姓名:孙勇 导师: 梅仁毅
论文题目(中文): 美国主流媒体对中国非典和汶川地震报道的变与不变 — 以《纽约时报》和《华盛顿邮报》为例
论文题目(英文): Change and Continuity: USA Report on China’s SARS and Sichuan Earthquake:the New York Times and Washington Post as examples
论文关键词(中文):非典 四川汶川地震 中国形象 灾难性事件
论文关键词(英文):Sars, Sichuan Earthquake, image of China, Disastrous incidents
Through a comparative study of the coverage of the New York Times’ and Washington Post’s coverage of China’s SARS in 2003 and Sichuan earthquake in 2008, this paper intends to find the pattern of USA report on Chinese disastrous incidents, which is an important index in examining the image-framing of China. This paper is to study whether the reports on China’s two big disastrous incidents are different in both of the two mainstream media. If there are any changes, in what aspects and what are the reasons causing this change? If there is no change, what reasons may contribute to the continuity in their reporting China?
Disastrous incident is a very important part of news reporting. And the way it is reported is not only a matter of news reporting, but of significant importance. The reporting of a foreign country in disastrous incidents can reflect the true attitude of the media, whether it shows sympathy, schadenfreude, or criticism.
This paper studies the two papers’ reporting of China’s disastrous incidents in a historical perspective, providing a new angle in studying foreign media coverage of China.
姓名:齐鑫 导师: 梅仁毅
论文题目(中文): 关于网络在2008年美国总统初选中影响的评析
论文题目(英文): The Influence of the Internet in 2008 American Presidential Nomination Campaigns
论文关键词(中文):总统初选 网络 网上策略 竞选筹款 竞选组织
论文关键词(英文):Nomination, campaigns, the internet, online strategy, campaign financing, campaign organizing
Before 2008, none of the dynamism achieved online by the candidates of American presidential nomination campaigns could be translated into offline victory. The 2008 campaigns are the first that turns successful online strategies into real delegate counts. The internet plays a large role in making the 2008 campaigns different from former nomination races. This paper is an effort to evaluate the influence of the internet in the 2008 presidential nomination campaigns. By an comparative study of the online campaigning websites of the recent three elections, a study of the dynamics the candidates have gained online, and a case study of the candidates’ online campaigning in 2008, I hope I can show the breadth and depth that internet has been employed in the candidates’ campaigns. Besides the analysis, there is an overview about the current nomination system first, which shows how the institution operates and how its settings are fit for the internet to be adopted into the candidates’ campaigning strategies. With the overview and analyses, I intend to indicate that the internet is a powerful tool in the nomination campaigns and it is playing a growing role. Although a successful online strategy alone cannot guarantee victories, its power could not be neglected by later candidates.
姓名:秦仲维 导师: 梅仁毅
论文题目(中文): 以体育视角透视中美关系发展
论文题目(英文): An Analysis of Sino-US Relations through the perspective of Sport
论文关键词(中文):乒乓外交 奥运 软实力 体育 国际关系
论文关键词(英文):Pingpong diplomacy, Olympic, soft power, sport, international relations
本文在论证过程中重点梳理及分析了“乒乓外交”、“中美两国在奥运赛场内外的接触和竞争”以及“中美近些年的体育交流”等案例。相信在对历史及现状进行了研究和归纳之后,尤其以北京奥运成功举行为契机所进行的这些基础性研究,必然会对我国今后如何开展体育交流以及广义上的“公共外交” 提供一些有益的启示。“在当今全球化以及信息化的大背景下,国际关系的内涵和外延正在发生重大变化”(杨洁勉语),体育作为多边外交以及民间交流的一种有效工具,必然会成为中美在价值观发生摩擦碰撞时的有效润滑剂,也会成为两国加强理解和沟通的桥梁。
There is no doubt that the relationship between China and the United States is one of the most significant bilateral relations in today’s world. As the two countries representing different ideologies, their attitudes towards each other shift from enemies to adversaries to mutual stakeholders. Many renowned scholars at home or abroad contributed their analyses to this woo-and-spurn relationship through political, economic and military perspectives.
