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姓名:吴佳 导师: 李莉文


论文题目(英文):Analyses of YMCA Beijing between 1906 and 1937

论文关键词(中文): 基督教青年会,北京,社会活动、基督教青年会 北京 社会活动

论文关键词(英文):YMCA, Beijing, Social activities






This paper analyses YMCA Beijing’s activities between 1906 and 1937 to show a whole picture of YMCA in China. YMCA came to China at the end of the nineteenth century and made an impact on modern China. YMCA Beijing was established in 1909 and had its own distinguishing characters which included direct guidance of American secretaries, focus on student work, extra official support, quick indigenization process and pioneer in social service work. YMCA Beijing’s history before 1937 could be divided into two periods. Since its establishment in 1909 until 1922, it developed very fast and had great influence at that time. However, after the anti-Christian movement in 1922, the YMCA Beijing’s influence declined, gradually losing its appeal to young students because of its own theoretical limitations and neutral political standpoint.

This paper includes five parts. The first part is the introduction of the topic. The second part is the theoretical framework this paper applies to analyze YMCA’s activities. The third part is the history of YMCA Beijing between 1906 and 1937. And in the fourth part is the use of theoretical approach to analyze YMCA’s effectiveness in modern China. The last part is to draw a conclusion about YMCA’s role in modern China and the reasons for its rise and fall.

This paper uses both historical account and theoretical approach to analyze YMCA’s effectiveness and the reasons for its rise and fall. It concludes that YMCA’s social gospel theoretical limitation and slow response to changing Chinese society led to its final failure in China.

姓名:闫亮 导师: 梅仁毅

论文题目(中文): 对“非法移民”如何处理的分析

论文题目(英文): Open Frontier or Closed Door America? An analysis of the Issue of Undocumented Immigration

论文关键词(中文):墨西哥非法移民 限制主义 安全 总统选举 移民政策

论文关键词(英文):Mexican Undocumented immigration, restrictionism, security, presidential election, immigration policy



这次移民讨论呈现出一些新特点。首先, 移民之争是担心安全的美国人和欢迎移民的美国人之间的较量。第二,此次移民讨论,尤其对墨西哥非法移民的讨论,成为2006年11月中期选举的焦点,同时也影响着2008年美国总统选举。第三,由于联邦政府的“无为”,许多州制定了移民相关法规以减少非法移民对工作、住房以及社会公共服务等方面给他们造成的压力。第四,民调显示,不同美国民众对非法移民的态度也存在分歧。过去10年间,数以万计的墨西哥非法移民的涌入逐渐改变了美国南部城镇的少数族裔间关系,不同族裔间的紧张关系在一些地区甚至公开化。此外,亚裔美国人对墨西哥非法移民争取权利、游行示威的态度表现“不一致”。第五,此次移民讨论对立双方明显,国会陷入立法困境背后,主张限制移民和支持移民力量的较量突出。

2007年5月17日,共和党和民主党双方达成一项妥协,如果这项提案成为法律,非法移民和他们的家属有望 “从阴影中走出来,走向生活的阳光”。新的移民提案倾向于工人的专业化程度。移民申请者可能因受教育水平高、英语流利、数学和科学背景丰富等获得额外分数。这种趋势极可能成为美国今后移民政策的特征之一。截至2007年9月,由于强硬派反对,国会放弃达成有关移民法案的尝试。此前移民讨论的核心问题——移民合法化、特赦以及家庭团聚等原则已被移民限制主义所代替。从某种程度上说,在短时期内,受移民限制主义和白色人种至上主义以及移民恐惧“阴谋”的影响,美国的移民政策在总体上将趋向于更加限制,更具选择性。


In American history, immigration has been an issue of controversy on many occasions. Currently there are as many as 12 million undocumented immigrants residing in the United States. This unprecedented number of undocumented immigrants becomes a social, political, and security issue for the American people and decision-makers. The current immigration debate is set against the background of Sept.11 and war on terrorism and the result would determine whether the United States would keep open its frontier or would change course and close or semi-close its door.

The current immigration debate demonstrates many new features. Firstly, it involves the security considerations and traditional welcoming attitudes towards immigration. Secondly, the issue of Mexican undocumented immigration dominated the November 2006 midterm elections and has some implications for the 2008 presidential elections. Thirdly, in the absence of federal immigration policy, some states took the matters into their hands and drew up laws and ordinances to limit undocumented immigrants’ access to jobs, housing and government services. Fourthly, the arrival of hundreds of thousands of Hispanic immigrants over the past decade is quietly changing the dynamics of race relations in many Southern towns. The simmering tension between Americans and the new arrivals has at places broken to the open. Fifth, the current debate divides sharply into two sides. Behind the impasse in the Congress’ initiatives to immigration reform, the conflicts between the restrictionists and the pro-immigrant lobby are obvious.

On May 17, 2007, Senators from both parties announced an agreement on immigration-reform legislation that would bring illegal immigrants and their families “out of the shadows and into the sunshine of American life.” The new system would be tilted toward more skilled workers. Applicants would get extra credits for education, fluency in English, math and science backgrounds, and other factors. By September 2007, Congress has given up the attempt of working out immigration legislations as a result of opposition of hardliners on immigration. Immigration restrictionism has moved to the center of the public debate, once occupied by advocacy for broad legalization, amnesty, and family reunification. To a large extent, in a short period, the American immigration policy tends to be more restrictive and selective on the whole.

