he maintained, instructed and inspired those who attempted to perfect themselves morally, and thus exerted positive influence. Nevertheless, the role of God remained more instrumental and supplementary than predominant. Besides, Franklin challenged Cotton’s stance that the church was indispensable in dispensing morality, and contended that it, more often than not, impeded morality rather than promote it.

Having inherited Cotton’s three-factor model, Franklin reshaped it based on his own learning and experience. This is precisely an instance of intellectual inheritance and modification.

姓名:杜洁 导师: 孙有中

论文题目(中文): 巴拉克•奥巴马的“美国梦”及其思想探源

论文题目(英文): Barack Obama’s American Dream and His Sources of Inspiration

论文关键词(中文):巴拉克 奥巴马 美国梦 思想史

论文关键词(英文):Barack Obama, American Dream, Intellectual history






As the first African-American President in the history of the United States of America, Barack Obama has attracted attention from home and abroad. To join in the efforts to study the historic rise of Obama, this paper is intended to interpret his vision of a transformed America from the perspective of intellectual history.

A close study of his writings and speeches demonstrates that Obama focuses on the ideas of unity, opportunity and empathy, which are in fact his respective ideals for the social fabric, material basis and moral code of a future America. With the unfolding of these three concepts which are deeply rooted in the American intellectual tradition, Obama manages to flesh out his American dream.

Based on the analysis of the above-mentioned three core values and the sources of inspiration for Obama, the author concludes that Obama’s American dream follows closely an intellectual trend through the US history, which contributes to the popularity of his message. Besides, as one’s dream is more often than not a reflection of his or her dissatisfaction with reality, Obama’s American dream is in the same way his particular response to the actual needs of American reality. He aims to offer a plan for the perfecting of the union. However, in spite of his intention to provide a remedy for the American social ills, there still exists a huge gap between Obama’s vision and the reality of America.

姓名:徐菲 导师: 付美榕

论文题目(中文): 美国养老保险制度困境:改革成功的宏观前提探究

论文题目(英文): Dilemma of the U.S. Social Security System: Exploring the Macroscopic Prerequisites for a Successful Reform

论文关键词(中文):养老保险 老龄社会 婴儿潮

论文关键词(英文):Social Security, Aging Society, Baby boom



其中最严峻的问题是, 根据国会预算局估计,全美开销最大、针对老年人设置的养老保险制度在未来30年内会出现亏空。早在40年前就有学者提出这一担忧,围绕这一话题的讨论和争辩也自此不绝于耳。然而,至今尚无一项可行的改革措施。本文采用历史分析的研究方法,通过大量原始数据和二手资料的佐证,总结出美国养老保险改革成功的必备条件,并通过代际正义理论指出目前改革的关键,从而为养老保险改革的推进提供借鉴。






In 20 years, as the baby boomers are above 65 years old, there will be twice the current number of elderly in the United States. This dramatic demographic change will entail a lot of problems, such as shift of policies towards the elderly, growing financial input in Social Security, resource competition with younger generations, insufficient community-based services and so on.

One of the impending problems is that Social Security (hereby means the public pension system), the largest nationwide program targeting the old age population, will be depleted in at most three decades as speculated by the Congressional Budget Office. However, after the discussion and debate of this problem for about 40 years, still no reform option has been adopted. Aided by a historical analysis approach and substantial data from primary and secondary sources, this paper intends to explore the macroscopic prerequisites for a successful Social Security reform in the United States. By applying the generational justice theory, this thesis points out the crux to the dilemma, and tries to offer insights for the advancement of Social Security reform in the future.

This paper begins with an account of Social Security system, its importance among the elderly cohort, and examines the reasons for the ongoing financial difficulties of Social Security. Besides the embedding problems with the design of the insurance program itself, this study believes that there are some external factors contributing to the prolonged irresolution of the problematic system.

The thesis then centers on reviewing three significant periods in the legislative history of Social Security. By examining the legislative processes of the social insurance program and its ensuing amendments, this study finds that the four aspects, namely economic conditions, general political environment, public attitude and involvement of relative interest groups are crucial in determining the reform outcome in the three periods.

Thereby, the paper examines the current situation in the United States regarding the four aspects, and it turns out that the country does not have the necessary preconditions for a land-marking Social Security reform yet. Divergent in the existence of the fiscal problem in the first place, the United States is faced with bad economic performances, an unfavorable political environment, an ill-informed public and dedicated interest groups opposing to any form of benefit reductions.

This study further points out that a supportive public attitude and compromises of the gray interest groups is the key to solve the reform puzzle, since the U.S. economy can eventually pick up and a political consensus will be much easier to achieve with the support of the general public. By applying the generational justice theory, this paper suggests that the government should maintain the current Social Security benefit level for the active workers. Besides, the rich elderly needs to make some concessions at times of financial difficulty, because their insistence on claiming high Social Security benefits causes injustice to the active workers and the poor elderly alike.

姓名:戚涛 导师: 付美榕

论文题目(中文): 从人力资本视角看当前美国社区大学资金困境

论文题目(英文): The Dilemma of U.S Community College Funding: a Human Capital Perspective

论文关键词(中文):社区大学 资金困境 高等教育 人力资本

论文关键词(英文):Community College, Funding Dilemma, Higher Education, Human capital






Community college is an indispensable part of U.S. higher education system, educating more than 12 million students, or 44% of all undergraduates. These two-year institutions play a significant part in creating the human capital that fuels U.S. economic development. At present, U.S. community colleges are caught in a funding dilemma. Stagnant economy, decreasing state financial support and enrollment boom exacerbated the financial situation of community colleges, stretching it to the breaking point. However, their funding problems are frequently ignored by scholars, educators and politicians.

This study sets to examine U.S. community college funding from a human capital perspective and offer some solutions to the funding dilemma. It employs qualitative analysis and case studies to examine U.S community college funding. Through an in-depth analysis of community college funding by control of funding source, this study discovered several funding problems. This research paper argues that the problems with community college funding can be ascribed to insecure funding models featured by a propensity to overtly rely on state funding sources, undermining the financial stability of their funding models. Any funding model so constructed is not conducive to human capital creation and sustained economic growth.