What kind of elements contributed to the changes and improvements between these two nations, besides those “hard” powers? My research looks at a further dimension. The thesis will endeavor to look at the Sino-US relations through the lens of sport. By borrowing the innovating idea of “soft power” from Joseph Nye, it is believed that sport, as a “universal value”, is not only a new perspective to observe and judge the relationship between the two countries in the past, but also provide an instrument to make prediction about their relationship in the future cause, especially in a comparatively peaceful environment.
This thesis singles out the issues of “Ping Pong Diplomacy”, “the several contacts on and off the court of Olympics” as well as “the sport exchanges between the two countries in the recent years”, in order to figure out what conclusion we can draw from the findings as well as how to evaluate the role of sport in the past and how to maximize its function in the years ahead.
姓名:郭丹瑞 导师: 谢韬
论文题目(中文): 党派政治对美国国会调查的影响
论文题目(英文): The Effects of Partisanship on Political Investigations
论文关键词(中文):党派政治 国会调查 政治丑闻 党派投票比例
论文关键词(英文):Political party, congressional investigations, Political scandals, Percentage of partisan votes
Studies on political scandals and congressional investigations have become a growth industry among scholars of contemporary American politics. But scholars have not reached an agreement on what are the causes of congressional investigations of political scandals. This paper uses both quantitative (i.e., negative binomial regression) and qualitative (i.e., case study) methods to prove that partisanship is very likely to be a major incentive behind most of congressional investigations. The bitter the partisanship in Congress, the more scandal-based political investigations there will be. Congressional investigation has become a political weapon for the power struggle on Capitol Hill. However, presidential support rate in Congress is negatively related to the number of investigations against the executive branch because presidential support rate within Congress also reflect the intensity of partisanship. The more intense the partisanship is, the lower the presidential support rate will be. And thus the higher the presidential support rate is, the less investigations against the executive branch there will be. This paper introduces the percentage of partisan votes as a more accurate measurement of partisanship. Evidence from House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct and Public Integrity Section of the Department of Justice strongly supports my argument.
姓名:李文静 导师: 谢韬
论文题目(中文): 现代副总统的崛起 — 从巴克利到切尼
论文题目(英文): The Rise of Modern Vice-presidency:from Barkley to Cheney
论文关键词(中文):崛起 现代副总统 角色 行政 机构基础
论文关键词(英文):Rise, modern, vice presidency, role, structural foundation
The office of vice presidency used to be largely neglected in American history. It was even frequently an object of derision and ridicule among scholars and politicians. Thought second in the place, the vice president had little substantial political power. However, the whole situation has been dramatically changed since the end of WWII. Modern vice presidents have been spending much time and energy in dealing with executive affairs, both at home and abroad. To a large extent, vice presidency plays a very important role in the White House nowadays. Especially the contemporary Vice President Dick Cheney, he is widely considered as the most powerful one in American history.
This paper thoroughly studies 12 vice presidents in the post-war years from Barkley to Cheney by employing comparative historical analysis and case studies. It holds the opinion that the post-war years witnessed the rise of modern vice presidency, which features great change in vice presidential roles from mainly legislative to predominantly executive. To be specific, vice presidential roles could be summarized into ceremonial role, ambassadorial role, spokesmen, lobbyist of President and advisor role.
Furthermore, the transformation of vice presidential roles, I argue, is a result of the changing structural foundation of the vice presidents in the post war years. The expanding presidency, decline of political party, breakthrough of rules and procedures, as well as increases in independent resources contribute to the change. New presidential eminence and the decline of political parties, as exogenous factor, provide broader stage for vice presidency. While, the breakthrough in rules and procedures legally and officially unties vice president’s office; increasing independent resources make it possible for vice president to act an important role in the executive branch. These factors give rise to the modern vice presidency with joint efforts.
姓名:郭石磊 导师: 谢韬
论文题目(中文): 美国政治参与中的种族差异:社交网络的影响
论文题目(英文): The Racial Differentiation in Political Participation: The Effect of Social Network
论文关键词(中文):政治参与 社交网络 种族差异
论文关键词(英文):Political participation, social network, racial differentiation
Racial minorities often participate in electoral politics at lower rate than Whites. In literature of both political participation and minority politics, scholars have emphasized the positive role of social network in enhancing political participation, while little has been said about whether racial differentiation in participation reflects racial differences in social network. Drawing on the previous theories on social network and participation, I attempt to trace the white-minority gap in political participation to their differences in social network. I hypothesize that minorities tend to have smaller social network, lower network discussion frequency, lower network expertise, and lower political participation level of the network than whites do. Relying on the ANES data, my study shows that racial minorities have smaller social network, and that minorities’ network has fewer political participants than white networks. But the significance of racial differentiation in political participation level of network disappears when a couple of variables are controlled. There seems no significant racial difference in terms of network expertise and network discussion frequency. Then, I attempt to estimate the effect of racial differentiation in network size on the racial gap in political participation. The result suggests that minority participation is expected to increase by around 12.8% if the racial differentiation in the network size is removed.