姓名:刘友道 导师: 梅仁毅

论文题目(中文): 林肯-斯蒂芬斯和他的黑幕揭发报道

论文题目(英文): Lincoln Stiffens and His Muckraking

论文关键词(中文):美国社会 黑幕揭发 腐败 改革 林肯•斯蒂芬斯

论文关键词(英文):American Society, muckraking, corruption, reform, Lincoln Steffens




America was in a critical transitional period around the turn of the twentieth century. While industrialization, population migration, and urbanization brought about economic development and material wealth, they also caused numerous problems which included the growing trend of industrial concentration and aggrandizement, the deep gap between the rich and the poor, the conflict between capital and labor, the controversy over political philosophy between laissez faire and active government role in the society, the controversy over social philosophy between Social Darwinism and Marxism, anarchism, and labor unionism, and the political control by the political machines and corruption in the process of city development. Those problems and controversies were entwined with each other and tended to threaten the stability of the American society and also American democracy. Against this background, some far-sighted Americans set out to find the cures for the problems. They were economists, philosophers, social workers, clergymen, and sensible journalists. Those journalists, believing the exposure of the problems would naturally lead to the cures for those problems, undertook to reveal, diagnose, and prescribe cures for those problems in their articles. Those problems they exposed included corruption, food sanitation, and the unnatural growth of the big business. Those journalists exemplified by Lincoln Steffens used their reports to make the American people care for their life and watch over the economic, political interests of their own. Those journalists were called “muckrakers” by historians. Lincoln Steffens mainly focused on exposing corruption in American society. Steffens pointed out that the causes of corruption in the American society were the civic degradation of the American people and their lack of a vision, which allowed the political boss to apply the principle of “divide and rule” to the American people to control them and the government officials the American people elected; then the political boss traded government resources and government privileges with those privilege-seeking businessmen for money; Steffens believed that New England ideal also encouraged corruption in the American society. However, Steffens was different from other muckrakers in that he did not stop at exposing corruption, but went further on introducing the reforms and reformers in his muckraking articles to the American people. According to Steffens, the objective of reform was to restore to the people a government of the people and for the people. To achieve that objective, the enthusiasm of the American people for political participation should be motivated and maintained; under the influence of “applied Christianity,” reformers led the American people to remove the evils to make government represent the American people’s interests instead of those of only a few people. Steffens believed the media should also play a supportive role in the reform. Steffens then put the reform lessons into practice in the “Boston 1915” Plan to test their validity. This thesis concludes that Lincoln Steffens was a sensible intellectual; he used his muckraking to solidify the societal stability, contribute to the progress of the American society. On the one hand, he exposed the corruption in the American society, pointing out the direction that reforms should be heading for; on the other hand, he tried to find the cures for those problems and took actions to cure them. Although his reform efforts in Boston ended in failure, his reform ideas contributed considerably to the later reform movements. Steffens was not only a muckraker, but also a muckraking reformer.

姓名:吕晓冉 导师: 梅仁毅

论文题目(中文): 紧急状态的首要代价—公民权利

论文题目(英文): The First Cost of National Emergency: Civil Liberty


虐囚 国家安全 公民自由 恐惧 外部威胁


Prisoner abuse, national security, civil liberties, fear, external threat





Torture has been banned by international laws to which U.S. is a signing party. However, revelation of torture of detainees by U.S. military in U.S. prisons in Abu Graib of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay shocked the world and stirred up a “torture debate” in America. Even more contradictory to American basic values are the mixed signals sent out by U.S. government in response to this scandal and “abnormal” public support for torture as well as USA PATRIOT Act. Polling results in 2002 showed a majority of Americans support of torture and restrictions on civil liberties in favor of national security, but supporting rates are gradually changing along with the time.

By looking into these special periods of time when civil liberties were curtailed in favor of national security, a common cyclical pattern is found regarding the relationship between civil liberties and national security and the common feature that the threat and danger are current and pressing is detected. The balance between civil liberties and national securities is usually toppled by the emergence of a national crisis with an external threat starkly felt. Public fear would lead to greater support for the government’s restrictions on civil liberties in favor of national security. Government, gaining more power in response to public fear, may have the tendency to overreact to the threat with aggressive measures severely curtailing civil liberties in exploitation of mass fearfulness for political preferment. But, as time passes without new threats, horrors will fade and be replaced by an increasing sense of normalcy. Restrictions on civil liberties will become more and more intolerable and eventually the equilibrium will be regained between national security and civil liberties, thus completing the cycle. American history has constantly witnessed the repeat of this cyclical pattern. Today’s abnormalcy could be seen as another one of these cycles, a normalcy when viewed in historical perspective.

姓名:赵洋 导师: 梅仁毅

论文题目(中文): 新保守主义完蛋了吗?– 以伊拉克战争为例

论文题目(英文): Has the Moment of Neo-conservatism Passed?

论文关键词(中文):新保守主义 伊拉克战争 影响力 布什政府 美对伊政策

论文关键词(英文):Neoconservatism, the Iraq War, Influence, the Bush Administration, America’s Iraq policies





The rise of neoconservatism is one of the most noticeable phenomena in the field of American foreign affairs in the first term of George W. Bush, and the most powerful proof of the rise should be neoconservatives’ great influence on the lead-up to the Iraq War. As a part of the anti-terrorism strategy, Bush’s policies in Iraq demonstrated a clear footprint of neoconservatism. Among them, the Iraq War served as the sign that neoconservatives’ proposal of regime change in Iraq had been put into practice. As the situation in Iraq deteriorated, the war aroused more and more opposition from the American people. As the active initiators and promoters of the war, neoconservatives suffered criticisms and attacks from many different groups. A number of neoconservatives and pre-neoconservatives who used to be quite influential in the lead-up to the war as policy makers in the Bush administration also lost their posts in the government. Therefore, many people believe that neoconservatism has lost its influencing power and Bush will give up his neoconservative policies on Iraq. But the author of this thesis can not completely agree with this.

In the first, to provide readers a deeper understanding of neoconservatism, the author gives a definition of it and introduces some influential neoconservative think tanks and magazines. With the aim of giving a full picture of neoconservatives’ influence on policies in Iraq, the author first reviews the heydays of neoconservatism in the third part and then talks about the phenomena which show that neoconservatism has declined in the fourth. In the following part, the thesis tries to prove that neoconservatives are still influential in Iraq policies and should not be neglected. To reach this goal, the author analyzes the frequency of some neoconservatives’ articles on neoconservative media to show that neoconservatives are still energetic in producing propositions. Their reaction to the criticisms against them also proves that neoconservatives are still active, instead of passive, in the realm of ideology. The comparison made between neoconservatives’ proposals and Bush’s latest policies and rhetoric around the issue of American troops’ stationing in Iraq further demonstrated that neoconservatives can still influence the Bush administration to practice their propositions. The results of all these researches serve as proofs of the author’s hypothesis: although neoconservatism’s influence is weaker, its influence still exists and its core ideas about tackling the Iraq issue are still adopted by the Bush administration. Neoconservatives deserve our attention when we consider America’s policies in Iraq.