In addition, this study offers several solutions to the funding dilemma. For the purpose of constructing financially sound funding models, this study proposes revenue diversification as the guiding principle.

姓名:王红芹 导师: 滕继萌

论文题目(中文): 二十世纪美国第一夫人发展模式

论文题目(英文): The Evolutionary Pattern of American First Ladyship in the 20th Century

论文关键词(中文):第一夫人 发展模式 女权主义 总统

论文关键词(英文):First Lady, Revolutionary Pattern, Feminism President








Presidential spouse, such as Eleanor Roosevelt and Hillary Rodham Clinton, has emerged as an independent political force that attracted much scholarly attention. Shaped by a series of micro and macro factors, American First ladyship is an ongoing historical process, but previous studies are incomprehensive and static. Therefore, the thesis focused on the evolutionary pattern of American first ladyship to fill the vacuum, combining chronological studies with cross-cut studies.

By the integrated sociological paradigm and historical analysis, the thesis elaborated on the evolutionary pattern of American [1] First ladyship in the 20th century, covered the activism of recent first ladies, and predicted future development of the First ladyship in the United States. Research on historical materials revealed that American First ladyship evolved in spiral cycles [2]. The upward trend was reflected by the First ladyship’s institutionalization, professionalization, and its integration with other White House offices, while each cycle took an average 22-23 years beginning with active first ladies through less active ones and ending with new active ones.

This evolutionary pattern was attributed to the dialectic relation of three salient factors: the progress of feminism, the First lady’s perspectives and the president’s expectations to the First lady’s office. Feminism may affect the First lady’s perspectives which were balanced by the president’s expectations to her office. This formed the first-couple-work-relation approach to American First ladyship, which consisted of four types—positive-positive, positive-negative, negative-positive, and negative-negative, according to attitudes of the First lady and the president toward her office. A First lady inspired or converted by feminism tended to act on her own initiative unless confined by presidential disapproval. Thus feminist identification and the positive-positive first couple work relation would indicate potential active First ladyship.

Currently, the cycle beginning from Hillary Rodham Clinton will probably be complete within 6 or 7 years with incumbent First Lady Michelle Obama serving as the transition from inactive ones to active ones, unless the course is interrupted by exceptional cases like a male presidential spouse.

Finally, the significance of this thesis lies in its discovery of the evolutionary pattern of First ladyship. It explained the key factors for the pattern and predicted future development. Treating American First ladyship as objectively as possible, this thesis added new theories—the first lady cycle theory and approach—the first couple work relation approach to the field of First lady studies. The discovery can not only help locate a particular First lady in the whole process to improve understanding the person, but also further our understanding of American First ladyship via the study of individual First ladies. It provides a whole new overall perspective for First lady studies.


[1] More precisely, “American First Ladyship” should be “First Ladyship in the United States of America”. The author substituted “American” for “in the US” just for brevity. So in the whole paper, “American First Ladyship” equals “first ladyship in the US.”

[2] This is inspired by the cycles of American politics. According to Arthur Schlesinger Jr., political history of the US developed in spiral cycles of thirty years, swinging between periods of public purpose and periods of private interest. The cycle did not return the nation to the status quo ante: It proceeded at successively higher levels and allowed for the cumulation of change (Schlesinger 28-31). The paper found that American First Ladyship evolved in a similar way. The First Ladyship developed in cycles but it allows for progress such as institutionalization, professionalization and integration with executive offices. In terms of time expansion, the First Ladyship cycled 7 or 8 years faster than American political history.

姓名:刘宇 导师: 滕继萌

论文题目(中文): 私之贪鄙,公之福荫—浅析美国进步运动时期私人慈善活动及对中国的启示

论文题目(英文): Private Vice, Public Virtue: An Analysis of US Private Philanthropy in the Progressive Era and Its Implications for China

论文关键词(中文):慈善 美国私人基金会 进步运动 中国的启示

论文关键词(英文):Philanthropy, US Private Foundation, Progressive Movement, Implications For China







The Progressive Movement occurred in the United States in the first few decades of the twentieth century was an effort to cure the social illnesses that had developed during the industrialization and urbanization. As part of this reform, US private philanthropy developed and played an active role in it. Many private philanthropists dedicated their time and wealth to improving the society.

This thesis attempts to examine the major contributions US private philanthropy has made in the Progressive Movement. Its focus is on the six major movements in this era, which cover the fields of education, health and social welfare. And it holds the opinion that private philanthropy has been instrumental in promoting the scientificity and professionalism of US modern philanthropy. It has motivated and sustained social reforms and pushed forward public policymaking on philanthropic issues.

The activism of private philanthropy owes to many factors. In this thesis, the author argues that traditional religious faith, liberalistic values and tax policy are the three major incentives that influence the decisions of philanthropic policymakers.

Furthermore, this thesis will also touch upon US private philanthropy’s implications for China. The author attempts to explore China’s charitable tradition and its current situation of private philanthropy, and then analyze the possible experiences and lessons that China can learn from its American counterpart.

姓名:和薇薇 导师: 付美榕

论文题目(中文): 从人力资本理论角度分析美国1860-1950年间中产阶级的兴起

论文题目(英文): The Rise of the Middle Class in the U.S. (1860-1950) From Human Capital Theory

论文关键词(中文):中产阶级 人力资本形成 社会转型 制度因素

论文关键词(英文):Middle Class, Human Capital Formation, Social Transformation, Institutional factor






The middle class, as a social stratum, emerged in the United States from the 1860s. Scholars have studied this large group of people for long and from diverse aspects, such as its political attributes, cause of the formation, the influences that they have exerted, etc. Some scholars have even studied people with different professions in detail, for example engineers, doctors, managers, etc. Among existing literature, a voluminous of them can be found to have explored the causes of the middle class, involving political, economic, historical factors, etc.