姓名:赵惠娴 导师: 李期铿
论文题目(中文): 相似和差异:台美报刊对两次台湾公投的比较分析
论文题目(英文): Similarities and Differences: a Comparative Study of U.S. and Taiwan Newspaper Coverage of the 2004 and the 2008 Taiwan Referendums and American Government’s attitudes
论文关键词(中文):“防御性公投” 入联公投 报道 态度 媒体传声筒理论
论文关键词(英文):“The defensive referendum”, U.N.Bid referendum, coverage, attitudes, media propaganda theory
此外,四份报纸虽然采取了不同的报道方式, 却都试图淡化美国政府对公投表达的强烈的反对态度。美报的这种做法出于美国的双遏阻政策的另一面:遏阻大陆用武力解决台湾问题,支持台湾所谓的民主。《中国邮报》这样做是因为泛绿阵营不支持公投的理由是认为泛蓝阵营倡导的公投不合法、没必要,与美国政府反对的理由不同,因而不支持美国强烈的反对态度。而《台北时报》出于泛绿倾向,也极力谴责、淡化美国政府的态度。这也证明了媒体传声筒的理论,报纸表达的观点总是和政府长期的政策是一致的。
Taiwan issue has always been the most important and most sensitive issue in China-U.S. relations. In recent years, the referendum issue in Taiwan posed an immediate challenge to a stable China-U.S. relationship. This paper has done a comparative study of the U.S. and Taiwan newspaper coverage of the two referendums in Taiwan, explored the similarities and differences among the U.S. and Taiwan newspapers in their coverage of the two referendums and explained the reason behind these similarities and differences. In this way, I can test the media propaganda theory. Two U.S. newspapers, the Washington Post and the Washington Times, and two Taiwan newspapers, the China Post and the Taipei Times, are chosen as sample newspapers. Content analysis and discourse analysis are used in this study.
The findings suggest that the attitudes of the four newspapers toward the two referendums varied. The two American newspapers, The Washington Post, the Washington Times and one Taiwan newspaper, the China Post, held a negative position toward both the referendums, while the Taipei Times had a clear supportive position toward the two referendums, due to different perceived interest. American newspapers’ negative position resulted from one fundamental aspect of its dual deterrence policy: deterrence of Taiwan from independence. As a Pan-blue leaning newspaper, the China Post had a position in accordance with Pan-blue’s Taiwan policy which never supported the two referendums. The Taipei Times’ supportive attitude resulted from its Pan-green-leaning political tendency. All four newspapers’ attitude proves the media propaganda theory because of the close relationship between their attitudes and government’s long-held policy.
Besides, both American newspapers and Taiwan newspapers tried to minimize American government’s strong opposition to the two referendums though with different reporting tactics. The reason for American newspapers’ position was the other fundamental of dual deterrence policy: deterrence of the mainland China to resolve Taiwan issue by force and support of Taiwan’s so-called democracy. Taiwan newspapers mitigated American government’s strong opposition because Pan-blue differed with America on its accusation of the two referendums and that Pan-green was the initiator and staunch supporter of the two referendums. This close relationship between newspapers’ attitudes and government’s long-held policy also proves the media propaganda theory.
Therefore, the American newspapers’ coverage of the referendums analyzed in this paper confirms the propaganda theory of media and government relations. The two American newspapers are usually perceived as having different bias, the Washington Post liberal bias and the Washington Times conservative bias. Yet there were little differences between them in reporting the two referendums. Both sided with America’s long-term Taiwan policy and sought to propagate America’s Taiwan policy, which proves the media propaganda theory.
So did Taiwan newspapers. Taiwan is a province of China. Its media expressed different attitudes based on its different perception of local government policy. It is also in line with the media propaganda theory.