姓名:唐艳轩 导师: 梅仁毅

论文题目(中文): 纽约社保中国农民工报道的内容分析

论文题目(英文): A Content Analysis of the Reports about Chinese Migrant Workers in the New York Times

论文关键词(中文):纽约时报 中国农民工报道 议程设置 影响因素

论文关键词(英文):New York Times, Portrayal of Chinese Migrant worker, media, agenda-setting, influential factors




As the Chinese government began to relax the control over peasants in the 1980s, more and more peasants went to work in the city. Although they work hard in their new home, they are still outsiders to the city. Labeled as “migrant worker” by the city residents, they suffer from both physical and psychological pressure. As a vulnerable group, their harsh working conditions and problems didn’t draw the attention of the media at first. They were marginalized by the city. Their sufferings and related problems captured the attention of both domestic and overseas scholars. They began to analyze migrant worker and migration in China from various perspectives. As the group increases, more media begin to place them in their agenda. Some scholars of communication produced hundreds of articles about the coverage of migrant workers by media. Based on communication theories, these articles discussed the image and agenda setting of newspaper about migrant workers. However, no article has yet paid attention to the coverage of migrant worker in foreign newspapers. To get a better and more comprehensive understanding of the migrant worker, it is necessary to undertake this task. Due to the limit of time and scope, the study only considers the news content on the New York Times from its first article about Chinese migrant worker to June 30, 2007. Based on a content analysis, the research focuses on three questions: how did the New York Times portray Chinese migrant workers? Has the portrayal changed over time? What are the influential factors affecting the agenda setting of Chinese migrant worker issue in the New York Times? The paper begins with an introduction to the issue and the significance of the research. The theoretical framework is also included. Then a detailed analysis of previous research is provided. In the third part, the paper discusses the methodology applied in the research. The fourth part is a comprehensive statistics analysis. Both the general features and stage changes are illustrated. Part five further examines the results and identifies several points China can benefit from the reports by the New York Times. it is followed by a discussion of the factors affecting the report by the New York Times on this issue and limitations and further research plan. The paper ends with a brief conclusion. The research finds that the New York Times gave prominence to the issue in terms of length, depth, placement, news style and source. The reports concentrated on the social security undefinedamp; civil rights, migration and working conditions of the migrant workers. Most of the reports were negative in tone. Meanwhile, migrant workers did not play a significant role in the reports. The reports grew more detailed and comprehensive over time. More reports were devoted to human rights and working conditions. The agenda setting of Chinese migrant workers in this pattern by the New York Times, the thesis argues, can be attributed to the critical and commercial nature of American media and the ingrained ideological criticism.

姓名:张阳 导师: 孙有中

论文题目(中文): 对塔斯社911后报道美国的分析

论文题目(英文): A Content Analysis of American Image in ITAR-TASS Headlines after 9-11

论文关键词(中文):国家形象 美国形象 新闻媒体 俄通社-塔斯社

论文关键词(英文):National image, American Image, news media, ITAR-TASS










National image is an increasingly significant variable in international relations and foreign policy making process. This study analyzed the image of America and its changes over time as portrayed by the headlines of news releases of Russia’s ITAR-TASS News Agency.

The period of observation was from September 11, 2001 to September 11, 2006, within which one date out of every week was chosen randomly as sample, and all the headlines of news releases concerning America on that date were analyzed. A total of 261 dates and 1431 news items were chosen as samples.

To facilitate quantitative and qualitative analysis, five categories of theme (Politics, Economy, Military, Society, and Culture) and derivative subcategories were adopted to classify the sampled headlines’ thematic emphasis. The headlines were also content-analyzed to examine their inclinations. Five categories—positive, slightly positive, neutral, slightly negative, or negative—were established to categorize them.

The results of quantitative analysis showed that an average of 5.48 news items concerning America were released everyday by ITAR-TASS from 9/11/2001 to 9/11/2006. However, the average amount of news items varied considerably from year to year, with the periods of 9/11/2001-9/11/2002 and 9/11/2002-9/11/2003, when 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, the Afghanistan War, and the Second Iraq War occurred respectively, accounting for the highest peak value.

The results of qualitative analysis revealed that among the five themes, Politics received most coverage, accounting for almost half of the sampled headlines. Military ranked second, making up nearly one third of the total volume. Economy, Culture and Society together accounted for less than one fourth of the total volume.

A detailed analysis of thematic emphasis indicated that ITAR-TASS’ reports of America focused on foreign relations, military and US-Russia relations. In the fields of US foreign relations and military, America’s political and military relations with former Soviet republics got special attention.

As to inclinations, a majority of the headlines were neutral, yet negative and slightly negative reports vastly outnumbered positive and slightly positive reports. The ratio between them was approximately 1.7:1.

On political affairs, US-Russia relations were portrayed rather positively, yet America’s relations with other countries and international organizations fared much worse. America’s domestic politics did not receive much attention. Military was the field most negatively reported. America’s roles in the Second Iraq War and Occupation of Iraq were sharply criticized. ITAR-TASS’ reports about the Second Iraq War were mainly negative or slightly negative. Few positive headlines on that issue were located in this study. Economic affairs received much less attention compared with political and military affairs. They were generally reported positively.

The general inclinations of the headlines varied from year to year. After 9/11 Terrorist Attack, the number of ITAR-TASS’ positive reports about America were on rise for a period. However, the conflicts between America and Russia over Iraq, the following Second Iraq War, and the occupation of Iraq by US-British forces changed that trend. During the last three years in this study (911/2003—9/11/2006), after the Second Iraq War was over, the number of ITAR-TASS’ reports about America and the inclinations of those reports tended to stabilize.

In all,American image portrayed by ITAR-TASS news headlines had following characteristics: In political realm, America was highly active. It attached great importance to US-Russian relations, frequently carried out summit diplomacy as well as interactions at all levels with Russia, and promoted bilateral anti-terrorist cooperation. However, it adopted a very aggressive, interventionist stance toward other former Soviet republics and, by actively influencing their domestic politics, sought democratization and liberalization of those countries according to Western standard. In economic field, America was cooperative on Russia’s entry into WTO. It was enthusiastic in acquiring Russian energy resources. In military field, America was described as an arrogant power unwilling to listen. It showed unmistakably its expansionist tendency, yet was trapped in the self-made quagmire. In the cultural and social aspects, American image was vague due to the smallness of quantity of reports. The major characteristic was that it was very active in cooperating with Russia on aerospace science and technology.