The middle class in the thesis differs from the old middle class (including mainly rural farmers and urban entrepreneurs) before the 1960s and is defined as salaried professionals. As professionals, professional knowledge and skills are one important characteristic of the middle class. Since the knowledge and skills can be acquired mostly from education, which is closely connected with human capital production, the author therefore analyzes the rise of the middle class from a new perspective: the human capital theory. It is as follows: the human capital formation is influenced by both institutional environment and institutional arrangements. The institutional environment includes State, economy, knowledge and culture while institutional arrangements include formal and informal rules, which will be elaborated in the thesis. By adopting the method of historical analysis, the author was able to get the argument that the middle class emerged within a profound social transformation in which technological innovation, economic development, education reform and the culture of professionalism have performed respective roles. Technological innovation and economic development changed the institutional environment, while education reform and the culture of professionalism changed the institutional arrangements of human capital production of the middle class.

Besides, in the following part, the thesis includes two case studies: modern doctors as a representative of traditional occupations and professional managers a representative of new occupations to further support the argument of the thesis.

姓名:黄晓玉 导师: 谢韬

论文题目(中文): 美国众议院女性议员的社会背景特征,政治经历和国会生涯

论文题目(英文): American Women’s Social Background Characteristic, Political Experience and House Career 1992-2010

论文关键词(中文):社会背景 政治经历 国会生涯

论文关键词(英文):Social Characteristics, Political Experience, Congressional Career


在美国,女性政治代表稀缺是学术界一直在讨论的重要议题之一。尤其在国会,女性议员更是罕见。然而这一情况在1992年有了很大的改变。在那一年,女性国会议员由之前不到5% 一举增长到10%。这种增长对女性议员来说是前所未有的。因此,1992年在历史上被称为“女性之年”。从那以后,女性国会议员人数以稳定的速度增长。不仅如此,女性议员入职国会的方式也在悄然变化。曾经大多女性议员都是通过继任过世丈夫或过世父亲的方式入职国会,而今天大多数女性都是通过正常的选举入职国会的。基于这些变化,人们不禁要问:这些通过选举入职国会的女性议员到底是谁?他们都有怎样的政治经历?他们的国会生涯是否顺利?

现有文献不乏对女性政治代表的研究,但对于1992年后的新变化,少有人研究。80年代以来,研究作品多集中于从各个方面探索女性议员稀缺的原因,而忽视了对于女性议员本身特点的研究。此外,这些作品大多将女性议员作为一个整体与男性议员作对比,忽略了女性议员内部的差异性。基于以上不足,本文采用定量分析的方法,首先梳理了1992年至2010年间众议院女性议员 [1]的社会背景,政治经历以及国会生涯,其次探索了有不同社会背景和政治经历的众议院女性议员,其国会生涯是否也不同。


借助SPSS,本文运用回归分析探索了众议院女性议员的社会背景和政治经历是否对他们的国会生涯产生影响。结果发现,女性的族裔,婚姻状态,任职国会前的主要职业,和在州政府的执政经历对女性议员在众议院的任职长短有重要影响;任职国会前的主要职业和在州和地方的政治经历对女性在众议院所取得的委员会地位有重要影响;女性议员代表的地区则对其在众议院的党派领导地位有一定影响。最后,本文以Mary Fallin 和Stephanie Tubbs Jones作为两个案例,进一步分析证实了这些发现。


[1] 因符合要求的女性参议员人数太少,且参议员和众议院的选举机制有很大不同。因此,本文以众议院女性议员为主要研究对象。


Since the year of 1992, the number of women elected to Congress has increased at an unprecedented rate. The kinds of women elected to Congress have changed. The ways in which women are elected have also changed dramatically. However, existing literature is limited in addressing these new developments of women’s representation in Congress. On the one hand, relevant questions are yet to be put forward: who are those women in Congress today? How did they get there? How do they do in there? On the other hand, Studies have mainly adopted a comparative approach to study women’s representation in Congress. Such approach treats women as one undifferentiated mass and masks their heterogeneity.

Based on rational choice theory, Schlesinger once argued politicians make career choices mainly on the basis of their immediate political environment rather than their social characteristics and political experience that occur in the more distant past. The pipeline theory argued, local and state office-holding experiences are critically important to individuals seeking election in the higher office such as the Congress. Both theories focused on whether social characteristics and political experience will influence politicians’ chances of winning the election. However, whether these factors will continue to influence politicians’ career in the office has never been explored.

To address these issues, the thesis hypothesizes women’s social characteristics and political experience will influence their careers in the House. It mainly adopts a quantitative method with the help of SPSS. First the thesis examines women’s social characteristics, political experience and congressional career; then it runs a regression of women’s congressional career on their social characteristics and political experience. The thesis finds among social characteristics and political experience, race, marriage, occupation and state office-holding experience have significant influence on women’s length of service; occupation, local office-holding years and state office-holding years have significant influence on women’s committee advancement; region has significant influence on women’s House party leadership. Finally, the thesis does a case study on two congresswomen, Mary Fallin and Stephanie, further testifying to the findings.

姓名:冯胜闯 导师: 谢韬

论文题目(中文): 美国的人口密度与自杀率–一项基于多元线性回归分析的研究

论文题目(英文): 1992-2010Population Density and Suicide Rate in the United States:A Study Based on Multilinear Regression Analysis

论文关键词(中文):人口密度 室外密度 室内密度 自杀率 社会融合 韦伯-费希纳定律

论文关键词(英文):Population Density, External Density, Internal Density, Suicide Rate, Social Integration, Weber-Fechner’s law




In the study of suicide, several demographic, social or economic factors have been detected to be related to suicide rate. Population density, as an important demographic variable, receives less attention than other factors. Some researchers have found it to be closely related to suicide rate, but there is no further study of the relation. Therefore, this thesis is designed to give a detailed description of the relation between population density and suicide rate. I mainly employ scattergrams, correlation analysis and multilinear regression analysis as the method of study. Scattergrams are used to show the relationship between two variables visually. Correlation analysis is used to measure the strength of the relationship. Multilinear regression analysis is a method of modeling the relation between a dependent variable and several independent variables. In this study, it is used to compare different independent variables and to control independent variables except for population density. The statistical analysis is applied on both state level and county level in the U.S., and suicide rate is dependent variable while population density and other factors which might influence suicide rate are independent variables. The population density is investigated from two aspects: external density and internal density. The results of analysis can be summarized as follows: (1) population density is negatively related to suicide rate. As population density increases, suicide rate will decrease, or as population density decreases, suicide rate will increase. (2) The relation of external density and suicide rate is logarithmic, while that of internal density and suicide rate is linear. (3) External density is the most efficient predictor compared to all the other independent variables in this study. The negative correlation of population density and suicide rate can be explained with Durkheim’s theory of social integration, and the logarithmic correlation of external density and suicide rate can be explained with Weber-Fechner’s law in psychology. In a word, this study makes a further investigation of the relation of population density and suicide rate, finding the logarithmic relationship between external density and suicide rate, and I provide a new explanation of this relationship.