姓名:黎冉冉 导师: 李期铿
论文题目(中文): 冷战后美国对地区主义的态度:以东南亚国家联盟为案例
论文题目(英文): U.S. Attitude towards Regionalism in the Post-Cold War Era: A Case Study of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
论文关键词(中文):地区主义 美国 东盟 态度
论文关键词(英文):Regionalism, United States, ASEAN, Attitude
Regionalism has long been a phenomenon of international political economy. Increasingly, regional integration initiatives were found in more regions across the world. After the end of the Cold War, the world witnessed a new wave of regionalism with enlargement of existing institutions and emergence of new ones. This thesis analyzes the attitude of the United States towards regionalism from the end of the Cold War to the present, with a case study of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The purpose of the study is to understand how Washington has conceived regionalism and why it held certain attitude, particularly in the case of ASEAN.
My major argument is that generally, the U.S. has endorsed regionalism from the end of the Cold War to the present because regional organizations can perform functions that help to achieve U.S. strategic goals. However, Washington did not formulate consistent policy regarding regionalism. The inconsistency and unevenness in Washington’s attitude toward most regional organizations is the outcome of complex factors. The U.S. had to make assessment and calculations before it decided to forge ties with regional organizations. Continuities and discontinuities in foreign policy making caused by differing conceptions of different administrations also determined that Washington’s attitude toward regionalism was driven by pragmatism.
As in the case of the ASEAN, the Untied States has endorsed regionalism in Southeast Asia, despite the continuing dissatisfaction with Burma’s membership. Particularly, under the presidency of George W. Bush, U.S. support for ASEAN’s integration was translated into concrete actions. However, Washington’s closer relationship with ASEAN should not be overestimated. ASEAN remains a low key style in America’s foreign policy priorities. U.S. interest in and support for ASEAN should be considered in Washington’s wider East Asia and Pacific policy. The following factors have explained ASEAN’s status as a low-stakes institution: America’s Cold War mindset which relies on bilateral military alliances as its foundation in East Asia and Pacific region, the weaknesses of ASEAN as well as the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), the Burma issue, etc. The adjustment in attitude under the Bush Jr. presidency can be attributed to the dire need to fight terrorism in the region and China’s rising influence in Southeast Asia. However, another important factor also prompted the U.S. to modify its attitude. The emerging East Asian regionalism in which ASEAN has played a leading role while China has become an active actor prompted Washington to enhance relations with ASEAN because the prospect for a China-dominated regionalism will endanger U.S. interests and influence.
姓名:张源 导师: 滕继萌
论文题目(中文): 摇滚乐对女性主义的后现代启示
论文题目(英文): Rock Feminism, Rock and Roll:Deconstruction of Gender, Identity and Power
论文关键词(中文):女性主义 摇滚乐 解构 平等 自由
论文关键词(英文):Feminism, Rock And Roll, Deconstruction, Equality, Liberation
Since its sprout and bloom in the 1960s, rock and roll has become the forefront of contemporary feminism with its message of freedom and rebellion. People believe that the world of rock is dominated by males and female rock’n’rollers, therefore, are not only the trailblazers but also role models in challenging the traditional gender roles and striving to seize power previously belonged to men. Bunches of existing literature have supplemented to the history of rock with women’s contribution and accoladed women’s successful experiences of defining themselves against male traditions. However, their arguments are largely rooted in the same premise of “rock being male.” If rock and roll is male in nature, how can it be wielded as a weapon to destabilize patriarchal domination and serve feminist goals? What exactly is the intricate affinity between rock’n’roll and feminism? This thesis probes into rock and roll’s nature so as to provide a more reasonable explanation for why rock and roll is able to propel feminist momentum.
The theory of deconstruction is adopted in this thesis to provide a three-step progressive explanation for the affinity between feminism and rock’n’roll. Secondary interviews, documentaries and art performance are addressed through textual analysis to provide corresponding evidence in each step. First, rock and roll’s espousal of androgyny blurs the dichotomous gender line, opening up a new frontier where the significations of sexuality can be explored and reexamined. Ambiguous and contradictory gender representations thus free women from simply-delineated gender roles that are based on biological sex and cast the legitimacy of male dominance into question. Second, by constantly challenging the traditional conventions, rock and roll’s espousal of experimentation destabilizes the fixed existence of singular identity, upon which the centralized, dominating power structure is built. Women consequently manage to take into consideration many other determinants of an ever-evolving subjectivity during their pursuit of equality. Third, rock and roll’s espousal of autonomy is examined together with its creation of the communal sense, which invalidates any forms of control or enforcement, suggesting power as something constantly moving, circulating, and connecting. Therefore, women are able to see their own liberation as one aspect of the bigger picture of ending the oppression of all people that can only be achieved by winning full human dignity.