姓名:厚筱 导师: 孙有中

论文题目(中文): 美联社、法新社对伊拉克战争报道的比较

论文题目(英文): A Comparative Study of Reports on Iraq War of Associated Press and Agence France

论文关键词(中文):伊拉克战争 美联社 法新社 定量分析 定性分析

论文关键词(英文):The Iraq War, AP, AFP, Quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis







As the attention of the global news media was focused on the war in Iraq in 2003, two of the world’s most influential news organizations, the Associated Press of the United States and Agence France Presse, were singled out in this study to represent media’s coverage of the Iraq war in America and France, leaders of pro-war and anti-war blocs respectively. The period of observation is from February 6, 2003 to June 11, 2003. A total of 656 stories were selected. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to examine their respective thematic emphases and inclinations, with particular attention to the discourse characteristics and techniques they used to cover the war and the other nation.

The comparison found that although both news agencies took a neutral tone in most cases in their war coverage, AP was more favorable to the military attack than its French counterpart and such inclination was greatly reinforced with the acceleration of the war. The finding of quantitative analysis also showed that AP was more likely to focus on themes like American leaders, soldiers and public, while sidelining dissident voices within US and abroad. In other words, the American media covered a narrow range of war perspectives. Whereas in AFP coverage of the war, negative stories of widespread opposition and war consequences were highlighted. The qualitative analysis further proved the quantitative findings, showing that the war coverage of AP managed to depict the Iraq war as a liberation war without victims while AFP made much account of its knock-on effect on the world. The study also revealed that both America and France were portrayed negatively in each other’s media during the war. Theoretically, the study implied that the media construction of the war is systematically skewed in relation to certain political, ideological and cultural elements in which the media operate.

姓名:王志辉 导师: 付美榕

论文题目(中文): 石油、军火利益集团与美国决策

论文题目(英文): Oil and Arms Interest Groups’ Influence on the Bush Administration’s Policy Making

论文关键词(中文):利益集团 决策 石油 军工 小布什政府

论文关键词(英文):The Bush administration, military-industrial, Complex oil, interest groups, policymaking







Interest groups exist in most countries in the world whose influence varies greatly in different countries. Interest group is a natural and important phenomenon in the United States. Alexis de Tocqueville observed in 1834 that “in no country of the world has the principle of association been more successfully used or applied to a greater multitude of objectives than in America.” The structure of American government invites the participation of interest groups at various stages of the policymaking process. As the United States becomes more and more pluralistic, interest groups play an increasingly important role in American politics. Their impact on government policymaking can not be ignored. This thesis examines oil and arms interest groups’ impact on the George W. Bush administration’s policymaking.

Since George W. Bush was inaugurated President, his administration has exhibited close, intertwined relations with two traditional powerful interest groups—oil and arms interest groups. Due to the Bushes’ longtime intimate relationship with these two interest groups, and the pro-business stance of the Bush administration, the collaboration between the two is evident. Judging from the passage of some policies in the first term and later days, including environmental and foreign policies, the two interest groups did exert undue influence over the Bush administration’s policymaking. This thesis is conducted under the guidance of interest group theory, especially the Iron Triangle theory and the theory of money and politics.

In this thesis, Chapter one gives an introduction to American interest groups and a review of prior study of interest group study. Chapter two reveals the Bushes’ intimate relations with both powerful interest groups, and points out the historical inevitability of their impact over the Bush administration’s policymaking, thus provides the basis for the following two chapters. Based on substantial data and convincing materials, Chapter three and four revolves around some major policies that proved to be strongly influenced by these two interest groups, like in the areas of environment and foreign affairs. Specific approaches and strategies of both interest groups employed in the process are further studied.

What separates this thesis from other interest groups study is that by choosing two specific powerful interest groups closely connected with the Bush administration, it examines their strong undeniable influence over the governmental policymaking historically and theoretically, and help understand that interest groups as a whole plays an increasingly important part in American political arena.

姓名:修晨 导师: 付美榕

论文题目(中文): 美国环保与企业权衡

论文题目(英文): Does it Pay Business to be Green?

论文关键词(中文):管理案例 环保 经济效益

论文关键词(英文):Management Strategy, Environmental Protection, Profitability







The background of this paper sets in contemporary China. While the Asian powerhouse’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) registers double-digit growth, an ever-increasing pressure has been exerted on her environment. This unpleasant side effect has become more and more prominent to the point that Government is willing to compromise some economic development to redress environmental issues. It seems that one must make a choice between the apparent two archrivals.

This paper challenges the above phenomenon, and explores various means to achieve both economic and environmental successes. After a brief review of the American environmental policies in the past three decades and their effects, this paper proposes therewith a thesis that the aggregate benefits gained from including environmental considerations into business operations may outweigh the total costs of doing so. This thesis is thereafter backed by theoretical analysis, and supported by real-life examples of how six American companies managed to green their business while generating net returns to their shareholders.

Subsequently, the proposed thesis is extended into the Chinese context. With field research of three representative Chinese companies, this study also examines current environmental management practices in Chinese companies and assesses the feasibility and viability of adopting the American approach in China.

Finally, this paper concludes that by using conventional management strategies like product differentiation and cost reduction, it is possible, if not certain, to reconcile shareholder value and environmental performance in both American and Chinese contexts.

With this, the paper might provide some useful knowledge for Chinese business managers to profit more while polluting less. It is hoped that the findings would also contribute to the academic world on the interactions between preserving Nature and generating revenue.

姓名:谢超 导师: 李期铿

论文题目(中文): 次国家政府与国际政治

论文题目(英文): Sub-national Governments and World Politics


国际关系 次国家政府 美国政治 联邦制度

论文关键词(英文):International relations, subnational governments, American Politics, federalism







In the current international relations, it is noticed that a new type of actors, i.e. subnational governments, are penetrating into foreign affair arena and beginning to be seen an increasing role in world politics. The subnational governments are in nature quite different from traditional international actors such as national governments and non-governmental organizations. On one hand, they are governmental institutions that have governance authority only over a comparatively small area in a sovereign country, which also means they are more flexible and responsive to the grassroots’ concern for the outside world; on the other hand, unlike non-governmental organizations which are established by other institutions rather than governments, subnational units are part of the government system and hence have more direct and efficient channels to influence the foreign policy making process. With such characteristics, it is safe to predict that subnational governments will play an increasing role in world politics and their activities can be more visible on the international stage.