姓名:王卿岩 导师: 谢韬

论文题目(中文): 奥巴马政府医疗改革缘何成功

论文题目(英文): U.S. Health Care Reform under the Obama Administration: Why Did It Succeed

论文关键词(中文):美国医疗改革总统 国会 利益集团

论文关键词(英文):U.S. Health Care Reform, President Congress, Interest groups







Health care reform in the United States has experienced a long history. Since the beginning of the 20th century, several U.S. administrations have attempted to reform U.S. health care system. Most of these attempts, however, ended up in failures. Against this background, the Obama administration placed health care reform on its policy agenda once again at the outset of its establishment, and gave this reform priority in its domestic policy agenda. March 21, 2010 witnessed the passage of H.R. 3692: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, in the House of Representatives of the 111th Congress. The health care reform history in the United States entered a new phrase since then. This paper observes U.S. health care reform under the Obama administration in the context of health care reform history in this country. Mainly employing the method of historical comparison, it probes the factors that contribute to the successful passage of health care reform bill this time, and tries to establish a framework for the observation of public policy making process in the United States. Through the review of U.S. health care reform history and existing analyses of previous reform attempts, the author of this paper finds that three factors—presidential leadership, Congress, and interest groups—may contribute to previous failures of health care reform. Then, this paper comes to investigate Obama’s health care reform from 2009 to 2010, with its emphasis on the making process of health care reform laws, and analyzes the effects of the three factors on this process. By the investigation and analysis of the process of making and passing health care reform bills under the Obama administration, the author of this paper arrives at the following observations: President Obama exerts effective leadership in the making process of health care reform proposals by adopting proper political strategies; Democrats in the White House and Congress cooperate in quite well, thus avoiding the dispersion of political resources of the party in the process of both making and passing the reform bills; the process of health care reform is also under the influence of interest groups as usual, but division appears in the opposition camp of interest groups when some influential former opponents turns to support the reform, and the increase of supportive camp also contributes to the final passage of health care reform bills. Obama’s health care reform from 2009 to 2010 and Clinton’s health care reform in 1993-94 have some common points: both are under the background of health care crises in the United States, both are initiated and led by Democratic presidents, and both are confronted with Democratic-controlled Congress; the difference is that Obama’s reform succeeded at last, while Clinton’s ended up in failure. Therefore, this paper proceeds to compare the two reforms to further examine the role of president, Congress, and interest groups in the process of making and passing health care reform bills. On the basis of this comparison, the author of this paper draws the conclusion as follows: the effective leadership of a president is the precondition of a successful policy making process; Congress plays a critical and decisive role in the process, in which its degree of coordination with the White House decides the fate of the policy; interest groups as a whole acts as a significant variable in the policy making process, and their support or opposition power may also influence the result of the process.

姓名:赵玉花 导师: 李今朝

论文题目(中文): 百人会: 一个美国族裔利益集团的胜利

论文题目(英文): The committee of 100: the success of an American Ethnic Interest Group

论文关键词(中文):百人会 利益集团 美国华裔身份 美中关系

论文关键词(英文):The Committee Of 100, Interest Group, Chinese American Identity, U.S.-China relations






我认为 (1)百人会能够在提高华裔在美国地位和促进美中互相理解上取得成功主要是借助于其会员的成就,社会关系和为决策者提供准确信息的能力 (2)百人会促进美中相互理解的目的主要是为了加强华裔在美国的身份认同而不是单纯出于对中国文化的热爱或出于故土的认同。百人会的利益根本上是同美国联系在一起的,而非中国。





The Committee of 100 (C-100) is a non-governmental organization whose membership is only open to prominent Chinese Americans, including I. M. Pei, Yo-Yo Ma and Shirley Young. Since its establishment in 1989, the C-100 has been actively engaged in promoting U.S.-China relations. It attracted close media attention both in China and the U.S. in the last decade. The Committee’s operations, strategies, goals, and achievements, especially in light of ethnic group lobbying and engagement in ancestral-land diplomacy deserve close academic attention. Yet, it has not received substantial study from scholars in China and the U.S. Academic articles on the C-100 as an ethnic and foreign policy interest group hardly exist in the U.S. Most researches done by Chinese scholars are no more than a brief introduction of its missions or its role as a bridge between the U.S. and China.

In its 21-year history, C-100 has achieved prominent success in improving social status for Chinese Americans in the United States and in promoting mutual understanding between the U.S. and China. The primary purpose of this research is to provide a full understanding of the establishment, structure, initiatives, and development of the C-100. More than that, this paper aims to explore the factors that contribute to the C-100’s success in both domestic issues and U.S.-China relations and to explore the reason for the C-100’s active involvement in U.S.-China relations. The main questions I ask are: What makes the C-100 work and how to understand its success and accomplishments? And more specific questions include: Why is the C-100 established? What’s its major focus, priorities and strategies to achieve these priorities? What concrete activities the C-100 has organized and participated to promote U.S.-China relations? What factors contribute to the success of the C-100’s lobbying? Why is the C-100 concerned so much for U.S.-China relations? To answer all these questions, a detailed analysis of the C-100’s development, initiatives, activities, efforts in U.S.-China relations, strengths is needed. In this paper, I use the concept of “ethnic interest group” as my analytical framework and combine it with the concept of “citizen diplomacy.” I collect information from the official website of the C-100, newspapers, interviews of members and some secondary materials to provide a full picture of the C-100’s establishment, structure, initiatives, major efforts in U.S.-China relations and members’ comparative advantages. This paper provides an insight in getting a full understanding of the C-100’s development and its role in promoting mutual understanding between the U.S. and China.