Through this analysis, the thesis comes to the conclusion that rock and roll is not inherently male, and on the contrary, it stands for everything that is against patriarchy. The revolution from within facilitated by rock’n’roll serves as a fundamental catalyst for feminism, without which it will be impossible for women to be free and equal despite legislative or institutional changes. And through spiritual transformation, this revolution will hopefully congregate as an irreversible drive towards human liberation and social progress as a whole.
姓名:齐潇颖 导师: 李今朝
论文题目(中文): 从新制度主义角度研究《不让一个孩子落后法案》及其未来发展状况
论文题目(英文): On the future of No Child Left Behind Act- from a neo-institutional perspective
论文关键词(中文):《不让一个孩子落后》法案 教育业绩责任制 组织社会学新制度主义 行业组织结构 制度机制
论文关键词(英文):No Child Left Behind Act, Test-based accountability, Neo-institutionalism, Organizational Field, Institutional pillar
近年来美国教育界对于《不让一个孩子落后》法案(以下简称NCLB法案)的争论已达到了白热化的程度。该法案与以往教育政策相比较,更强调推广教育业绩责任制,并且继续加强联邦政府在教育中的作用,使得教育向应对考试的方向转变。对于这些改变,专家学者看法大相径庭:一方面,很多专家认为该法案存有大量的漏洞, 违背传统教育理念,应急需修改,甚至应完全颠覆该法案所采取的措施;另一方面,也有不少学者对该法案持肯定态度,指出法案中的积极因素,并从历史上和理论上证明法案实施的必然性。面对教育界这一争论,本文试图从另一个层面对这个问题进行探求— 该法案引起诸多争论,那么它的命运将如何?它所带来的这些改变又会有多长的持续性?
本文从约翰.迈耶(John Meyer)提出的组织社会学新制度主义入手(Neo-institutionalism)引用了他对于制度化的定义(Institutionalization).同时将保罗.迪马奇奥与沃特.鲍威尔( Paul DiMaggio and Walter Powell) 所提出的行业组织结构的标准 (organizational field) 和理察德斯格特(Richard Scott)提出的制度机制(institutional pillar)概念结合, 建立了一个分析的模式。然后用该理论工具对于NCLB法案的形成和执行进行了分析。在其形成过程中,与法案相关的组织,包括联邦教育部门、州教育部门教师学校、有影响的政策研究中心、工会、重要教育报告、政党等,完成了从(1)增强沟通磋商,(2)形成部分范围内的连盟,到(3)认同的信息增加,(4)最后形成一定的模式这四个步骤,从而达到对于联邦政府作用以及业绩责任制等方面的共同认知。因而从一定程度上讲,完成了行业组织结构的初步建立。在这样的结构中,制度机制使得这些组织形成了一些共同的模式,使其对于变化产生了一定的阻力。从而我们可以得到这样一个结论,即该政策的核心内容,在短期内不会发生具大的变化的结论。
The No Child Left Behind Act (hereinafter referred to as the NCLB Act or the Act), which is proposed by President George W. Bush in 2001 and passed by he Congress in 2002, can be deemed as the most drastic transformation of federal education policy since the Elementary and Secondary Act in 1965. The implementation of the Act has significantly expanded the federal power and enforce the educational accountability at all levels.
Not surprisingly, the Act is also one of the most controversial issues that split the scholars in education and policy studies into opposing camps, with some treating the Act as fundamentally flawed while others suggesting an immediate full implementation of it. The fanaticism around the Act thus raises an important question: what will be the fate of this Act and how long will it last? In answering this question, this paper argues that the organizations and agents around the Act has been aligned into a structure, or rather has been institutionalized. Therefore, this Act will mostly stay unchanged in the foreseeable future unless there is a significant change in the institutional environment.