This paper, with the state and local governments in the United States as the case, explores the issue in a spatial order and depicts the picture of how forces from international, national and subnational levels are interacting with each other to realize their more ardent role. In a general view, international factors are pulling subnational governments to walk on the front international stage while national and subnational factors are pushing them to walk out of previously designated role. In terms of international setting, a changed international security environment and the solidification of global interdependence in the economic, resources, and environmental domains have pushed more states and locals to take actions to address the resulting impacts on them. On the federal setting, the central government is too large and remote to protect and promote local culture and local interest in a unified way, simply because of the large number of issues involved and the increasing diversity of local interests. On the local level, modern communication technology and resulting efficient access to international events have expanded the individuals’ horizon and sharpened their analytic skills; individuals begin to want more of their concerns reflected in the national foreign policy making.

This thesis notices that the primary focus of current literature on the impact of subnational foreign affairs on the foreign policy process has been conducted respectively in policy segmentation, often dealing with specific economic, political, and cultural policies. Noting the narrowness of current literature, this thesis analyzes the motives and mechanism of subnational foreign affairs and demonstrates that the international activities conducted by state and local governments occur in an international system with increasingly diversified actors and that such penetration into the sphere of foreign relations is the outcome of interactions on various force levels. This paper also summarizes the way they extend their influence. It is believed that with a clearer picture of pull-and-push forces of the subnational foreign affairs mechanism in the example of the United States, it should be helpful in understanding the complementing role of subnational units in national foreign policy making and improving governmental responsiveness and efficiency as a whole.

In the process of China’s reform and opening up, provincial and municipal governments in China are also beginning to play certain role in foreign affairs. This brings a new area for national governance over international issues because such a trend of subnational penetration into foreign policy arena is also a reflection of local activism. The experience of U.S. state and local governments in foreign policy arena can be used as a reference for China’s economic and political adjustment in the era of globalization. By studying the American federal system of foreign policy making, we can also use it as a reference in the current debate over China’s political reform to enhance government efficiency to make it reach out to as broad a population as possible.

姓名:杨舒怡 导师: 李期铿

论文题目(中文): 约翰逊参议员与1957年民权法案

论文题目(英文): How Did Senator Lyndon Johnson Steer the Civil Rights Act of 1957 through the Senate

论文关键词(中文):美国国会 参议院 林登 约翰逊 民权法

论文关键词(英文):American Congress, Senate, Lyndon Johnson, Civil Rights Act












Lyndon Baines Johnson, the thirty-six president of the United States, is mostly remembered for his “Great Society” social reforms as well as the expansion of the Vietnam War. Since the presidency is presumably the peak—and hence the essence—of one’s political life, it is only normal that people tend to remember Lyndon Johnson as a president of the United States. As for Johnson’s political achievements before he ascended presidency, little do people remember, and far less do people care.

However, Lyndon Johnson was already one of the most powerful politicians in the Senate in the 1950s. From 1949 to 1961, Johnson established himself as a successful senator, managing to wield his influence over the Senate and even make some institutional changes to that traditional brake against social changes.

When civil rights tide rose high in the 1950s, the Senate stood as firm as ever against this tide. Civil rights bills reached the Senate again and again, yet got defeated again and again. Designed to protect minority rights within the framework of majority rule, the Senate featured a combination of seniority system and southern Democrats’ control.

As a southerner, Lyndon Johnson had voted against civil rights measures from 1937 to 1956. But unlike other southerners, Johnson had a higher ambition: the presidency. The presidential dream required him to project a moderate national image of himself rather than a conservative southerner. Johnson had to avoid being identified with the South while maintaining the support of the Southern Bloc.

This political ambition determined Johnson’s political path. In 1957, Johnson saw the urgency to reverse his anti-civil rights record. Not only did he change his political stance at the particular time, but he became the key supporter of the civil rights bill. It was due to Johnson’s political talent and unrelenting effort that the civil rights bill got passed in the Senate in 1957.

While one can find an abundance of isolated works on President Johnson, the Senate and the civil rights cause, there exist no comparable studies of Lyndon Johnson’s performance as a senator, in general, and of his role of steering the first civil rights act since 1876 through the Senate, in particular. Little research is done that combines Lyndon Johnson’s senatorial performance, the Senate’s functioning system and civil rights legislation.

Chinese scholars pay more attention to issues that concern China, such as the Senate’s influence on American foreign policy, on U.S.-China relations, on the Taiwan Issue, and on U.S.-China commercial relations. Besides, Chinese scholars tend to focus on the past two or three decades. Little research on U.S. Congress is done in terms of 1950s.

The U.S. Congress plays a significant role in American society. The Senate, as a great deliberative body, often serves as a dominant arena for political battles. Under the dynamic system of checks and balances, presidents and Congress have their own ways of checking each other. Generally, presidents could be very active in terms of foreign affairs, but the Congress may have more power across a broad front of legislative issues. Without the support of the Congress, especially the Senate, presidents could hardly carry out their promises, either to other countries or to American domestic society. It is therefore very important for us Chinese to understand how the Senate operates and influences America’s national affairs. As a conservative brake, the Senate preserves most of what the Founding Fathers have designed. The essential features of the Senate system have not changed much over the years. With a great deal of congressional research addressing recent decades, it is important that we do not neglect lessons from earlier history.

The complacent, conservative 1950s is the period that follows WWII and forebodes the turbulent 1960s. Civil rights issue gradually became a hot topic at that time. Since the Congress usually shows more interest and put more efforts in America’s domestic affairs than in foreign affairs, it makes sense that we observe U.S. Senate through a most contentious domestic issue of the day, the civil rights legislation.

This paper tends to analyze U.S. Senate and one particular senator through the civil rights issue. With both political and historical studies, it combines the elements of people, events, and historical as well as institutional background.

姓名:庄颖 导师: 滕继萌

论文题目(中文): 从《世贸中心》影评看后9.11时代精神中的“行动-反行动”模式

论文题目(英文): Decoding Post-9/11 Zeigeist through World Trade Center: A Film of Conformity or Confrontation?