As an ethnic interest group, the core “interest” of the C-100 is to enhance the identity of Chinese Americans in the U.S. and thus to improve their status. Identity of Chinese Americans consists of American part and Chinese part, and therefore the C-100’s core interest also consists of two parts. To enhance the American part, the C-100 reaches to U.S. decision-makers, media and public, speak on behalf of all Chinese Americans and encourage Chinese Americans to integrate into the mainstream of the U.S. To enhance the Chinese part, the C-100 reaches to decision-makers, media and public in the U.S. and decision makers, students and public in China to build a positive and objective image of China in the U.S. In terms of lobbying strategies, the C-100 employs both direct lobbying, like meeting politicians and writing to politicians, and indirect lobbying, which include educating the public through media, organizing conferences, forums, festivals, and taking U.S. journalists, teachers, and community leaders to China.

I contend that (1) the C-100’s success in promoting Chinese Americans’ social status in the U.S. and in promoting mutual understanding between the U.S. and China lies in its members’ achievement, social network, and ability to provide accurate information and (2) the C-100’s purpose of promoting mutual understanding between the U.S. and China is mainly to enhance their Chinese American identity in the U.S. rather than merely out of their love for Chinese culture and their identification with the ancestral land. The C-100’s primary interest lies with the U.S. instead of with China.

The paper is divided into four parts: the C-100’s establishment, development and members’ demographic information; the C-100’s activities in U.S.-China relations; the C-100’s role as a mediator between the mainland of China and Taiwan; factors that contribute to the C-100’s success and the C-100’s purpose in promoting a better U.S.-China relationship.

I mainly employ historical approach to analyze the first three parts. Unable to find adequate primary materials concerning the C-100 activities before 2000, I focus on the activities of the C-100 in the last decade and analyze them by interest group theory. The fourth part is a quantitative study of members’ personal information. I use members’ age, gender, birthplace, year of getting membership, education, profession, affiliations, and fields of members’ activity as independent variables and degree of members’ activity as dependent variables to run bivariate analysis and further test the correlation between members’ degree of domestic activity and members’ degree of activity in U.S.-China relations.

The C-100 has a stable leadership structure, supporting staff and some former Washingtoners to help it carry out its domestic activities and transnational activities. The C-100’s opinion surveys and surveys of the proportion of Asian Pacific Americans at the corporation boards and higher education boards provide accurate information for decision-makers and lead the public opinion on situation of Chinese Americans in the U.S. The C-100’s frequent meetings with political leaders from both the U.S. and China help promote mutual understanding between the U.S. and China among the decision-makers. The C-100’s organization of various business, educational and cultural activities greatly cements a better understanding between the U.S. and China among the public.

Bivariate analysis shows that the C-100 members’ age structure and social connections contribute to their success in promoting social status of Chinese Americans and in promoting mutual understanding between the U.S. and China.

The strong correlation of members’ degree in domestic activity and members’ degree in U.S.-China relations suggests that the C-100’s purpose of promoting U.S.-China relations is mainly to promote the status of Chinese Americans in the U.S.

姓名:麦博 导师: 李今朝

论文题目(中文): 在全球与本土之间:中国肯德基电视广告中“中国特性”的建构和表现

论文题目(英文): Between the Global and the Local: Analysis of the Chineseness Constructed and Presented in KFC China’s TV Commercial

论文关键词(中文):中国肯德基 全球化/本土化 视觉消费 广告

论文关键词(英文):KFC China, globalization/localization, Visual Consumption, advertising




姓名:张建军 导师: 李今朝

论文题目(中文): 夏威夷原著民主权运动与美国殖民政治的较量:阿卡卡法案的本质及其影响分析

论文题目(英文): A Tug of War between Native Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement and American Colonial Politics: An Analysis of the Essence of Akaka Bill and Its Impacts

论文关键词(中文):夏威夷 原著民 主权 阿卡卡法案 原著民性

论文关键词(英文):Hawai’i, Native, Hawaiians, Sovereignty, Akaka Bill, indigeneity



历史上,在1893年被推翻以前,夏威夷王国是国际社会承认的、独立的并且拥有主权的国家。在1893年以后相当长的一段历史时期之内,夏威夷都是美国的属地之一。夏威夷王国是在外国势力的入侵下才被推翻的,而这违反了当时相关的国际法规定。因此,1946年夏威夷被列入联合国《非自治领地名单》中,这意味着夏威夷原著民有权选择自己国家的政治地位。但是,后来经过美国政府操纵下的一次全民公决,夏威夷最终在1959年成为美国的第50个州。在这种历史背景下,夏威夷和美国政府之间逐渐形成了一种特殊的“领属”关系(Trust Relationship)。美国政府和夏威夷州政府也曾通过一系列相关的立法来确保这种关系。








The research of this paper focuses on the Akaka Bill which is officially known as the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act. This Bill is one of the best indicators of the current nature and dynamics of U.S. indigenous politics. Senator Daniel Akaka initiated the Bill in Congress in 2000, thus the bill is always referred to as the Akaka Bill. The making, revising, and the uncertain fate of the Bill reflect profoundly the shortcomings of the U.S. indigenous politics and the limitations of U.S. ideology of civil rights and immigration.

Hawai’i has a very unique history. Before the overthrown by U.S. military force in 1893, Hawai’i Kingdom was an internationally recognized, independent, and sovereign country. From 1893 to 1959, Hawai’i was a territory of the United States. The illegal overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai’i violated the relevant provisions of international law. Therefore, Hawai’i was placed in the United Nations “Non-self-governing” List in 1946, which means Native Hawaiians had the right to choose their country’s political status. In 1959, however, after a referendum manipulated by the U.S. government, Hawai’i became the 50th state of the United States.