To facilitate the argument, this paper introduces the theory of neo-institutionalism and establishes a theoretical framework that combines Paul DiMaggio and Walter Powell’s theory of organizational field and Richard Scott’s theory of institutional pillars. Through an application of these theoretical concepts, the paper demonstrates how organizations related to the Act, such as the Department of Education, the State Education Department, local schools and teachers, policy centers, think tanks, teachers’ unions, the educational reports, and political parties are structurized into an organizational field. This organizational field took shape in four steps including increasing interactions, coalition and hierarchy, contended information, and mutual enterprise. Further more the three types of institutional mechanism within the field which Scott has defined as institutional pillars, namely the cognitive pillar, regulatory pillar and normative pillar will push the organizations to perform in resembling ways and the collective behaviors will constrain them from undergoing significant changes in their given environment. Hence, the educational policy with a focus on test-based accountability will most likely remain unchanged in the coming future.
This research is conducted through an integration of the first-hand materials and secondary materials and through a collection of information from journals, books, websites, public opinion polls, news reports, and policy analyses.
To summarize the conclusion of this paper, the organizations related to the No Child Left Behind Act have been structured into a field. The Act, with a web woven by these organizations, has established certain norms to support the idea of test-based accountability, or in another word, has been institutionalized. Consequently, this Act will resist forces that oppose test-based accountability unless a significant change occurs in the institutional environment.
姓名:徐俊 导师: 闫循华
论文题目(中文): 多边主义与朝核危机
论文题目(英文): A Functional Analysis of Multilateralism through the Case of North Korea Issue
论文关键词(中文):多边主义 朝核危机
论文关键词(英文):Multilateralism, North Korea Nuclear issue
1. 在朝鲜问题上,美国政策发生了怎样的转变?
2. 双边和单边主义的缺陷何在?比较而言,多边主义的优势在哪儿?
3. 什么客观因素使得多边机制在北朝问题上发挥充分的作用?
This paper focuses on the utility of multilateralism through policy evolution research of the United States toward North Korea from Clinton to Bush junior. From Clinton to Bush, a series of policy have been adopted: bilateralism, unilateralism and multilateralism. And Six-party talks has been used as an important tool to solve North Korean dilemma. So this paper tries to answer three questions:
1. On North Korean issue, how have US policies changed?
2. Compared with bilateralism and unilateralism, what are the strengths of multilateralism?
3. What makes six-party talks effective?
First, from the policy evolution, it is clear that US relation with multilateralism is selective. That means US would embrace multilateralism when the former benefits from the latter. This raises new questions, how has the US benefited from multilateralism? That brings us to the second question. I will use Keohane’s functional theory to analyze the role of multilateralism, which transforms power into influence, lowers transaction costs and information scarcity. In this part, I will show these three functions through the case of Six-party talks. Once the efficacy of six-party talks is proved, it is self-evident that US adopts multilateralism in order to maximize its benefits. Thirdly, in the case of North Korea, there are some factors determining the success of Six-party talks. First is North Korean intention of developing nuclear weapons. If North Korean intention is anything but developing nuclear weapons of its own, its nuclear ambition can be bargained away and it leaves room for the other five parties to intervene. Second is China’s influence on North Korea. This determines how much influence US can borrow from the outside on North Korea. With these two points clear, a full picture of Six-party talks is at hand.
With the comparison among unilateralism, bilateralism and multilateralism in American policy toward the same target nation, the efficiency and utility of multilateralism is highlighted. In North Korean case, the limits of bilateral and unilateral approach doomed its future in solving the crisis. However, by contrast, multilateralism, in the form of six-party talks which reduces transaction costs, raises information transparency, assures security of major parties, becomes a practical if not ideal approach to solve North Korean nuclear issue. The American selective multilateralism is vividly shown in this case as demonstrated in the policy evolution from Clinton to Bush.