论文关键词(中文):911 奥利弗·斯通 恐怖主义 《世贸中心》

论文关键词(英文):9/11, Oliver Stone, Terrorism, World Trade Center




Through the case study of Oliver Stone’s World Trade Center, this thesis investigates a general pattern of political and cultural discourse in the context of Post-9/11 America. More specifically, the author explore the ways that 9/11-related issues has been coded in academia and Hollywood film production by examining academic dissenting voices and similar cinematic themes. By looking into some of the typical publications of dissent in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 and comparing them with the “alternative voice” of Noam Chomsky, this research reveals that a well-defined discourse pattern lies beneath the seemingly critical stance on issues of 9/11 and terrorism and how this framework confines people’s reaction to and reflection over politics and cinematic themes related to this event. Indeed, although these dissenting voices appear, ostensibly, to be critical of government policies, it composes themselves well within a defined parameter and perpetuates dominant perceptions of “terrorism”. Such rigidly confined dissent fails to break the government propagandist crust into the core issue discussed by Chomsky–how 9/11 attacks should be viewed historically and how to perceive “terrorism” literally. As a case study, through the analysis that combines the insights of Chomsky’s notion of terrorism as well as tools derived from studies in meaning production and transmission, this thesis ventures to redefine WTC, which has generally been reviewed as conforming to the zeitgeist, as a successful efforts to break away from the conventional framework and look into the origin of and remedy to the tragic event.

姓名:马青芳 导师: 滕继萌

论文题目(中文): 原始性:哈莱姆文艺复兴期间黑人的困境

论文题目(英文): Primitivism: Negro Dilemma during the Harlem Renaissance

论文关键词(中文):原始性 话语 歧视 种族意识 哈莱姆文艺复兴

论文关键词(英文):Primitivism stereotype discourse, racial prejudice, the Harlem Renaissance, Racial awareness



哈莱姆文艺复兴阶段,“新黑人”用自己的语言开始重新界定自己民族特点,自己的历史。在创作过程中,美国黑人知识分子争取用自己的语言诠释本民族人民,从而对白人关于黑人的歧视性话语建构的挑战进行了一次大胆的尝试。同时,由于白人在文化,经济,政治等各方面占有的主导性地位,黑人在改变白人对其歧视性话语的过程中也遇到了很大的困难与阻力。本文使用话语权理论(the theory of discourse)描述和分析了美国白人关于黑人原始性话语(the discourse of black primitivism)在哈莱姆文艺复兴期间所扮演的角色。



The Harlem Renaissance, the flourishing and glamorous period of Negro cultural and literary movement, without any doubt, brought black literature, art, music, life, etc. in vogue. At the same time, however, it also projected a stereotype of primitivism on blacks which was sought by Whites and approached by certain black writers like Claude McKay, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston and others. Actually, when the white people turned to the term of primitivism with new positive meanings, it played a beneficial role in initiating the whites’ fascination with black culture and thus aiding the popularity of black literature.

However, during the Harlem Renaissance, primitivism as a theme dealt by many black intellectuals aided their success but confined their writing as well, hence contributed to the division of the black writers and the white patrons. Besides, primitivism also led to the division between the blacks: middle class blacks like Du Bois roundly criticized this theme and those devoted to it. In fear of furthering the negative image of blacks who were already stereotyped as uncivilized and incompatible with Western civilizations, the middle class intelligentsia strongly opposed presenting blacks as primitive being tinged of impulse, devoid of restraints, exoticness, crudeness, etc. While the younger writers like Langston Hughes highlighted artistic freedom, intended to “express their individual dark-skinned selves without fear or shame,” and wanted to write whatever they thought to demonstrate the trueness of black life or nature.

Taking American social and cultural history into consideration, the discussion of primitivism during the New Negro Renaissance could not be free from racial understanding and relationship. In fact, the preexisting stereotypes and discourses of white Americans functioned fundamentally in shaping racial issues along history and during the Harlem Renaissance Period. Therefore, this paper, by applying the discourse theory, will explore the role of primitivism as a special discourse during the Harlem Renaissance. In so doing, it has found out that the discourse of black primitivism had generated serious consequences for black Americans and thus was effective in shaping racial issues and racial relations.

姓名:潘婧 导师: 李莉文

论文题目(中文): 论美国学生反战热情的缺失

论文题目(英文): What Has Stolen the Heat from Students’ Anti-war Criticism?

论文关键词(中文):学生激进主义 抗战游行 伊拉克战争 越战

论文关键词(英文):Student activism, anti-war protests, IraqWar, VietnamWar





定性分析部分旨在从校报评论文章中探寻大学生抗战热情不高涨的原因。作者经过分析得出了一系列原因。首先,恐怖主义以及9.11袭击所造成的心理阴影仍未完全消除。从意识形态方面看,布什政府将伊拉克战争定位并描绘成一场传播民主、促进自由经济的正义之战,这使得学生们反对政府战争政策缺乏充分的理由。此外,上世纪六十年代后期抗战青年留下的“激进莽撞”的形象以及今天对“激进的抗战活动”日趋保守化的定义,使今天的学生们在考虑参加示威游行时受到一定程度的心理制约。随着战争的进行,一些原本反战的学生逐渐陷于在反战运动倡导者提出的立即撤军和布什总统提出的“继续完成伊拉克使命”中难以抉择的困境。如很多人所指出的那样,征兵政策的确是影响学生们抗战激情的原因之一。然而,比征兵政策更为重要的是在这些精英大学中越来越多的学生来自非常富裕的家庭,而战争的大多数压力和痛苦通常是由比较贫困的人承受的,所以大多数富家子弟无法切身感受到战争所带来的痛苦。这一点决定了他们不会对抗战事业过于热衷。此外,大多数家境富庶的学生享受优越的生活条件,消费主义早已在他们的思想中根深蒂固。上世纪六十年代的青年学生反对消费主义,反对束缚人性的标准化社会准则以及金钱至上的既定生活方式,反战对于他们而言从一定程度上是对其他社会现象不满的一种宣泄,而今天的学生并不具备这种反叛和挑战当权者的心理倾向。同时,学生们对环保、高额学费等伊战以外的一些更为贴近现实生活的问题的关注也在一定程度上转移了他们的抗战热情。最后,很大一部分对伊拉克战争存在异议的大学生们选择通过政治选举来改变国家政策, 这也是抗战运动不高涨的原因之一。




With the death toll of American soldiers in Iraq hitting on new record highs almost every single day and insurgent attacks happening now and then despite all preventative efforts, the quagmire of Iraq War bears a growing resemblance to the tragic American experience in Vietnam War in the 1960s. While the US government predicament is similar, today’s anti-war protests and demonstrations are no match to the Vietnam War years. No group demonstrates this contrast more obvious than the college and university students who used to play a leading role in the 1960s’ anti-Vietnam War movement. Despite small-scale sporadic anti-war protests on and off campus, students’ participation in anti-war protests remained an impotent presence. This impotency seems stark when viewed against the backdrop of the fierce campus liberal bias debate.