Under this historical context, a special trust relationship was formed between the islands of Hawai’i and the U.S. government. The United States government had passed a series of legislations to ensure this relationship since the annexation of Hawai’i in 1898. For example, in 1993, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii, the 103rd Congress passed Public Law 103-150 (the law is called Apology Resolution) under the administration of Bill Clinton. According to the Apology Resolution, Native Hawaiians have never given up their sovereignty either by a referendum or by a plebiscite.

As a realization of the trust relationship between Hawai’i and the U.S. government, in 1978, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) was established by the Hawai’i authority according to the amendments of the state constitution. As a way to redress the 1893 overthrow, the United States government empowered the state of Hawai’i to create the OHA. The purpose of the establishment of OHA is to ensure Native Hawaiians enjoy a limited degree of self-governance. Therefore, the election of OHA trustee was only limited to Native Hawaiians. As the descendant of a white missionary, however, Harold F. Rice believed that the OHA trustee election process was race-based. Therefore, it violated the U.S. Constitution. In a 7-2 decision in February 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed with Harold Rice, holding that the Hawai’i state violated Constitution’s ban on voting restrictions based on race. Since the Rice case, a number of Native Hawaiians felt their limited sovereignty rights were under ferocious legal threats.

In order to safeguard Native Hawaiians’ sovereignty rights against further legal attacks, Senator Daniel Akaka and other sponsors drafted the first Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act (in the U.S. Congress the bill also known as Akaka Bill) and introduced the Bill in the U.S. Congress in 2000. Based on the Apology Act, the Akaka Bill aims to protect those programs created for the Native Hawaiians against the mainstream society’s attacks. Since that time, the Bill has been amended for many times. However, the Bill could not be passed in the U.S. Congress due to strong oppositions from those senators who believe Native Hawaiians should not be given special treatment. Currently, the very latest versions of the Bill have been released, aiming to continue to seek the passage in U.S. Congress.

This thesis studies the different revisions of the Akaka Bill and the debates surrounding the Bill, aiming to use the Akaka Bill as a window to examine Native Hawaiian sovereignty politics. The study focuses on the latest versions of the Akaka Bill that drafted under the administration of Barack Obama. Therefore, the research question of this paper is the nature of the contemporary American native sovereignty issue in the case of Native Hawaiians.

It is necessary to continue to do further research on this question. Up till now, there are many U.S. scholars who have studied the contemporary American indigenous sovereignty issue. And in Chinese academic circles, scholars who involved in the study of the problem are even rarer. In addition, the United States government has been criticizing and finding fault with China’s ethnic autonomous issue in recent years. But the United States government still could not be able to solve smoothly the Native Hawaiian sovereignty issue. Therefore, this research project is far from sufficient and worthy doing further research.

Hawai’i is a post-colonial society dominated by whites and Asian Americans, rather than a democratic society that the contemporary U.S. mainstream society claims. The paper argues that the sovereignty claims by the Native Hawaiians can never be truly achieved within the federal and state legislative framework. And the Nation-within-a Nation solution proposed by the Akaka Bill is a compromise with Native Hawaiians’ claims of sovereignty. This thesis is based on two research methods, including historical analysis and comparative textual analysis. Under the theoretical framework of post-colonialism, this paper reviews the history of U.S. policy in Hawai’i and the history of Native Hawaiians’ resistance, analyzes the significant amendments of the latest versions of the Akaka Bill, and discusses the ideology that underlines the debates surrounding the Bill.

姓名:任姣杰 导师: 李莉文

论文题目(中文): 从美国贸易环境的变化看“快车道”授权的起落

论文题目(英文): A Study of Fast Track Authority Based on the Changing Trade Environment of the United States

论文关键词(中文):“快车道”授权 公平贸易 劳工标准 环境标准

论文关键词(英文):Fast track authority, trade Promotion,Authority, Fair Trade, Labor And Environmental standards







The success or failure of international trade agreements often depends on the trade politics of the United States, which is best characterized by the contentious relationship between Congress and the Executive branch. One of the most controversial issues in recent years centering on this relationship is the fast-track issue. Fast track is a special legislative procedure in U.S. trade policy. Its purpose is to coordinate the congressional-presidential relations in trade policy and to ensure expedient congressional consideration of trade agreements. Under fast track, U.S. president has the authority to enter into international trade agreements. Congress is limited to an up-or-down vote and cannot change or rewrite the agreements entered into by the president.

Fast track authority is, however, not the first legislative authority delegated to the president. As early as 1934, Congress had delegated the tariff proclamation authority to the president to reduce tariffs reciprocally. This delegation happened because U.S. trade politics had shifted from import politics to export politics. Such a shift provided incentive to promote reciprocal freer trade. Since then reciprocity or fairness of trade has been on legislators’ mind. Yet the postwar presidents often utilized trade policy for foreign policy consideration and implemented unilateral trade liberalization. As the presidents’ unilateral trade policy gradually deviated from the congressional norm of reciprocity and the presidents overstepped the authority delegated to them, Congress found the agency losses were so great that it decided to withdraw the authority in 1967. From 1967 to 1974 there was no legislative delegation to the president. However, with the new trade landscape coming into being, Congress decided to initiate the fast track authority in 1974.

From 1974 to the late 1980s, fast track was relatively uncontroversial and the literature studying fast track delegation during this period has been small. Then President Clinton failed to secure fast track authority from Congress and fast track was suspended for eight years from 1994 to 2002. President George W. Bush succeeded securing fast track authority from Congress and changed its name into trade promotion authority in 2002. A large number of literature has studied why fast track lapsed under the Clinton administration and was renewed under the Bush administration. Only a few scholars have conducted a historical and more consistent research of the whole process of fast track delegation. Few scholars have made a historical study of fast track and linked the delegation issue to the changing trade landscape of the United States. Due to this, this thesis aims to provide a historical analysis of fast track authority. The study of this special legislative delegation will be conducted in the big context of the changing trade landscape of the United States.