姓名:王楚 导师: 付美榕
论文题目(中文): 桥梁与纽带:社会资本与美国犹太精英塑造
论文题目(英文): Bond and Bridge: Social Capital in the Shaping of Jewish American Elite
论文关键词(中文):美国犹太人 社会资本 种族关系
论文关键词(英文):Jewish Americans, Social capital, racial relations
犹太人占美国人口的比例非常微小,却产生了大量的杰出人才。这些犹太裔精英在政治、经济、文化、科技等领域为美国社会的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。在纪念犹太人定居美国355周年 (1654-2009) 之际,本文试从社会资本的视角,对美国犹太精英辈出的现象进行初步探讨,以期学术界对此有更多样化的认识,并对美国华人和国内读者有所启发。
社会资本理论植根于经济学、社会学和政治学,其起源可追溯到18、19世纪的启蒙思想家,而布迪厄、科尔曼 、普特南三位学者则是20世纪现代社会资本理论的开路先锋。20世纪90年代以来,社会资本逐渐成为学界关注的前沿和焦点问题。它是一种跨学科的重要理论创新,尤其是融合了社会学与经济学的优势,对于企业发展、社会转型、政治参与等问题具有强大的解释力。
在纽带型社会资本方面,本文着重分析美国犹太人的传统观念、家庭特征和社群联系,由此发现,高度紧密的纽带型社会资本有助于美国犹太人集体的存续和发展,并强力促进了美国犹太人个体的成功。首先,犹太传统信仰和价值观使美国犹太人紧密相连,成为同根同源、同呼吸共命运的一个整体,其中最关键的就是“选民”思想、犹太财富观和犹太教育观。 第二,美国犹太人大多生活在信息便利的大城市,有着非常稳定的家庭结构,父母对于子女的培养教育倾尽关心、不吝投入,代际向上流动性强。第三,美国犹太人以多种方式参与社团生活,犹太社团具有强大的组织力和影响力,其核心是犹太会堂和慈善基金会。
With a tiny proportion on the U.S. demographic map, Jewish Americans have produced numerous talents in American politics, business, culture and science, who have made significant contribution to this country. This thesis is an attempt to investigate the shaping of Jewish American elite with a hope of adding a possible explanation to the scholarly knowledge of the theme, and providing some references for Chinese Americans.
This thesis examines the shaping of Jewish American elite through the perspective of social capital theory. Social capital theory is rooted in economics, sociology, and political science of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The modern development of the concept came from three key authors, Bourdieu, Coleman and Putnam. Social capital represents a very important theoretical innovation for trans-disciplinary integration, especially between sociology and economics. Since its original use, the term has received unprecedented acceptance and application to diverse areas.
In analyzing social capital resources of Jewish Americans, this thesis adopts two vital dimensions of social capital: bonding social capital which is inward looking and indicates the level of cohesion of a group, and bridging social capital which is outward looking and indicates how a group relates to the rest of society. This thesis examines bonding and bridging social capital of Jewish Americans, and in what way these resources facilitate Jewish socio-economic achievement in American society, both individually and collectively.
Examining bonding capital in Jewish tradition, Jewish families and communities of the United States, this thesis demonstrates that high levels of bonding social capital among Jewish Americans help them to make high achievement in socio-economic competition. Firstly, traditional values and norms have effectively bond the Jews together as a people of common origin and destiny. Three essential Jewish traditions are discussed: God’s chosen people and Tikkun-olam; Jewish view of wealth and success; education as an absolute duty. Secondly, Jewish Americans have stable family structures with high level of parental devotion and educational investment, meanwhile they are highly mobile and urbanized. Thirdly, Jewish Americans are closely connected to their communities in a variety of ways, especially through Synagogue engagement and Jewish philanthropy.
Looking into bridging capital in Jewish American outlook, business practice, inter-group relations and global interactions, this thesis finds out that high level of adaptability and effective networks are essential factors helping Jewish Americans to create opportunities and accumulate favorable resources in American society. Firstly, although the Jewish people value their traditions and faith, they are highly pragmatic, adaptable, and forward-looking. The tremendous Jewish commercial success is the best example of Jewish adaptation to and reshaping of American way of life. Thirdly, the long-standing identification of large numbers of Jewish Americans with the Democratic Party and the liberal camp in American politics has been one of the most reliable features of national elections. Among all ethnic/religious groups, Jews hold the most pro-racial equality/integration stance. Finally, Jewish Americans have long been maintaining effective networks with Jews around the world, which in fact makes them pioneers of globalization.
This thesis concludes that social capital effectively facilitates the shaping of Jewish American elite. Jewish Americans are closely bonded through their faith and tradition, which has significantly sustained and enhanced the connections of Jewish family and community life. The ability of building and maintaining bridges with mainstream American culture and other social groups enables Jewish Americans to have a significant part in American social and political life. The findings on Jewish Americans provide two major implications for Chinese Americans: one is that they should drop the utilitarian motivation of education; the other is that they should enhance political participation and engagement of public affairs.