Based on that observation, this thesis makes an attempt to look into university students’ minds to find out what has depleted their enthusiasm in anti-war protests. A number of critics have taken the absence of a draft as the explanation. But this point of view often lacks an in-depth and comprehensive research based on the thoughts of the students themselves. This thesis will try to dig for reasons based on a self-created database of opinion articles collected from the campus newspapers of 8 elite universities in the United States. In processing the opinion articles, a model of five variables (location, school, issue time, subtopics and overall attitude) is established. To achieve the most impartiality, the basic tools of appraisal theory have been employed in the content analysis of each opinion article before signing it to one of the five attitudinal category (SS, SR, N, OR undefinedamp; SR).

The paper is mainly divided into three parts: introduction, quantitative undefinedamp; qualitative analysis and conclusion. In the quantitative analysis part, based on the content analysis of all 1067 opinion articles, the thesis first reveals the general tendency of the all campus newspaper opinion articles. Then, it looks at the periodical features of the articles to see whether the students’ political views changed along the time and how much they were affected by the development of the war. Finally, the thesis compares individual schools with the rest to reveal differences and similarities.

The qualitative analysis part explores the reasons for the university students’ lukewarm enthusiasm in anti-war protests. The reasons are complicated. First, psychologically, the students are still somehow overcastted by terrorism and the lingering fear of 9.11 Attack. Ideologically, the Bush administration’s framing of Iraq War in terms of delivering democracy and promoting free economy gave the students fewer reasons to defy the war policies. Besides, with a more conservative political climate and a more reserved criterion for “radical protests”, students today can not help feeling restrained by the stereotyped image of “radical and reckless” anti-war protesters. Moreover, when the war dragged on, some students who were basically anti-war were torn between the choices of immediate withdrawal as proposed by the anti-war protesters and “stay-the-course” proposal by President Bush since immediate withdrawal would probably leave Iraq in more serious turmoil. As has been pointed by many, the absence of draft is also among the many reasons. However, more important than the draft, the social privilege of students of elite universities who are from increasingly rich families has rendered the students more secluded from the suffering and the burden of war which are usually shouldered by the less wealthy underprivileged people. Furthermore, the well-off students are deeply entrenched with consumerism and material amenities. Unlike their 1960s’ counterparts who were eager to find a cause to rebel against the establishment out of discontent with consumerism, social norms that stifled human nature and the money-oriented established way of life, students today are less inclined to rebel against the authority in a serious way. Also, today’s university students have too many other concerns to fully engage themselves in the anti-war cause, environmental protection and high tuition being two of their many concerns. Last but not least, even if the students do feel the strong urge to voice their disapproval of the government they are more likely to do it through the convenient and legitimate way of voting in elections, which to a significant extent has diverted the students’ anti-war enthusiasm.

The conclusion wraps up the thesis and pointed out that for all the above mentioned reasons the students of the elite American universities remain more liberal and critical of the America’s Iraq War policy than the general public. However, they have shown a reserved tone in their criticism and their enthusiasm wears off as the war drags on.

I would like to emphasize that the students’ activism this thesis discusses is only limited to the more explicit form of activism, that is, the students’ willingness to participation in street protests and demonstrations. Other possible forms of anti-war activism like voting and activities through internet are excluded from the concept of “activism” in the discussion.

姓名:鞠婧琦 导师: 郭亚玲

论文题目(中文): 布什政府的信仰与社区行动倡议

论文题目(英文): George W. Bush’s Faith-based and Community Initiative

论文关键词(中文):乔治.W.布什 信仰与社区行动倡议 基督教右翼

论文关键词(英文):George W. Bush, Faith-based And Community Initiative, Christian Right






After his inauguration, one of the most important domestic policies of President George W. Bush’s is the Faith-based and Community Initiative. It proposes to provide government funds for churches that offer social service programs to the needy. The policy’s second aspect was a proposed tax break to make it worthwhile for individuals to contribute more of their money to charities. Since the day it was announced, this policy initiative triggered great controversy in the American society. It raises serious issues of religious autonomy, constitutionality, government intervention and public accountability. This is an actually very complicated policy and this thesis aims to discuss the essence of it. The author believes the Faith-based and Community Initiative is a spoils system for the Christian Right. It is born out of the Christian Right camp and manifests the philosophical mythology and political intentions of the Christian Right.

It is known that America is unique among western democracies in the intensity of its moral politics. Compared with other western countries, America is remarkable for both its religious diversity and the strength of its religious institutions. Religion has been playing an important role in the social and political life of America. Rising in the 1970s of the twentieth century, the New Christian Right movement has been a prominent force in American society. Their influence has penetrated into the Congress and everyday life of Americans. With the election of George W. Bush as the president of the United States and the Republican victory in the Congress, they ascended the peak of influence. There have been piles of works on the New Christian Right and mainstream media has thoroughly discussed about the Faith-based and Community Initiative. However, the inter-relationship of the Faith-based and Community Initiative and the rise of the Christian Right have not yet been completely done in a comprehensive single academic study. The author examines how the Christian Right closely involved in the formation and implementation process of the Faith-based and Community Initiative.

This thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter I is the introduction part. From Chapter II to Chapter V is the main body of this thesis. Chapter II is an overview of the Christian Right, including the historical background and their relevant issues. The incubation and formation process of the Faith-based and Community Initiative is discussed in Chapter III. By providing exact figures and examples, Chapter IV tries to prove that Christian conservatives supporting President Bush’s agenda on abortion and other social issues are rewarded millions of dollars in taxpayer funds. Chapter V discusses the deeper aspects of this Faith-based and Community Initiative by examining the most debated problems it has raised. The philosophical mythology and political intentions of the Christian right reflected in faith-based and Community Initiative will be analyzed in this chapter. The most important point is that the Faith-based and Community Initiative constitutes a serious threat to the church-state separation principle of the First Constitution Amendment. The last part further summarizes the key points of this thesis and concludes that the Faith-based and Community Initiative is sacrificed to political expediency, and carried out with so little regard for the problems it was supposed to solve. The Faith-based and Community Initiative becomes a means to strengthen President Bush’s conservative evangelical base and it is well-tailored for their philosophical mythology and political intentions.