To study the delegation issue in the big context of trade landscape, I will construct a theoretical framework consisting of agency theory, free trade theory, and fair trade theory. Specifically, by employing the historical method, I will conduct a historical research of fast track, studying the past, present, and future of fast track delegation, and will try to answer the questions such as why delegation of fast track happened, why it received bipartisan support from 1979 to 1988, why partisanship appeared in the early 1990s, and why fast track lapsed. These questions concerning the legislative delegation will be answered in the context of U.S. trade landscape which has been stressing the importance and necessity of fair trade. In the first two decades of fast track history, there was nearly consensus on fair trade which focused on promoting economic interests. The shared interests between Congress and the president provided Congress the incentive to renew fast track periodically. In the early 1990s, the demands for fair trade by organized labor and social activists loomed large and the consensus on fair trade eroded. The split over labor and environmental issues finally caused the death of fast track authority.

姓名:陈志宇 导师: 李莉文

论文题目(中文): 美国思想库及其对美国外交政策的影响

论文题目(英文): American Think Tanks and Their Influence on American Foreign Policy Making

论文关键词(中文):美国思想库 外交政策 影响

论文关键词(英文):American Think Tanks, Foreign, Policy influence





There are many players in American political arena. Think tanks play a very important role in American foreign policy-making. But our research on them is not enough and sometimes inconsistent and contradictory as the definition, the evolving stages, opinions and cases are concerned. In this paper, based on the previous studies, the author adopts induction, deduction and historical review to give a definite and acceptable definition of think tanks, review their development, make a clear classification of the current think tanks and make an analysis and a summary of their functions. Based on many different cases, the author draws a tentative conclusion that American think tanks influence American foreign policy-making. Then the author selects two of the most typical American think tanks as the cases to illustrate how the American think tanks can influence American foreign policy-making. The author claim the contribution of this paper as follows: based on and synthesizing previous research, a more acceptable definition of think tanks is given, more clear and acceptable evolving stages described, more comprehensive ways of classification provided, functions of think tanks summarized and explained/analyzed. Based on many different cases and previous studies, a tentative conclusion that the American think tanks influence American foreign policy-making is made and proved by cases. The selection of the cases are unique in that it is not only depended on only one or two standards like the political orientation or the sizes but more comprehensive standards. The cases provide can also be a reference for think tank and US-China relations studies.

The paper consists of six chapters. The first chapter introduces the rationale and significance of the study, structure of the thesis, the methodology used in the paper, and the definition and literature review of think tanks. The second chapter focuses on the evolving stages of American think tanks. The third chapter classifies the current think tanks. The forth chapter deals with the functions of the American think tanks, summarizes and analyses their ways of influencing American foreign policy-making. The fifth chapter is a case study. Two of the most large and influential think tanks, namely, RAND, a traditional and centrist think tank, and Heritage, a new rising and political-advocacy think tank, are selected to illustrate how think tanks influence American foreign policy-making. The last chapter is a conclusion chapter. The author gives a summary of the paper and points out the limitations of this paper and think tank study in general.

姓名:朱烨坤 导师: 闫循华

论文题目(中文): 冷战后美国核不扩散政策的分析与解读

论文题目(英文): Behind the Pendulum: Evaluation and Explanation of the American Nuclear Nonproliferation Policies after the Cold War

论文关键词(中文):核不扩散 美国政府 政策不一致

论文关键词(英文):Nuclear Nonproliferation, The U.S. Government, Policy inconsistencies








Nowadays, the spread of nuclear weapons, as one of the most serious threat to the global security, has become a huge concern of the international community. As the end of the Cold War concluded decades of bipolar military competition between the United States and the Soviet Union, the role of deterrence of nuclear weapons has been reduced. Therefore, in the post-Cold War era, the U.S. government has made nuclear nonproliferation an important task in its foreign relations agenda and carried out a series of nonproliferation policies to fulfill it. By studying the U.S. nonproliferation policies after the Cold War, this thesis seeks to present and explain the patterns of change within these policies.

This study examines both the official stance and the specific nonproliferation policies carried out by the U.S. government in the post-Cold War era. The latter has been further categorized into two groups: demand-side policies – those addressing the potential nuclear proliferators – and supply-side policies – those regulating the safety of nuclear materials, weaponry, and technologies and the size of existing nuclear arsenals. After a careful evaluation of these policies, this thesis finds inconsistencies on both the vertical and the horizontal dimensions.

Vertical policy inconsistencies – constant variations and adjustments made by different administrations after the Cold War – are mostly notable in the ever-changing official stance on nuclear nonproliferation. Generally speaking, the official stance of the U.S. government on this matter has been shifting back and forth between the defensive nonproliferation strategy and the offensive counterproliferation strategy. Immediately after the Cold War, the administrations under Bush Sr. and Clinton clearly leaned towards the former, though the concept of counterproliferation had already been phrased. Later, years under George W. Bush witnessed the heyday of counterproliferation policies. Entering into the new millennium, although it seems that the Obama administration has re-embraced the nonproliferation strategy, some elements of counterproliferation policies have actually been retained.

Horizontal policy inconsistencies indicate that the U.S. government has differentiated among seekers for nuclear weapons in its policies and established different requirements for other countries and for itself. Such inconsistencies can be found in both demand-side and supply-side nonproliferation policies. On the demand side, this study uses the cases of India and North Korea to illustrate the conflicting policies carried out by the U.S. government on different proliferators. On the supply side, the American nonproliferation policies feature high level of control over the access of nuclear materials and technologies of other states and low level of commitment to its own obligations in nuclear disarmament.

This study also provides explanations for these policy inconsistencies. On the vertical dimension, two factors have led to the policy inconsistencies. One is the overall foreign policy approach of the U.S. at a particular time; the other is the perception of the imminent national security threat of the U.S. government. On the horizontal dimension, the selective standards and differentiated requirements have been made by the U.S. government out of its own strategic and ideological considerations. In a word, the U.S. nonproliferation policies in the post-Cold War era lack consistency to a large extent, for the goal of global nuclear nonproliferation has constantly been subordinated to other foreign policy considerations, strategic interests, and ideological concerns of the U.S. government.

姓名:束东新 导师: 闫循华

论文题目(中文): 克林顿政府以来美国制裁伊朗的政策为何不奏效?

论文题目(英文): U.S. Sanctions on Iran since the Clinton Administration: Why are they ineffective?