姓名:孔令宇 导师: 闫循华

论文题目(中文): 意识形态与战略利益的平衡—里根对华政策

论文题目(英文): A Balance of Ideology and Strategic Consideration

论文关键词(中文):意识形态 战略考虑 平衡 美国对华政策

论文关键词(英文):Ideology, strategic considerations, balance, U.S. China policy







Scholars differ in their explanations of U.S. China policy. Some emphasize the importance of standing back and seeing how a country’s culture influences the making of a country’s foreign policy, which is the outer expression of its cultural traditions. Since the United States is a highly ideologically based country and this cultural feature is quite prominent in U.S. China policy, some scholars argue that ideology plays a very important role in U.S China policy and its influence is constant and even dominant. Other scholars argue that what decides U.S. foreign policy making is national interest. Ideology sometimes fools decision makers to do what is counter to American national interest. They think that ideology plays an unimportant role and should be separated from decision making. Although both of the two approaches have made some contribution to explaining U.S. China policy, both of them suffered from some weak points and none of them is comprehensive enough. The first approach highlights the important role of ideology in foreign policy making. But it has the weakness of neglecting the predominant role that national interest can play in U.S. China policy. The second approach points out that what decides U.S. foreign policy making is national interest and ideology plays only a minor role. But this approach risks downgrading and even neglecting the role of ideology.

This thesis adopts a more considered approach by building on the previous research. It argues that ideology does play an important role in U.S. foreign policy making and in certain conditions and during certain period of time, the role of ideology can be quite dominant. Meanwhile, national interest can also be a dominant factor in U.S. China policy making. U.S. China policy making is a process of balancing between ideology and national interest. In my study I find that one of the typical examples is U.S. China policy in President Reagan’s administration. In Reagan’s early presidency, roughly from 1981 to 1983, U.S.-China relations experienced a time of tension while from 1984 to January 1989, the bilateral relations were greatly improved and the two countries had a quite close relationship. So this thesis hypothesizes that the big change of U.S. China policy from the early to the later presidency is a process of balancing between ideology and strategic consideration. In President Reagan’s early presidency, generally from 1981 to 1983, ideology played a quite prominent role in U.S. foreign policy making. From 1984 to 1989, however, strategic consideration was more outstanding compared with the role of ideology. The big change demonstrates that U.S. China policy making balanced from ideology to national interest.

To prove this hypothesis, my study focuses on exploring the conditions and contexts that contribute to the rise of ideological biases and the increase of strategic considerations in U.S. China policy and how ideological biases and strategic considerations were incorporated in U.S. China policy. To get an overview of this study, my thesis can be divided into four chapters. The first chapter is the introduction part. It includes why I choose this topic as my M.A. thesis, the definition of national interest and ideology in my study, a literature review, theoretical approach and significance of this study. The second chapter deals with the dominant role of ideology in U.S. China policy from 1981 to 1983. It analyses the objective conditions that contribute to the rise of anticommunism, including the rise of conservatism in American, the increased threat to the United States from the Soviet Union and America’s overall perception of Communism. Then this chapter demonstrates the manifestations of ideological biases in U.S. China policy. The third chapter adopts a similar structure. It will analyze the conditions and contexts that led to the decrease of ideological strength and the increase of strategic considerations in U.S. China policy, including China’s important role in resisting Soviet threat, the détente achieved between China and the Soviet Union, China’s reform and opening up policy and America’s intention of increasing strategic cooperation with China. Then this chapter focuses on the manifestations of strategic consideration in U.S. China policy. The final chapter is the concluding part. It summaries up this study and tries to find some patterns in U.S. China policy. This part concludes that when U.S. domestic politics become quite conservative, ideology tends to play a quite dominant role in U.S. foreign policy; communication and contact plays an important role in propelling U.S. China policy to shift from an ideologically based one to a realist one.

This thesis tries to approach U.S. China policy with a more comprehensive perspective by studying the balance between ideology and national interest. It confirmed the role of ideology in U.S. China policy and proved that under certain conditions and in certain period of time, the role of ideology can be quite dominant. Meanwhile, it demonstrates that in a different period of time and under different conditions, the United States would reassess its foreign policy and put national interest into a predominant position. Ideology and national interest alternatively play dominant roles and U.S. China policy making is a process of balancing between ideology and strategic considerations. What is important is to find the objective conditions and contexts that lead to the rise of ideological preference and national interest considerations and analyze how the U.S. China policy shifted from an ideologically biased one to a more realist one. Hopefully this study will provide a more considered approach to study the changes and continuities of U.S. China policy.

姓名:李莺 导师: 翟峥

论文题目(中文): 社论漫画和社论关于伊战的对比研究

论文题目(英文): A Picture vs. One Thousand Words: A Comparative Thematic Study of American Editorial Cartoons and Editorials in the Iraq War


政治漫画 报纸社论 伊拉克战争


Editorial, cartoon editorial, the Iraq War




Editorial cartoons are single panel graphics which comment independently on political events and policies as well as political personalities. They help to define important topics in political discourse and record them in caricatures. Building on previous scholarship, this study explores and compares the main themes of 170 editorial cartoons by 21 American editorial cartoonists as well as of 143 editorials from two major newspapers the New York Times and the Washington Times about the early stage of the 2003 Iraq War from March 1 to May 1. Also, this research studies briefly how editorial cartoonists comment on the important issues of war by using different metaphors and cartoon techniques. The conclusion is that a great number of topics discussed in editorial cartoons and editorials do correspond with one anther, though some of the issues are discussed at a lesser extent. Meanwhile, the study has also found that though both cartoons and editorials are subjective and critical, the overall attitude of the former tends to be more negative to the war and its related issues. The reason, the study assumes, partly lies in the carrier of messages embedded in each form of commenting. Editorials present their opinions and comments through words—a comparatively more flexible message carrier than drawings. Besides criticizing, editorials could argue, reason, and explain in words, while cartoons cannot. Also, the difference in their attitude has to do with the satire and hyperbole inherent in the editorial cartoons.

上一条:2004级 下一条:2006级

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