论文关键词(中文):能源 美国的制裁政策 相互依赖 地缘政治

论文关键词(英文):Energy, U.S. Sanctions On Iran Interdependence, Geopolitics


克林顿政府以来,美国通过了一系列制裁伊朗的法案,旨在迫使伊朗停止核计划,尽管这些制裁措施越来越严厉,伊朗不但没有停止核计划,反而加快发展核技术,这与美国制裁的初衷背道而驰。石油和天然气出口是伊朗最主要的经济收入来源, 美国试图通过经济制裁阻碍伊朗能源业的发展,进而瘫痪伊朗经济, 逼迫伊朗就范。能源既是伊朗的 “软肋”, 也是伊朗手中的武器。伊朗能源储量丰富,国际社会对石油和天然气的需求不断增加,国际能源供需关系失衡,造成众多国家依赖伊朗的石油和天然气,这种依赖关系使得伊朗能够争取到外国投资,开发石油和天然气。面对美国制裁伊朗的法案,美国的欧洲盟友,如法国、英国、德国, 并没有加入美国制裁伊朗的行动。英法德三国和伊朗经贸往来密切,在伊朗能源业投资众多。



最后,就目前美国和伊朗的僵局,本文提出,美国应该认识到伊朗坚持发展核技术的根本原因。伊朗出于国家安全考量,不顾美国的严厉制裁,大力发展核技术, 希望获得核威慑能力,保障国家安全。美国只有认识到这一点,调整对伊政策,美伊关系才能摆脱僵局。


Since the Clinton administration, U.S. government has imposed on Iran a series of sanctions designed to stop Iran’s nuclear program. Though increasingly harsher, these sanctions fail to halt Iran’s nuclear pursuit. Iran steps up its nuclear development instead. U.S. government attempts to cripple Iran’s economy by hindering the development of Iran’s energy sector with economic sanctions, and force Iran bow to U.S. wishes. Energy is the weapon as well as the vulnerability for Iran. Iran is abundant in energy reserves while the international community calls for more and more oil and natural gas. The imbalance between demand and supply makes many countries dependent on the Iranian oil and natural gas. This oil dependence enables Iran to secure foreign investments in its oil and natural gas sectors. U.S. allies in Europe such as France, Germany, and the U.K., do not join U.S. in its sanctions against Iran but make lots of investments there.

The U.S. government claimed that China and Russia had provided technical aid to Iran and promoted the development of nuclear technology in Iran. China, as a big energy-consumer in the world, relies on energy imports. Iran has become an important source of energy for China. Nature-endowed geographical location brings geopolitical advantage to Iran. China and Russia strengthen relations with Iran to counter U.S. influence in the Middle East and Central Asia. Their support plays an important role for Iran to resist U.S. sanctions.

This paper analyses the reasons why U.S. sanctions on Iran since the Clinton administration prove ineffective, from the perspectives of interdependence and geopolitics. In the age of globalization, strategic importance of energy is highly valued. Iran holds vast energy reserves and plays a big role in global energy market. In response to U.S. sanctions, Iran plays energy card to attract foreign investments from many countries, greatly mitigating the negative effects of sanctions. It also uses its unique strategic location to win support from big powers that helps resist U.S. sanctions.

Finally, as far as the current stalemate between Iran and the U.S. is concerned, this paper suggests that U.S. government identify the root cause of Iran’s nuclear development. Out of security concerns, Iran has made big efforts to develop nuclear technology, hoping to acquire nuclear deterrence and safeguard national security. Only by addressing Iran’s security concern and shifting policy to Iran can U.S.-Iran relations be put out of impasse.

姓名:刘倩倩 导师: 伊蕊

论文题目(中文): 梭罗的政治遗产—从自我宣告到群众运动

论文题目(英文): Thoreau’s Political Legacy: From Self-Declaration to Mass Movement

论文关键词(中文):梭罗 甘地 马丁 路德 金 不合作主义/消极抵抗原则

论文关键词(英文):Thoreau Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Civil disobedience/passive resistance








Henry David Thoreau is a famous American transcendental writer. Besides the contribution in the field of literature, he has taken a special place in American even Western history of political thought. He expressed his opinion on civil government in his well-known essay “Civil Disobedience” with his unique political perspective. His rigid quest for individual freedom triggered his strong hostility towards the American government which approved slavery and the Mexican War. He even declared a war after his fashion. Thoreau brought a nonviolent way into this revolution and proposed the principle of civil disobedience or passive resistance, i.e., to confirm to one’s conscience, and not to cooperate in the act one condemns.

Thoreau’s principle of civil disobedience has shown great vitality in the 20th Century’s political practice, inspiring nonviolent movements all around the world. The Indian Independence Movement led by Gandhi and the African-American Civil Rights Movement led by Martin Luther King demonstrate its real achievement. Thoreau, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King are three representatives of the nonviolent resistant movements in the world, and their names often come together in discourses concerning the principle of civil disobedience and nonviolent movement.

It is well recognized that Gandhi and Martin Luther King were influenced greatly by Thoreau. Both of them openly admitted their indebtedness to Thoreau, and many articles that touch on Thoreau’s civil disobedience would mention this point as well. However, it is rare to see many researches with specific examples referring to Thoreau’s influence. And it is more difficult to find research that makes a linear comparison of the three altogether.

Given the important positions Thoreau, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King have taken in the nonviolence tradition, it is necessary to find out the concrete support of Thoreau’s influence on Gandhi and King, and further make clear the similarity and difference of their thought, so as to conclude the developing history of the nonviolence tradition from Thoreau to King.

After a textual analysis and comparison, it is obvious that Thoreau does have great impact on Gandhi and King. But the influence should not be overestimated. Through their own political practices, Gandhi and King have developed their own understanding of civil disobedience and their own ideology, and made special contribution to the nonviolence tradition. From Thoreau to King, the principle of civil disobedience evolves from self-declaration to mass movement, from passive noncooperation to proactive love, from a tool for the weak to the faith of the strong. The influence of this principle has been greatly multiplied, and the political achievement is outstanding. It means that the principle has been put into practice. Philosophically, the idea also develops from the faith to confirm to one’s conscience to a way of life in quest for love and truth.

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